Fixes #149
[akelos.git] / lib / utils / scripts / migrate.php
1 <?php
2 /* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
4 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5 // | Akelos Framework - |
6 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
7 // | Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Akelos Media, S.L. & Bermi Ferrer Martinez |
8 // | Released under the GNU Lesser General Public License, see LICENSE.txt|
9 // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
11 /**
12 * @package ActiveSupport
13 * @subpackage Scripts
14 * @author Bermi Ferrer <bermi a.t akelos>
15 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Akelos Media, S.L.
16 * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <>
20 require_once(AK_LIB_DIR.DS.'Ak.php');
21 require_once(AK_LIB_DIR.DS.'AkObject.php');
22 require_once(AK_LIB_DIR.DS.'AkInflector.php');
23 defined('AK_SKIP_DB_CONNECTION') && AK_SKIP_DB_CONNECTION ? ($dsn='') : Ak::db(&$dsn);
24 array_shift($argv);
25 $options = $argv;
27 require_once(AK_LIB_DIR.DS.'AkInstaller.php');
28 require_once(AK_LIB_DIR.DS.'utils'.DS.'generators'.DS.'AkelosGenerator.php');
30 $installer = array_shift($options);
31 $installer_class_name = AkInflector::camelize(AkInflector::demodulize($installer)).'Installer';
32 $command = count($options) > 0 ? array_shift($options) : 'usage';
34 $installer = str_replace('::','/',$installer);
35 $file = AK_APP_DIR.DS.'installers'.DS.rtrim(join('/',array_map(array('AkInflector','underscore'), explode('/',$installer.'/'))),'/').'_installer.php';
38 function ak_print_available_installers($files, $preffix = '')
40 foreach($files as $k => $file){
41 if(is_string($file)){
42 if(preg_match('/(.*)_installer\.php$/', $file, $match)){
43 echo ' * '.$preffix.$match[1]."\n";
45 }else{
46 ak_print_available_installers($file, $k.'::');
49 echo "\n";
52 if($installer_class_name == 'Installer'){
53 $files = Ak::dir(AK_APP_DIR.DS.'installers', array('recurse' => true));
54 if(empty($files)){
55 echo Ak::t("\n Could not find installers at %dir \n", array('%dir'=>AK_APP_DIR.DS.'installers'));
56 }else{
57 echo Ak::t("\n You must supply a valid installer name like : \n");
58 echo Ak::t("\n > ./script/migrate my_installer_name install\n\n");
59 echo Ak::t(" Available installers are: \n\n");
60 ak_print_available_installers($files);
62 }elseif(!file_exists($file)){
63 echo Ak::t("\n\n Could not locate the installer file %file\n\n",array('%file'=>$file));
64 }else{
65 require_once($file);
66 if(!class_exists($installer_class_name)){
67 echo Ak::t("\n\n Could not find load the installer. Class doesn't exists\n\n");
68 }else{
69 $installer = new $installer_class_name();
70 if(!method_exists($installer,$command)){
71 echo Ak::t("\n\n Could not find the method %method for the installer %installer\n\n",
72 array('%method'=>$command,'%installer'=>$installer_class_name));
73 }else{
74 $installer->$command($options);
80 echo "\n";