Removing phpmailer
[akelos.git] / config / DEFAULT-config.php
1 <?php
3 $database_settings = array(
4 'production' => array(
5 'type' => 'mysql', // mysql, sqlite or pgsql
6 'database_file' => '/home/bermi/database.sqlite', // you only need this for SQLite
7 'host' => 'localhost',
8 'port' => '',
9 'database_name' => '',
10 'user' => '',
11 'password' => '',
12 'options' => '' // persistent, debug, fetchmode, new
15 'development' => array(
16 'type' => 'mysql',
17 'database_file' => '',
18 'host' => 'localhost',
19 'port' => '',
20 'database_name' => '',
21 'user' => '',
22 'password' => '',
23 'options' => ''
26 // Warning: The database defined as 'testing' will be erased and
27 // re-generated from your development database when you run './script/test app'.
28 // Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
29 'testing' => array(
30 'type' => 'mysql',
31 'database_file' => '',
32 'host' => 'localhost',
33 'port' => '',
34 'database_name' => '',
35 'user' => '',
36 'password' => '',
37 'options' => ''
41 // If you want to write/delete/create files or directories using ftp instead of local file
42 // access, you can set an ftp connection string like:
43 // $ftp_settings = '';
44 $ftp_settings = '';
46 // Current environment. Options are: development, testing and production
47 defined('AK_ENVIRONMENT') ? null : define('AK_ENVIRONMENT', 'development');
49 // defined('AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR') ? null : define('AK_FRAMEWORK_DIR', '/path/to/the/framework');
51 include_once(dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'boot.php');