1 Adaptive SDN Controllers Research Project
2 =========================================
6 > Are ones that can autonomously and dynamically
7 tune their configuration in order to achieve a
8 certain level of performance measured in predefined
9 metrics and based on the application requirements.
13 * Reduce the complexity at the applications
14 * React rapidly to the changing network conditions
15 * Reduce the overhead of controllers state distribution
19 Adaptive SDN Controllers is a research project of [Prof. Ahraf Matrawy's Research Group](http://www.csit.carleton.ca/~amatrawy/sdn.html).
21 * [Mohamed Aslan](http://www.sce.carleton.ca/~maslan/) - Lead developer
22 * [Ashraf Matrawy, PhD](http://www.csit.carleton.ca/~amatrawy/) - Supervisor
26 * **Mohamed Aslan**, and Ashraf Matrawy,
27 "[Adaptive Consistency for Distributed SDN Controllers,](http://networks2016.etsmtl.ca/)"
28 in the Proc. of the 17th International Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks 2016), Montreal, QC, Canada. September 2016.
29 \[[PDF](http://www.sce.carleton.ca/~maslan/files/sdn-adaptive.pdf) | [BibTex](https://scholar.googleusercontent.com/citations?view_op%3Dexport_citations%26user%3DLbnNTvsAAAAJ%26s%3DLbnNTvsAAAAJ%3A_FxGoFyzp5QC%26citsig%3DAMstHGQAAAAAWDOa6yIXchx9wIBBrr7xV8tdzMx0l5xh%26hl%3Den%26cit_fmt%3D0)\]
31 * **Mohamed Aslan**, and Ashraf Matrawy,
32 "[On the Impact of Network State Collection on the Performance of SDN Applications,](http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7314891)" IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 5-8, January 2016.
33 \[[PDF](http://www.sce.carleton.ca/~maslan/files/sdn-perf.pdf) | [BibTex](https://scholar.googleusercontent.com/citations?view_op%3Dexport_citations%26user%3DLbnNTvsAAAAJ%26s%3DLbnNTvsAAAAJ%3AWF5omc3nYNoC%26citsig%3DAMstHGQAAAAAWDOa0P3M1fyOznZvE7S_8o0RY8eP_kRA%26hl%3Den%26cit_fmt%3D0)\]
35 Presentations and Talks
36 -----------------------
37 * [Sep. 27, 2016](http://www.sce.carleton.ca/~maslan/files/slides-net2016-adaptive.pdf)
38 "Adaptive Consistency for Distributed SDN Controllers" @ [International Network Strategy and Planning Symposium](http://networks2016.etsmtl.ca/)
42 Our main code repository can be accessed at:
44 * `git clone https://bitbucket.org/mohaslan/actl.git`
46 Additional necessary components can be accessed at:
48 * `git clone https://bitbucket.org/mohaslan/libof.git`
49 * `git clone https://bitbucket.org/mohaslan/libdht.git`
50 * `git clone https://bitbucket.org/mohaslan/hashtab.git`
52 You can also view our repositories **online** at:
54 * [actl](https://bitbucket.org/mohaslan/actl)
55 * [libof](https://bitbucket.org/mohaslan/libof)
56 * [libdht](https://bitbucket.org/mohaslan/libdht)
57 * [hashtab](https://bitbucket.org/mohaslan/hashtab)
61 Copyright © 2015 - 2016 [Mohamed Aslan](http://www.sce.carleton.ca/~maslan/)