3 V4.64 20 June 2005 (c) 2000-2005 John Lim (jlim@natsoft.com.my). All rights reserved.
4 Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
5 Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
6 the BSD license will take precedence. See License.txt.
7 Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
9 Latest version is available at http://adodb.sourceforge.net
11 Library for basic performance monitoring and tuning.
13 My apologies if you see code mixed with presentation. The presentation suits
14 my needs. If you want to separate code from presentation, be my guest. Patches
19 if (!defined(ADODB_DIR
)) include_once(dirname(__FILE__
20 include_once(ADODB_DIR
22 define( 'ADODB_OPT_HIGH', 2);
23 define( 'ADODB_OPT_LOW', 1);
25 // returns in K the memory of current process, or 0 if not known
26 function adodb_getmem()
28 if (function_exists('memory_get_usage'))
29 return (integer) ((memory_get_usage()+
33 if ( strncmp(strtoupper(PHP_OS
),'WIN',3)==0) {
36 exec('tasklist /FI "PID eq ' . $pid. '" /FO LIST', $output);
37 return substr($output[5], strpos($output[5], ':') +
41 exec("ps --pid $pid --no-headers -o%mem,size", $output);
42 if (sizeof($output) == 0) return 0;
44 $memarr = explode(' ',$output[0]);
45 if (sizeof($memarr)>=2) return (integer) $memarr[1];
50 // avoids localization problems where , is used instead of .
51 function adodb_round($n,$prec)
53 return number_format($n, $prec, '.', '');
56 /* return microtime value as a float */
57 function adodb_microtime()
61 return (float)$t[1]+
65 function& adodb_log_sql(&$conn,$sql,$inputarr)
68 $perf_table = adodb_perf
69 $conn->fnExecute
= false;
71 $rs =& $conn->Execute($sql,$inputarr);
74 if (!empty($conn->_logsql
)) {
75 $conn->_logsql
= false; // disable logsql error simulation
76 $dbT = $conn->databaseType
79 $a0 = (float)$a0[1]+
82 $a1 = (float)$a1[1]+
87 $errM = $conn->ErrorMsg();
88 $errN = $conn->ErrorNo();
90 $tracer = substr('ERROR: '.htmlspecialchars($errM),0,250);
97 if (!is_object($rs) ||
== 'empty')
98 $conn->_affected
= $conn->affected_rows(true);
99 $conn->lastInsID
= @$conn->Insert_ID();
102 if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
103 $tracer .= '<br>'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
104 if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) $tracer .= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
106 if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) $tracer .= '<br>'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
107 //$tracer .= (string) adodb_backtrace(false);
109 $tracer = (string) substr($tracer,0,500);
111 if (is_array($inputarr)) {
112 if (is_array(reset($inputarr))) $params = 'Array sizeof='.sizeof($inputarr);
114 // Quote string parameters so we can see them in the
115 // performance stats. This helps spot disabled indexes.
116 $xar_params = $inputarr;
117 foreach ($xar_params as $xar_param_key => $xar_param) {
118 if (gettype($xar_param) == 'string')
119 $xar_params[$xar_param_key] = '"' . $xar_param . '"';
121 $params = implode(', ', $xar_params);
122 if (strlen($params) >= 3000) $params = substr($params, 0, 3000);
128 if (is_array($sql)) $sql = $sql[0];
129 $arr = array('b'=>strlen($sql).'.'.crc32($sql),
130 'c'=>substr($sql,0,3900), 'd'=>$params,'e'=>$tracer,'f'=>adodb_round($time,6));
132 $saved = $conn->debug
135 $d = $conn->sysTimeStamp
136 if (empty($d)) $d = date("'Y-m-d H:i:s'");
137 if ($conn->dataProvider
== 'oci8' && $dbT != 'oci8po') {
138 $isql = "insert into $perf_table values($d,:b,:c,:d,:e,:f)";
139 } else if ($dbT == 'odbc_mssql' ||
$dbT == 'informix') {
141 if ($dbT == 'informix') $sql2 = substr($sql2,0,230);
143 $sql1 = $conn->qstr($arr['b']);
144 $sql2 = $conn->qstr($arr['c']);
145 $params = $conn->qstr($arr['d']);
146 $tracer = $conn->qstr($arr['e']);
148 $isql = "insert into $perf_table (created,sql0,sql1,params,tracer,timer) values($d,$sql1,$sql2,$params,$tracer,$timer)";
149 if ($dbT == 'informix') $isql = str_replace(chr(10),' ',$isql);
152 $isql = "insert into $perf_table (created,sql0,sql1,params,tracer,timer) values( $d,?,?,?,?,?)";
155 $ok = $conn->Execute($isql,$arr);
156 $conn->debug
= $saved;
159 $conn->_logsql
= true;
161 $err2 = $conn->ErrorMsg();
162 $conn->_logsql
= true; // enable logsql error simulation
163 $perf =& NewPerfMonitor($conn);
165 if ($perf->CreateLogTable()) $ok = $conn->Execute($isql,$arr);
167 $ok = $conn->Execute("create table $perf_table (
171 params varchar(3000),
173 timer decimal(16,6))");
176 ADOConnection
::outp( "<p><b>LOGSQL Insert Failed</b>: $isql<br>$err2</p>");
177 $conn->_logsql
= false;
180 $conn->_errorMsg
= $errM;
181 $conn->_errorCode
= $errN;
183 $conn->fnExecute
= 'adodb_log_sql';
189 The settings data structure is an associative array that database parameter per element.
191 Each database parameter element in the array is itself an array consisting of:
193 0: category code, used to group related db parameters
195 a. sql string to retrieve value, eg. "select value from v\$parameter where name='db_block_size'",
196 b. array holding sql string and field to look for, e.g. array('show variables','table_cache'),
197 c. a string prefixed by =, then a PHP method of the class is invoked,
198 e.g. to invoke $this->GetIndexValue(), set this array element to '=GetIndexValue',
199 2: description of the database parameter
204 var $color = '#F0F0F0';
205 var $table = '<table border=1 bgcolor=white>';
206 var $titles = '<tr><td><b>Parameter</b></td><td><b>Value</b></td><td><b>Description</b></td></tr>';
208 var $tablesSQL = false;
209 var $cliFormat = "%32s => %s \r\n";
210 var $sql1 = 'sql1'; // used for casting sql1 to text for mssql
212 var $helpurl = "<a href=http://phplens.com/adodb/reference.functions.fnexecute.and.fncacheexecute.properties.html#logsql>LogSQL help</a>";
213 var $createTableSQL = false;
214 var $maxLength = 2000;
216 // Sets the tablename to be used
217 function table($newtable = false)
221 if (!empty($newtable)) $_table = $newtable;
222 if (empty($_table)) $_table = 'adodb_logsql';
226 // returns array with info to calculate CPU Load
231 cpu 524152 2662 2515228 336057010
232 cpu0 264339 1408 1257951 168025827
233 cpu1 259813 1254 1257277 168031181
236 intr 890153570 868093576 6 0 4 4 0 6 1 2 0 0 0 124 0 8098760 2 13961053 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
237 disk_io: (3,0):(3144904,54369,610378,3090535,50936192) (3,1):(3630212,54097,633016,3576115,50951320)
243 // Algorithm is taken from
244 // http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wmisdk/wmi/example__obtaining_raw_performance_data.asp
245 if (strncmp(PHP_OS
,'WIN',3)==0) {
== '5.0.0') return false;
== '5.0.1') return false;
== '5.0.2') return false;
== '5.0.3') return false;
== '4.3.10') return false; # see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=31737
252 @$c = new COM("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor.Name='_Total'");
253 if (!$c) return false;
255 $info[0] = $c->PercentProcessorTime
258 $info[3] = $c->TimeStamp_Sys100NS
263 // Algorithm - Steve Blinch (BlitzAffe Online, http://www.blitzaffe.com)
264 $statfile = '/proc/stat';
265 if (!file_exists($statfile)) return false;
267 $fd = fopen($statfile,"r");
268 if (!$fd) return false;
270 $statinfo = explode("\n",fgets($fd, 1024));
272 foreach($statinfo as $line) {
273 $info = explode(" ",$line);
274 if($info[0]=="cpu") {
275 array_shift($info); // pop off "cpu"
276 if(!$info[0]) array_shift($info); // pop off blank space (if any)
290 total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached:
291 Mem: 1055289344 917299200 137990144 0 165437440 599773184
292 Swap: 2146775040 11055104 2135719936
300 Inact_dirty: 322856 kB
301 Inact_clean: 24256 kB
302 Inact_target: 168316 kB
307 SwapTotal: 2096460 kB
309 Committed_AS: 348732 kB
315 Remember that this is client load, not db server load!
320 $info = $this->_CPULoad();
321 if (!$info) return false;
323 if (empty($this->_lastLoad
)) {
325 $this->_lastLoad
= $info;
326 $info = $this->_CPULoad();
329 $last = $this->_lastLoad
330 $this->_lastLoad
= $info;
332 $d_user = $info[0] - $last[0];
333 $d_nice = $info[1] - $last[1];
334 $d_system = $info[2] - $last[2];
335 $d_idle = $info[3] - $last[3];
337 //printf("Delta - User: %f Nice: %f System: %f Idle: %f<br>",$d_user,$d_nice,$d_system,$d_idle);
339 if (strncmp(PHP_OS
,'WIN',3)==0) {
340 if ($d_idle < 1) $d_idle = 1;
341 return 100*(1-$d_user/$d_idle);
343 $total=$d_user+
344 if ($total<1) $total=1;
345 return 100*($d_user+
349 function Tracer($sql)
351 $perf_table = adodb_perf
352 $saveE = $this->conn
353 $this->conn
= false;
355 $sqlq = $this->conn
356 $arr = $this->conn
357 "select count(*),tracer
358 from $perf_table where sql1=$sqlq
363 $s .= '<h3>Scripts Affected</h3>';
364 foreach($arr as $k) {
365 $s .= sprintf("%4d",$k[0]).' '.strip_tags($k[1]).'<br>';
368 $this->conn
= $saveE;
373 Explain Plan for $sql.
374 If only a snippet of the $sql is passed in, then $partial will hold the crc32 of the
377 function Explain($sql,$partial=false)
382 function InvalidSQL($numsql = 10)
385 if (isset($_GET['sql'])) return;
386 $s = '<h3>Invalid SQL</h3>';
387 $saveE = $this->conn
388 $this->conn
= false;
389 $perf_table = adodb_perf
390 $rs =& $this->conn
->SelectLimit("select distinct count(*),sql1,tracer as error_msg from $perf_table where tracer like 'ERROR:%' group by sql1,tracer order by 1 desc",$numsql);//,$numsql);
391 $this->conn
= $saveE;
393 $s .= rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false);
395 return "<p>$this->helpurl. ".$this->conn
402 This script identifies the longest running SQL
404 function _SuspiciousSQL($numsql = 10)
406 global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
408 $perf_table = adodb_perf
409 $saveE = $this->conn
410 $this->conn
= false;
412 if (isset($_GET['exps']) && isset($_GET['sql'])) {
413 $partial = !empty($_GET['part']);
414 echo "<a name=explain></a>".$this->Explain($_GET['sql'],$partial)."\n";
417 if (isset($_GET['sql'])) return;
420 $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
422 if ($this->conn
!== false) $savem = $this->conn
423 //$this->conn->debug=1;
424 $rs =& $this->conn
425 "select avg(timer) as avg_timer,$sql1,count(*),max(timer) as max_timer,min(timer) as min_timer
427 where {$this->conn->upperCase}({$this->conn->substr}(sql0,1,5)) not in ('DROP ','INSER','COMMI','CREAT')
428 and (tracer is null or tracer not like 'ERROR:%')
430 order by 1 desc",$numsql);
431 if (isset($savem)) $this->conn
432 $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save;
433 $this->conn
= $saveE;
435 if (!$rs) return "<p>$this->helpurl. ".$this->conn
436 $s = "<h3>Suspicious SQL</h3>
437 <font size=1>The following SQL have high average execution times</font><br>
438 <table border=1 bgcolor=white><tr><td><b>Avg Time</b><td><b>Count</b><td><b>SQL</b><td><b>Max</b><td><b>Min</b></tr>\n";
439 $max = $this->maxLength
441 $sql = $rs->fields
442 $raw = urlencode($sql);
443 if (strlen($raw)>$max-100) {
444 $sql2 = substr($sql,0,$max-500);
445 $raw = urlencode($sql2).'&part='.crc32($sql);
447 $prefix = "<a target=sql".rand()." href=\"?hidem=1&exps=1&sql=".$raw."&x#explain\">";
449 if ($this->explain
== false ||
strlen($prefix)>$max) {
450 $suffix = ' ... <i>String too long for GET parameter: '.strlen($prefix).'</i>';
453 $s .= "<tr><td>".adodb_round($rs->fields
[0],6)."<td align=right>".$rs->fields
[2]."<td><font size=-1>".$prefix.htmlspecialchars($sql).$suffix."</font>".
454 "<td>".$rs->fields
457 return $s."</table>";
461 function CheckMemory()
467 function SuspiciousSQL($numsql=10)
469 return adodb_perf
472 function ExpensiveSQL($numsql=10)
474 return adodb_perf
479 This reports the percentage of load on the instance due to the most
480 expensive few SQL statements. Tuning these statements can often
481 make huge improvements in overall system performance.
483 function _ExpensiveSQL($numsql = 10)
485 global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
487 $perf_table = adodb_perf
488 $saveE = $this->conn
489 $this->conn
= false;
491 if (isset($_GET['expe']) && isset($_GET['sql'])) {
492 $partial = !empty($_GET['part']);
493 echo "<a name=explain></a>".$this->Explain($_GET['sql'],$partial)."\n";
496 if (isset($_GET['sql'])) return;
499 $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
501 if ($this->conn
!== false) $savem = $this->conn
503 $rs =& $this->conn
504 "select sum(timer) as total,$sql1,count(*),max(timer) as max_timer,min(timer) as min_timer
506 where {$this->conn->upperCase}({$this->conn->substr}(sql0,1,5)) not in ('DROP ','INSER','COMMI','CREAT')
507 and (tracer is null or tracer not like 'ERROR:%')
510 order by 1 desc",$numsql);
511 if (isset($savem)) $this->conn
512 $this->conn
= $saveE;
513 $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save;
514 if (!$rs) return "<p>$this->helpurl. ".$this->conn
515 $s = "<h3>Expensive SQL</h3>
516 <font size=1>Tuning the following SQL could reduce the server load substantially</font><br>
517 <table border=1 bgcolor=white><tr><td><b>Load</b><td><b>Count</b><td><b>SQL</b><td><b>Max</b><td><b>Min</b></tr>\n";
518 $max = $this->maxLength
520 $sql = $rs->fields
521 $raw = urlencode($sql);
522 if (strlen($raw)>$max-100) {
523 $sql2 = substr($sql,0,$max-500);
524 $raw = urlencode($sql2).'&part='.crc32($sql);
526 $prefix = "<a target=sqle".rand()." href=\"?hidem=1&expe=1&sql=".$raw."&x#explain\">";
528 if($this->explain
== false ||
strlen($prefix>$max)) {
532 $s .= "<tr><td>".adodb_round($rs->fields
[0],6)."<td align=right>".$rs->fields
[2]."<td><font size=-1>".$prefix.htmlspecialchars($sql).$suffix."</font>".
533 "<td>".$rs->fields
536 return $s."</table>";
540 Raw function to return parameter value from $settings.
542 function DBParameter($param)
544 if (empty($this->settings
[$param])) return false;
545 $sql = $this->settings
546 return $this->_DBParameter($sql);
550 Raw function returning array of poll paramters
552 function &PollParameters()
554 $arr[0] = (float)$this->DBParameter('data cache hit ratio');
555 $arr[1] = (float)$this->DBParameter('data reads');
556 $arr[2] = (float)$this->DBParameter('data writes');
557 $arr[3] = (integer) $this->DBParameter('current connections');
562 Low-level Get Database Parameter
564 function _DBParameter($sql)
566 $savelog = $this->conn
567 if (is_array($sql)) {
568 global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
572 if (sizeof($sql)>2) $pos = $sql[2];
574 if (sizeof($sql)>3) $coef = $sql[3];
577 $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
579 $rs = $this->conn
580 $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save;
583 $keyf = reset($rs->fields
584 if (trim($keyf) == $key) {
585 $ret = $rs->fields
586 if ($coef) $ret *= $coef;
593 $this->conn
596 if (strncmp($sql,'=',1) == 0) {
597 $fn = substr($sql,1);
600 $sql = str_replace('$DATABASE',$this->conn
601 $ret = $this->conn
602 $this->conn
609 Warn if cache ratio falls below threshold. Displayed in "Description" column.
611 function WarnCacheRatio($val)
613 if ($val < $this->warnRatio
614 return '<font color=red><b>Cache ratio should be at least '.$this->warnRatio
618 /***********************************************************************************************/
620 /***********************************************************************************************/
623 function UI($pollsecs=5)
626 $perf_table = adodb_perf
630 if ($conn->host
&& $conn->database
) $app .= ', db=';
631 $app .= $conn->database
633 if ($app) $app .= ', ';
634 $savelog = $this->conn
635 $info = $conn->ServerInfo();
636 if (isset($_GET['clearsql'])) {
637 $this->conn
->Execute("delete from $perf_table");
639 $this->conn
643 if (isset($_GET['sql']) && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
644 $_GET['sql'] = $_GET['sql'] = str_replace(array("\\'",'\"'),array("'",'"'),$_GET['sql']);
647 if (!isset($_SESSION['ADODB_PERF_SQL'])) $nsql = $_SESSION['ADODB_PERF_SQL'] = 10;
648 else $nsql = $_SESSION['ADODB_PERF_SQL'];
650 $app .= $info['description'];
653 if (isset($_GET['do'])) $do = $_GET['do'];
654 else if (isset($_POST['do'])) $do = $_POST['do'];
655 else if (isset($_GET['sql'])) $do = 'viewsql';
658 if (isset($_GET['nsql'])) {
659 if ($_GET['nsql'] > 0) $nsql = $_SESSION['ADODB_PERF_SQL'] = (integer) $_GET['nsql'];
661 echo "<title>ADOdb Performance Monitor on $app</title><body bgcolor=white>";
662 if ($do == 'viewsql') $form = "<td><form># SQL:<input type=hidden value=viewsql name=do> <input type=text size=4 name=nsql value=$nsql><input type=submit value=Go></td></form>";
663 else $form = "<td> </td>";
665 $allowsql = !defined('ADODB_PERF_NO_RUN_SQL');
667 if (empty($_GET['hidem']))
668 echo "<table border=1 width=100% bgcolor=lightyellow><tr><td colspan=2>
669 <b><a href=http://adodb.sourceforge.net/?perf=1>ADOdb</a> Performance Monitor</b> <font size=1>for $app</font></tr><tr><td>
670 <a href=?do=stats><b>Performance Stats</b></a> <a href=?do=viewsql><b>View SQL</b></a>
671 <a href=?do=tables><b>View Tables</b></a> <a href=?do=poll><b>Poll Stats</b></a>",
672 $allowsql ?
' <a href=?do=dosql><b>Run SQL</b></a>' : '',
680 echo $this->HealthCheck();
681 //$this->conn->debug=1;
682 echo $this->CheckMemory();
685 echo "<iframe width=720 height=80%
686 src=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?do=poll2&hidem=1\"></iframe>";
690 $this->Poll($pollsecs);
694 if (!$allowsql) break;
699 if (empty($_GET['hidem']))
700 echo " <a href=\"?do=viewsql&clearsql=1\">Clear SQL Log</a><br>";
701 echo($this->SuspiciousSQL($nsql));
702 echo($this->ExpensiveSQL($nsql));
703 echo($this->InvalidSQL($nsql));
706 echo $this->Tables(); break;
709 echo "<p><div align=center><font size=1>$ADODB_vers Sponsored by <a href=http://phplens.com/>phpLens</a></font></div>";
713 Runs in infinite loop, returning real-time statistics
715 function Poll($secs=5)
717 $this->conn
= false;
718 //$this->conn->debug=1;
719 if ($secs <= 1) $secs = 1;
720 echo "Accumulating statistics, every $secs seconds...\n";flush();
721 $arro =& $this->PollParameters();
727 $arr =& $this->PollParameters();
729 $hits = sprintf('%2.2f',$arr[0]);
730 $reads = sprintf('%12.4f',($arr[1]-$arro[1])/$secs);
731 $writes = sprintf('%12.4f',($arr[2]-$arro[2])/$secs);
732 $sess = sprintf('%5d',$arr[3]);
734 $load = $this->CPULoad();
735 if ($load !== false) {
736 $oslabel = 'WS-CPU%';
737 $osval = sprintf(" %2.1f ",(float) $load);
742 if ($cnt %
10 == 0) echo " Time ".$oslabel." Hit% Sess Reads/s Writes/s\n";
744 echo date('H:i:s').' '.$osval."$hits $sess $reads $writes\n";
747 if (connection_aborted()) return;
755 Returns basic health check in a command line interface
757 function HealthCheckCLI()
759 return $this->HealthCheck(true);
764 Returns basic health check as HTML
766 function HealthCheck($cli=false)
768 $saveE = $this->conn
769 $this->conn
= false;
770 if ($cli) $html = '';
771 else $html = $this->table
.'<tr><td colspan=3><h3>'.$this->conn
775 foreach($this->settings
as $name => $arr) {
776 if ($arr === false) break;
778 if (!is_string($name)) {
779 if ($cli) $html .= " -- $arr -- \n";
780 else $html .= "<tr bgcolor=$this->color><td colspan=3><i>$arr</i> </td></tr>";
784 if (!is_array($arr)) break;
787 if (sizeof($arr)>2) $desc = $arr[2];
788 else $desc = ' ';
791 if ($category == 'HIDE') continue;
793 $val = $this->_DBParameter($how);
795 if ($desc && strncmp($desc,"=",1) === 0) {
796 $fn = substr($desc,1);
797 $desc = $this->$fn($val);
800 if ($val === false) {
801 $m = $this->conn
804 if (is_numeric($val) && $val >= 256*1024) {
805 if ($val %
(1024*1024) == 0) {
808 } else if ($val %
1024 == 0) {
812 //$val = htmlspecialchars($val);
815 if ($category != $oldc) {
817 //$bgc = ($bgc == ' bgcolor='.$this->color) ? ' bgcolor=white' : ' bgcolor='.$this->color;
819 if (strlen($desc)==0) $desc = ' ';
820 if (strlen($val)==0) $val = ' ';
822 $html .= str_replace(' ','',sprintf($this->cliFormat
825 $html .= "<tr$bgc><td>".$name.'</td><td>'.$val.'</td><td>'.$desc."</td></tr>\n";
829 if (!$cli) $html .= "</table>\n";
830 $this->conn
= $saveE;
835 function Tables($orderby='1')
837 if (!$this->tablesSQL
) return false;
839 $savelog = $this->conn
840 $rs = $this->conn
.' order by '.$orderby);
841 $this->conn
842 $html = rs2html($rs,false,false,false,false);
847 function CreateLogTable()
849 if (!$this->createTableSQL
) return false;
851 $savelog = $this->conn
852 $ok = $this->conn
853 $this->conn
854 return ($ok) ?
true : false;
862 $sql = isset($_REQUEST['sql']) ?
$_REQUEST['sql'] : '';
864 if (isset($_SESSION['phplens_sqlrows'])) $rows = $_SESSION['phplens_sqlrows'];
867 if (isset($_REQUEST['SMALLER'])) {
869 if ($rows < 3) $rows = 3;
870 $_SESSION['phplens_sqlrows'] = $rows;
872 if (isset($_REQUEST['BIGGER'])) {
874 $_SESSION['phplens_sqlrows'] = $rows;
879 <form method
="POST" action
="<?php echo $PHP_SELF ?>">
881 <td
> Form size
: <input type
="submit" value
=" < " name
="SMALLER"><input type
="submit" value
=" > > " name
884 <input type
="submit" value
=" Run SQL Below " name
="RUN"><input type
=hidden name
=do value
887 <td colspan
=2><textarea rows
print $rows; ?
> name
="sql" cols
print htmlspecialchars($sql) ?
894 if (!isset($_REQUEST['sql'])) return;
896 $sql = $this->undomq(trim($sql));
897 if (substr($sql,strlen($sql)-1) === ';') {
899 $sqla = $this->SplitSQL($sql);
904 foreach($sqla as $sqls) {
906 if (!$sqls) continue;
909 print "<p>".htmlspecialchars($sqls)."</p>";
912 $savelog = $this->conn
913 $rs = $this->conn
914 $this->conn
915 if ($rs && is_object($rs) && !$rs->EOF
) {
917 while ($rs->NextRecordSet()) {
918 print "<table width=98% bgcolor=#C0C0FF><tr><td> </td></tr></table>";
922 $e1 = (integer) $this->conn
923 $e2 = $this->conn
924 if (($e1) ||
($e2)) {
925 if (empty($e1)) $e1 = '-1'; // postgresql fix
926 print ' '.$e1.': '.$e2;
928 print "<p>No Recordset returned<br></p>";
934 function SplitSQL($sql)
936 $arr = explode(';',$sql);
942 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
944 $m = str_replace('\\\\','\\',$m);
945 $m = str_replace('\"','"',$m);
946 $m = str_replace('\\\'','\'',$m);
952 /************************************************************************/
955 * Reorganise multiple table-indices/statistics/..
956 * OptimizeMode could be given by last Parameter
960 * optimizeTables( 'tableA');
963 * optimizeTables( 'tableA', 'tableB', 'tableC');
966 * optimizeTables( 'tableA', 'tableB', ADODB_OPT_LOW);
969 * @param string table name of the table to optimize
970 * @param int mode optimization-mode
971 * <code>ADODB_OPT_HIGH</code> for full optimization
972 * <code>ADODB_OPT_LOW</code> for CPU-less optimization
973 * Default is LOW <code>ADODB_OPT_LOW</code>
974 * @author Markus Staab
975 * @return Returns <code>true</code> on success and <code>false</code> on error
977 function OptimizeTables()
979 $args = func_get_args();
980 $numArgs = func_num_args();
982 if ( $numArgs == 0) return false;
984 $mode = ADODB_OPT_LOW
985 $lastArg = $args[ $numArgs - 1];
986 if ( !is_string($lastArg)) {
988 unset( $args[ $numArgs - 1]);
991 foreach( $args as $table) {
992 $this->optimizeTable( $table, $mode);
997 * Reorganise the table-indices/statistics/.. depending on the given mode.
998 * Default Implementation throws an error.
1000 * @param string table name of the table to optimize
1001 * @param int mode optimization-mode
1002 * <code>ADODB_OPT_HIGH</code> for full optimization
1003 * <code>ADODB_OPT_LOW</code> for CPU-less optimization
1004 * Default is LOW <code>ADODB_OPT_LOW</code>
1005 * @author Markus Staab
1006 * @return Returns <code>true</code> on success and <code>false</code> on error
1008 function OptimizeTable( $table, $mode = ADODB_OPT_LOW
1010 ADOConnection
::outp( sprintf( "<p>%s: '%s' not implemented for driver '%s'</p>", __CLASS__
, $this->conn
1015 * Reorganise current database.
1016 * Default implementation loops over all <code>MetaTables()</code> and
1017 * optimize each using <code>optmizeTable()</code>
1019 * @author Markus Staab
1020 * @return Returns <code>true</code> on success and <code>false</code> on error
1022 function optimizeDatabase()
1024 $conn = $this->conn
1025 if ( !$conn) return false;
1027 $tables = $conn->MetaTables( 'TABLES');
1028 if ( !$tables ) return false;
1030 foreach( $tables as $table) {
1031 if ( !$this->optimizeTable( $table)) {