2 The scaffold generator creates a controller to interact with a model.
3 If the model does not exist, it creates the model as well. The generated
4 code is easy to migrate when you wish to customize your controller and views.
6 The generator takes a model name, an optional controller name, and a
7 list of views as arguments. Scaffolded actions and views are created
8 automatically. Any views left over generate empty stubs.
10 The scaffolded actions and views are:
11 index, listing, show, add, create, edit, update, destroy
13 If a controller name is not given, the plural form of the model name
14 will be used. The model and controller names may be given in CamelCase
15 or under_score and should not be suffixed with 'Model' or 'Controller'.
18 generate scaffold Account Bank debit credit
20 This will generate an Account model and BankController with a full test
21 suite and a basic user interface. Now create the accounts table in your
22 database and browse to http://localhost/bank/ -- voila.