1 $! aNetHack.Com -- sample command procedure for invoking aNetHack 9-JAN-1993
4 $! $ANH-Date: 1465133392 2016/06/05 13:29:52 $ $ANH-Branch: aNetHack-3.6.0 $:$ANH-Revision: 1.4 $
6 $! Possible command line arguments include
7 $! "-uConan-B" !play a barbarian named Conan
8 $! "-u" "Merlin-W" !play a wizard named Merlin (slight variant of above)
9 $! "-e" or "-E" !play an elf with default name (from environment
10 $! ! [ie, ANETHACKOPTIONS logical name] or VMS username)
11 $! "-a" or "-A", "-b" or "-B", "-c" or "-C", ... !specify character type
12 $! !note: "-s" is ambiguous between "play as a samurai"
13 $! ! vs "show scoreboard", so use "-S" for the former
14 $! "-x" or "-X" !play in 'explore' mode (practice for beginners)
15 $! "-D" !play in 'wizard' mode (for debugging, available only
16 $! ! to the username compiled into anethack.exe as WIZARD)
17 $! "-dec" !turn on DECgraphics mode (VT100 line drawing, done
18 $! ! automatically below if appropriate term attribs set)
19 $! "-d" dir-path !specify an alternate playground directory (not
20 $! ! recommended; define HACKDIR instead)
24 $! assume this command procedure has been placed in the playground directory;
25 $! get its device:[directory]
26 $ hackdir = f$parse("_._;0",f$environ("PROCEDURE")) - "_._;0"
28 $! hackdir should point to the 'playground' directory
29 $ if f$trnlnm("HACKDIR").eqs."" then define hackdir 'hackdir'
31 $! termcap is a text file defining terminal capabilities and escape sequences
32 $ if f$trnlnm("TERMCAP").eqs."" then define termcap hackdir:termcap
34 ! [ obsolete: now handled within anethack itself ]
35 ! $! prior to VMS v6, the C Run-Time Library doesn't understand vt420 :-(
36 ! $ TT$_VT400_Series = 113
37 ! $ if f$getdvi("TT:","DEVTYPE").eq.TT$_VT400_Series -
38 ! .and. f$trnlnm("ANETHACK_TERM").eqs."" then define anethack_term "vt400"
40 $! use the VT100 line drawing character set if possible
42 $ usropt = f$trnlnm("ANETHACKOPTIONS")
43 $ if usropt.eqs."" then usropt = f$trnlnm("HACKOPTIONS")
44 $ if f$locate("DECG",f$edit(usropt,"UPCASE")) .ge. f$length(usropt) then -
45 if f$getdvi("TT:","TT_DECCRT") .and. f$getdvi("TT:","TT_ANSICRT") then -
46 $ graphics = " -dec" !select DECgraphics mode by default
48 $! get input from the terminal, not from this .com file
51 $ anethack := $hackdir:anethack
52 $ if p1.nes."-s" .and. p1.nes."-s all" then -
53 anethack = anethack + graphics
54 $ anethack "''p1'" "''p2'" "''p3'" "''p4'" "''p5'" "''p6'" "''p7'" "''p8'"