descriptionDocuments concerning the driving of Agda Vårregn during competition
last changeMon, 2 Jul 2012 01:06:16 +0000 (2 03:06 +0200)
content tags

This git repository contains documents concerning the driving of Agda Vårregn during competition.

For to create all PDF-documents in their reciprocal directories run

$ make all

For to export all PDF-documents to one single collection and a zip file run

$ make export

This will create the zip-file /tmp/ and the directory /tmp/agdavaarregn containing PDF-files.

2012-07-02 Gustav EekA compass, map, and course loggbook is addedmaster
2012-07-01 Gustav EekA course ready reckoner is added
2012-07-01 Gustav EekMajor change for compilation with GNU Make
2012-07-01 Gustav EekInitial commit
12 years ago master