3 * [977] Adding the Action Mailer framework, for sending emails from your Akelos application.
5 ActionMailer is an Akelos service-layer package for creating email messages.
7 === Generate a mailer ===
9 Creates a stub file using the generator:
12 ./script/generate mailer Notifier
15 A file is created in your app/models directory named notifier.php:
18 class Notifier extends AkActionMailer{
22 There are some new conventions for the Action Mailer:
24 * Action Mailer implementations have views. The above example will reference files in app/views/notifier
25 * Each email that you want to send should have one associated method within the class.
26 * You don’t call that method. Ever.
27 * Instead, you call some dynamic methods, as we’ll see below.
31 ==== The scenario ====
33 Let’s assume we’re sending an email to a new user to our website to thank them for signing up, and that user is an object coming from an Active Record that has already been created.
37 Add the following method to your Notifier:
40 function signup_thanks($User){
41 //Email header info MUST be added here
43 'recipients' => $User->email,
44 'from' => 'accounts@example.com',
45 'subject' => 'Thank you for registering with our website',
46 // Email body parameters (for the view) go here
47 'body' => array( 'User' => $User )
54 And the following snippet to the controller in your application that needs to send an email:
57 function show_page_after_account_creation(){
58 Ak::import_mailer('notifier');
59 $Notifier = new Notifier();
60 $Notifier->deliver('signup_thanks', $this->User);
64 You could also import the model into you controller as usual, but before you'll need to `require(AK_LIB_'DIR.'/AkActionMailer.php')`.
68 The body of the email comes from a .tpl file in app/views/notifier – In this example; app/views/notifier/signup_thanks.tpl:
71 Dear {User.first_name} {User.last_name},
72 Thanks for signing up with us!
75 ==== HTML and Text messages ====
77 If you want to send two alternative messages (text/plain and text/html), the Akelos convention is to have two views like:
80 app/views/notifier/signup_thanks.text.plain.tpl
81 app/views/notifier/signup_thanks.text.html.tpl
84 If you add images to your html message Akelos will embed them automatically into the message body unless you set the attribute `_attach_html_images` to false in you mailer.
88 You can find more documentation on the Action Mailer at the AkActionMailer inline documentation and on the unit tests, document configuration, helpers and receiving emails.
92 * [977] Added new system for retrieving configurations from YAML files.
94 You just need to call Ak::getSettings($namespace), where namespace is "config/$namespace.yml"
96 * [977] Added new AkMailerTest, for testing ActionMailer models. This tester will copy your application views from the app/views to test/fixtures/app/views unless you implicitly set AkMailerTest::avoid''copying''views to true.
97 * [977] Adding Ak::import_mailer() which works like Ak::import(), but imports lib/AkActionMailer.php before doing so. We might deprecate this once we drop support for PHP4.
98 * [977] Whenever a charset is not supported by mb_* AkelosAkCharset will now default to the PhpRecoding engine on that specific recoding task.
99 * [977] Adding Ak::first() and Ak::last(), which work like PHP functions shift(), and pop() but without modifying source array.
100 * [977] Added a new system for unifying in-function static vars used mainly for performance improvements framework-wide.
108 if(!isset($cache[$var])){
109 $cache[$var] = some_heavy_function($var);
116 Now imagine we want to create an application server which handles multiple requests on a single instantiation, with the showcased implementation this is not possible as we can't reset $cache, unless we hack badly every single method that uses this strategy.
118 We can refresh this static values the new `Ak::getStaticVar` method. So from previous example we will have to replace
127 $chache =& Ak::getStaticVar(__CLASS__.'::'.__FUNCTION__);
130 You should not use this strategy on those situations where static vars should never be modified from other methods different of the model implementing it.
133 * [556] Adding a new HTTP client for performing REST requests at lib/AkHttpClient. See unit tests for details.
135 * [556] Adding support for accepting PUT HTTP requests.
137 * [556] Changing Ak::DeprecateWarning to Ak::deprecateWarning in order to match coding conventions.
139 * [556] Adding support for reporting unknown actions using a public/405.php file when working on production mode. 404.php remains the file for controller not found errors.
141 * [556] Logging invalid controller/action requests.
143 * [556] Modifying Ak::url_get_contents. It does not require curl anymore.
148 $Client = new AkHttpClient();
149 $Client->get('url', array('params'=>.....));
152 * [549] AK_COMPILED_VIEWS_DIR is now set to AK_TMP_DIR/views. This means your compiled views will be generated inside the tmp folder unless you set AK_COMPILED_VIEWS_DIR to false to keep them side to side to your views.
154 * [549] On those cases where your host do not support FTP and Apache runs as nobody, you will need to set the right permissions for ./app/locales if you want new i18n text to be added automagically. Same for ./logs. Compiled views and cache will go into a temporary folder.
156 * [549] In those cases where ./tmp is not writable, Akelos will set AK_TMP_DIR to a new folder in your Operating System tmp dir.
158 This sometimes might lead to problems when Open Base forbids including files from the temporary path. In that case you'll need to chmod the ./tmp dir so Akelos knows where to put tmp files.
160 In case you want to make a portable app that needs to write/read files, you can set the AK_TMP_DIR as a base for working with those files like:
163 Ak::file_puts_contents($dir, $content, array('base_path'=>AK_TMP_DIR));
166 * [511] Action Controllers now will automatically load singular named helpers and models if the controller has the plural form.
168 * [510] Added a handy utility for modifying arrays which is useful for securing record creation/updating.
170 If you have this code on a controller
172 $this->user->setAttributes($this->params['user']);
175 and your users table has a column named is_admin. All it would take to a malicious user is to modify the page html to add the need field and gain admin privileges.
177 You could avoid it by using the new Ak::pick method which will return and array with desired keys. For deleting keys instead of selecting them you can use Ak::delete()
180 $this->user->setAttributes(Ak::pick('name,email', $this->params['user']));
183 * [509] Parameters given to url_for do not need to be urlencoded anymore. This allows using variables with slashes.
185 * [476] Adding includeAndInstatiateModels and uninstallAndInstallMigration to AkUnitTest
187 * Making it possible to include models by default by declaring in your application_controller.php
190 var $app_models = 'user,role';
193 this way you can avoid adding controller-wide models into every single controller.
195 * HTTP authentication now can have its own failure message by implementing a **access_denied** method into the application controller.
197 ----------------------
199 * Model generator now supports customizing first migration version column setting from the command line like:
201 ./generate model Video title, length double, author, is_searchable
203 * Relocated Active Record database adapters, behaviors and associations into lib/AkActiveRecord/AkDbAdapters, AkActsAsBehaviours and AkAssociations respectively.
207 ## Merging Kaste's branch with the trunk.
211 * [387] Refactored AkActiveRecord::find().
212 * [387] API-change: removed find('first', $id, $options) cause finding one id is always "first". Use find($id, $options); instead.
213 * [395] Deprecated AkActiveRecord::find($sql) which silently expanded to AkActiveRecord::find('first', $sql).
214 This was ambiguous because find($sql, $bind_variables*) expanded to find('all',*)
215 Use AkActiveRecord::find('first', $sql) instead.
216 * [396] Added AkDbAdapter between ADODb and the Active Record.
217 * [396] Expanded AkUnitTest so its easy to generate Models on the fly like:
219 $AkUnitTest->installAndIncludeModels(array('Article'=>'id,name,description'));
221 Creates the table 'articles' with specified columns and builds the ActiveRecord Model (class) 'Article'.
222 * [396] AkActiveRecord::toYaml now handles ActiveRecord collections.
224 User::toYaml($found_users);
226 * [407] Fixed typos on the Active Record like $asssociated_ids....
227 * [407] Improved and refactored Active Record unit tests.
228 * [405] Fixed AkHasAndBelongsToMany/AkHasMany::getAssociatedModelInstance which Singleton was badly implemented.
229 * [416] Avoided unsetting database profiles.
230 * [416] Added support for extra database profiles you can quickly test with different db-adapters like:
232 ActiveRecord::establishConnection('super_user');
233 ./test _some_test_case.php sqlite_test_profile
235 * [417] Changed NewDataDictionary(db->connection) to db->getDictionary();
236 * [418] AkHasAndBelongsToMany now uses AkInstaller to create the join table. Because of that it creates the sequence_table for sqlite straight away.
237 * [419] Fixed singleton implementation of Ak::getLogger()
238 * [425] AkInstaller: Added magic 'lock_version' column.
240 'lock_version' => 'lock_version int default=1'
242 * [427] Refactored the Active Record "callback"-chain. Fixes #95 and #94.
243 * [427] Added create, update and execute methods to AkDbAdapter.
244 * [428] Adding support for late bindings on AkDbAdapter::execute()
245 This allows you to safely sanitize parameters before adding them to your custom SQL queries.
247 AkDbAdapter::execute(array('select * from articles where id=?', 1));
249 * [429] Added addLimitAndOffset method to AkDbAdapter for delegating limits and offsets.
250 * [431] Implemented renameColumn in AkDbAdapter. Closes #47 and #96.
251 * [436] Removed AkActiveRecord::sqlSelect* (now in AkDbAdapter)
252 * [437] Moved transactions to AkDbAdapter
253 * [439] Fixed a serious issue in a TEST that could lead to data loss in the development database.
254 * [441] Replacing MetaTables() and MetaColumns() with AkDbAdapter::availableTables() and AkDbAdapter::getColumnDetails($table).
255 * [446] Improved the MenuHeper
256 * [446] Changed default options for AkPluginManager::updatePlugin(). Disables externals and checkout.
257 * [448] AkActiveRecord::findBySql now uses AkDbAdapter::select
258 * [450] AkActiveRecord::incrementCounter() and decrementCounter() now are pseudo-static.
259 * [450] AkActiveRecord::updateAttribute() now validates when saving by default. Pass 'false' as third argument to bypass validation.
260 * [451] AkInstaller automatically sets '*_count'-columns => 'columnname int default 0'
261 * [458] Fixed #103, quoting strings on PostgreSQL.
262 * [459] Adding decimal-type support on Active Records.
263 * [459] Datatypes for PostgreSQL changed. You need to update/change your table schemas! Run migrations!
264 Before this, we kinda hacked Mysql-behavior into PostgreSQL. Thus we didnt used features of Postgre on one side.
266 In the long run we had to fix - better now than later - since the design problems only "multiply" when time goes by.
268 At this point we wanted to implement the decimal/numeric datatype. And so we had to decide whether to hack further or to solve the underlying issue. This means we HAD to correct a wrong implementation.
270 (simplified type>) Akelos Postgre (<Actual Type)
274 boolean => numeric(1)
275 integer => numeric(X,0)
279 integer => integer (int4)
282 To guide you through this we'll have a test at test/unit/lib/AkActiveRecord/_PostgreSQL_datatype_migration.php.
284 First make you comfortably with this test and make it pass. This is a test against a dummy-table of course.
285 (When you're on Postgre 7 you have to modify this test. But you'll see that.)
287 Next write appropriate migrations/installers for your real tables. (Again: You should always begin with a test.)
289 Keep in mind that we typecast TINYINT as boolean on MySQL. So you cannot use tinyint for other things.
290 * [459] Boolean columns now actually have three possible states: true, false and null. Before that null=>false!
291 * [461] ActiveRecordHelper::error_messages_for and error_message_on now translate the error messages.
292 * [467] NULL values can be saved on boolean and decimal columns. Fixes #114 and #113.
294 #### End of Kaste merge
298 * AkInstaller::createTable() will now add created_at and updated_at columns automatically unless you have one of
299 them in your table declaration or set the option 'timestamp' => false
302 $this->createTable('user', 'id, first_name, last_name, email'); // will add created_at, and updated_at
308 $this->createTable('user', 'id, first_name, last_name, email', array('timestamp'=>false)); // nothing extra
314 $this->createTable('user', 'id, first_name, last_name, email, updated_at'); // nothing extra
317 * Simplifying unit test calls for models and core tests. Updated generators to reflect this new way of calling tests.
318 If you stick with the convention of prefixing your test cases with TestCase you will no longer need to call ak__test('testcaseclass')
320 Running models test can now be done with simply
321 ./script/test model User
323 Core tests can be called without the full path like
324 ./script/test AkActiveRecord
326 * Rearranged scripts to include as little code as possible in the application space. This should make updates easier.
328 * Removed AkInflector::modulize as it had a misleading name, use AkInflector::classify instead [420]
330 * Added support for HTTP Authentication [412]. Example:
334 class PostController extends ApplicationController
336 var $_authorized_users = array('bermi' => 'secret');
338 function __construct()
340 $this->beforeFilter(array('authenticate' => array('except' => array('index'))));
345 $this->renderText("Everyone can see me!");
350 $this->renderText("I'm only accessible if you know the password");
353 function authenticate()
356 * You can either use an array like $this->_authorized_users or
357 * an Model instance that implements an authenticate method like Model::authenticate($user,$pass, $controller);
359 return $this->_authenticateOrRequestWithHttpBasic('My Blog', $this->_authorized_users);
365 * Added public/500.php and public/404.php for handling errors on production mode.
369 ----------------------
371 * First public release