Optimize DELETE-FROM-PLIST not to cons.
[alexandria.git] / tests.lisp
1 (in-package :cl-user)
3 (defpackage :alexandria-tests
4 (:use :cl :alexandria #+sbcl :sb-rt #-sbcl :rtest)
5 (:import-from #+sbcl :sb-rt #-sbcl :rtest
6 #:*compile-tests* #:*expected-failures*))
8 (in-package :alexandria-tests)
10 (defun run-tests (&key ((:compiled *compile-tests*)))
11 (do-tests))
13 (defun hash-table-test-name (name)
14 ;; Workaround for Clisp calling EQL in a hash-table FASTHASH-EQL.
15 (hash-table-test (make-hash-table :test name)))
17 ;;;; Arrays
19 (deftest copy-array.1
20 (let* ((orig (vector 1 2 3))
21 (copy (copy-array orig)))
22 (values (eq orig copy) (equalp orig copy)))
23 nil t)
25 (deftest copy-array.2
26 (let ((orig (make-array 1024 :fill-pointer 0)))
27 (vector-push-extend 1 orig)
28 (vector-push-extend 2 orig)
29 (vector-push-extend 3 orig)
30 (let ((copy (copy-array orig)))
31 (values (eq orig copy) (equalp orig copy)
32 (array-has-fill-pointer-p copy)
33 (eql (fill-pointer orig) (fill-pointer copy)))))
34 nil t t t)
36 (deftest copy-array.3
37 (let* ((orig (vector 1 2 3))
38 (copy (copy-array orig)))
39 (typep copy 'simple-array))
42 (deftest copy-array.4
43 (let ((orig (make-array 21
44 :adjustable t
45 :fill-pointer 0)))
46 (dotimes (n 42)
47 (vector-push-extend n orig))
48 (let ((copy (copy-array orig
49 :adjustable nil
50 :fill-pointer nil)))
51 (typep copy 'simple-array)))
54 (deftest array-index.1
55 (typep 0 'array-index)
58 ;;;; Conditions
60 (deftest unwind-protect-case.1
61 (let (result)
62 (unwind-protect-case ()
63 (random 10)
64 (:normal (push :normal result))
65 (:abort (push :abort result))
66 (:always (push :always result)))
67 result)
68 (:always :normal))
70 (deftest unwind-protect-case.2
71 (let (result)
72 (unwind-protect-case ()
73 (random 10)
74 (:always (push :always result))
75 (:normal (push :normal result))
76 (:abort (push :abort result)))
77 result)
78 (:normal :always))
80 (deftest unwind-protect-case.3
81 (let (result1 result2 result3)
82 (ignore-errors
83 (unwind-protect-case ()
84 (error "FOOF!")
85 (:normal (push :normal result1))
86 (:abort (push :abort result1))
87 (:always (push :always result1))))
88 (catch 'foof
89 (unwind-protect-case ()
90 (throw 'foof 42)
91 (:normal (push :normal result2))
92 (:abort (push :abort result2))
93 (:always (push :always result2))))
94 (block foof
95 (unwind-protect-case ()
96 (return-from foof 42)
97 (:normal (push :normal result3))
98 (:abort (push :abort result3))
99 (:always (push :always result3))))
100 (values result1 result2 result3))
101 (:always :abort)
102 (:always :abort)
103 (:always :abort))
105 (deftest unwind-protect-case.4
106 (let (result)
107 (unwind-protect-case (aborted-p)
108 (random 42)
109 (:always (setq result aborted-p)))
110 result)
111 nil)
113 (deftest unwind-protect-case.5
114 (let (result)
115 (block foof
116 (unwind-protect-case (aborted-p)
117 (return-from foof)
118 (:always (setq result aborted-p))))
119 result)
122 ;;;; Control flow
124 (deftest switch.1
125 (switch (13 :test =)
126 (12 :oops)
127 (13.0 :yay))
128 :yay)
130 (deftest switch.2
131 (switch (13)
132 ((+ 12 2) :oops)
133 ((- 13 1) :oops2)
134 (t :yay))
135 :yay)
137 (deftest eswitch.1
138 (let ((x 13))
139 (eswitch (x :test =)
140 (12 :oops)
141 (13.0 :yay)))
142 :yay)
144 (deftest eswitch.2
145 (let ((x 13))
146 (eswitch (x :key 1+)
147 (11 :oops)
148 (14 :yay)))
149 :yay)
151 (deftest cswitch.1
152 (cswitch (13 :test =)
153 (12 :oops)
154 (13.0 :yay))
155 :yay)
157 (deftest cswitch.2
158 (cswitch (13 :key 1-)
159 (12 :yay)
160 (13.0 :oops))
161 :yay)
163 (deftest multiple-value-prog2.1
164 (multiple-value-prog2
165 (values 1 1 1)
166 (values 2 20 200)
167 (values 3 3 3))
168 2 20 200)
170 (deftest nth-value-or.1
171 (multiple-value-bind (a b c)
172 (nth-value-or 1
173 (values 1 nil 1)
174 (values 2 2 2))
175 (= a b c 2))
178 (deftest whichever.1
179 (let ((x (whichever 1 2 3)))
180 (and (member x '(1 2 3)) t))
183 (deftest whichever.2
184 (let* ((a 1)
185 (b 2)
186 (c 3)
187 (x (whichever a b c)))
188 (and (member x '(1 2 3)) t))
191 (deftest xor.1
192 (xor nil nil 1 nil)
196 (deftest xor.2
197 (xor nil nil 1 2)
199 nil)
201 (deftest xor.3
202 (xor nil nil nil)
206 ;;;; Definitions
208 (deftest define-constant.1
209 (let ((name (gensym)))
210 (eval `(define-constant ,name "FOO" :test 'equal))
211 (eval `(define-constant ,name "FOO" :test 'equal))
212 (values (equal "FOO" (symbol-value name))
213 (constantp name)))
217 (deftest define-constant.2
218 (let ((name (gensym)))
219 (eval `(define-constant ,name 13))
220 (eval `(define-constant ,name 13))
221 (values (eql 13 (symbol-value name))
222 (constantp name)))
226 ;;;; Errors
228 ;;; TYPEP is specified to return a generalized boolean and, for
229 ;;; example, ECL exploits this by returning the superclasses of ERROR
230 ;;; in this case.
231 (defun errorp (x)
232 (not (null (typep x 'error))))
234 (deftest required-argument.1
235 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
236 (ignore-errors (required-argument))
237 (errorp err))
240 ;;;; Hash tables
242 (deftest ensure-hash-table.1
243 (let ((table (make-hash-table))
244 (x (list 1)))
245 (multiple-value-bind (value already-there)
246 (ensure-gethash x table 42)
247 (and (= value 42)
248 (not already-there)
249 (= 42 (gethash x table))
250 (multiple-value-bind (value2 already-there2)
251 (ensure-gethash x table 13)
252 (and (= value2 42)
253 already-there2
254 (= 42 (gethash x table)))))))
257 (deftest copy-hash-table.1
258 (let ((orig (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 123))
259 (foo "foo"))
260 (setf (gethash orig orig) t
261 (gethash foo orig) t)
262 (let ((eq-copy (copy-hash-table orig))
263 (eql-copy (copy-hash-table orig :test 'eql))
264 (equal-copy (copy-hash-table orig :test 'equal))
265 (equalp-copy (copy-hash-table orig :test 'equalp)))
266 (list (eql (hash-table-size eq-copy) (hash-table-size orig))
267 (eql (hash-table-rehash-size eq-copy)
268 (hash-table-rehash-size orig))
269 (hash-table-count eql-copy)
270 (gethash orig eq-copy)
271 (gethash (copy-seq foo) eql-copy)
272 (gethash foo eql-copy)
273 (gethash (copy-seq foo) equal-copy)
274 (gethash "FOO" equal-copy)
275 (gethash "FOO" equalp-copy))))
276 (t t 2 t nil t t nil t))
278 (deftest copy-hash-table.2
279 (let ((ht (make-hash-table))
280 (list (list :list (vector :A :B :C))))
281 (setf (gethash 'list ht) list)
282 (let* ((shallow-copy (copy-hash-table ht))
283 (deep1-copy (copy-hash-table ht :key 'copy-list))
284 (list (gethash 'list ht))
285 (shallow-list (gethash 'list shallow-copy))
286 (deep1-list (gethash 'list deep1-copy)))
287 (list (eq ht shallow-copy)
288 (eq ht deep1-copy)
289 (eq list shallow-list)
290 (eq list deep1-list) ; outer list was copied.
291 (eq (second list) (second shallow-list))
292 (eq (second list) (second deep1-list)) ; inner vector wasn't copied.
294 (nil nil t nil t t))
296 (deftest maphash-keys.1
297 (let ((keys nil)
298 (table (make-hash-table)))
299 (declare (notinline maphash-keys))
300 (dotimes (i 10)
301 (setf (gethash i table) t))
302 (maphash-keys (lambda (k) (push k keys)) table)
303 (set-equal keys '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
306 (deftest maphash-values.1
307 (let ((vals nil)
308 (table (make-hash-table)))
309 (declare (notinline maphash-values))
310 (dotimes (i 10)
311 (setf (gethash i table) (- i)))
312 (maphash-values (lambda (v) (push v vals)) table)
313 (set-equal vals '(0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9)))
316 (deftest hash-table-keys.1
317 (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
318 (dotimes (i 10)
319 (setf (gethash i table) t))
320 (set-equal (hash-table-keys table) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
323 (deftest hash-table-values.1
324 (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
325 (dotimes (i 10)
326 (setf (gethash (gensym) table) i))
327 (set-equal (hash-table-values table) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
330 (deftest hash-table-alist.1
331 (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
332 (dotimes (i 10)
333 (setf (gethash i table) (- i)))
334 (let ((alist (hash-table-alist table)))
335 (list (length alist)
336 (assoc 0 alist)
337 (assoc 3 alist)
338 (assoc 9 alist)
339 (assoc nil alist))))
340 (10 (0 . 0) (3 . -3) (9 . -9) nil))
342 (deftest hash-table-plist.1
343 (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
344 (dotimes (i 10)
345 (setf (gethash i table) (- i)))
346 (let ((plist (hash-table-plist table)))
347 (list (length plist)
348 (getf plist 0)
349 (getf plist 2)
350 (getf plist 7)
351 (getf plist nil))))
352 (20 0 -2 -7 nil))
354 (deftest alist-hash-table.1
355 (let* ((alist '((0 a) (1 b) (2 c)))
356 (table (alist-hash-table alist)))
357 (list (hash-table-count table)
358 (gethash 0 table)
359 (gethash 1 table)
360 (gethash 2 table)
361 (eq (hash-table-test-name 'eql)
362 (hash-table-test table))))
363 (3 (a) (b) (c) t))
365 (deftest plist-hash-table.1
366 (let* ((plist '(:a 1 :b 2 :c 3))
367 (table (plist-hash-table plist :test 'eq)))
368 (list (hash-table-count table)
369 (gethash :a table)
370 (gethash :b table)
371 (gethash :c table)
372 (gethash 2 table)
373 (gethash nil table)
374 (eq (hash-table-test-name 'eq)
375 (hash-table-test table))))
376 (3 1 2 3 nil nil t))
378 ;;;; Functions
380 (deftest disjoin.1
381 (let ((disjunction (disjoin (lambda (x)
382 (and (consp x) :cons))
383 (lambda (x)
384 (and (stringp x) :string)))))
385 (list (funcall disjunction 'zot)
386 (funcall disjunction '(foo bar))
387 (funcall disjunction "test")))
388 (nil :cons :string))
390 (deftest disjoin.2
391 (let ((disjunction (disjoin #'zerop)))
392 (list (funcall disjunction 0)
393 (funcall disjunction 1)))
394 (t nil))
396 (deftest conjoin.1
397 (let ((conjunction (conjoin #'consp
398 (lambda (x)
399 (stringp (car x)))
400 (lambda (x)
401 (char (car x) 0)))))
402 (list (funcall conjunction 'zot)
403 (funcall conjunction '(foo))
404 (funcall conjunction '("foo"))))
405 (nil nil #\f))
407 (deftest conjoin.2
408 (let ((conjunction (conjoin #'zerop)))
409 (list (funcall conjunction 0)
410 (funcall conjunction 1)))
411 (t nil))
413 (deftest compose.1
414 (let ((composite (compose '1+
415 (lambda (x)
416 (* x 2))
417 #'read-from-string)))
418 (funcall composite "1"))
421 (deftest compose.2
422 (let ((composite
423 (locally (declare (notinline compose))
424 (compose '1+
425 (lambda (x)
426 (* x 2))
427 #'read-from-string))))
428 (funcall composite "2"))
431 (deftest compose.3
432 (let ((compose-form (funcall (compiler-macro-function 'compose)
433 '(compose '1+
434 (lambda (x)
435 (* x 2))
436 #'read-from-string)
437 nil)))
438 (let ((fun (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,compose-form)))))
439 (funcall fun "3")))
442 (deftest compose.4
443 (let ((composite (compose #'zerop)))
444 (list (funcall composite 0)
445 (funcall composite 1)))
446 (t nil))
448 (deftest multiple-value-compose.1
449 (let ((composite (multiple-value-compose
450 #'truncate
451 (lambda (x y)
452 (values y x))
453 (lambda (x)
454 (with-input-from-string (s x)
455 (values (read s) (read s)))))))
456 (multiple-value-list (funcall composite "2 7")))
457 (3 1))
459 (deftest multiple-value-compose.2
460 (let ((composite (locally (declare (notinline multiple-value-compose))
461 (multiple-value-compose
462 #'truncate
463 (lambda (x y)
464 (values y x))
465 (lambda (x)
466 (with-input-from-string (s x)
467 (values (read s) (read s))))))))
468 (multiple-value-list (funcall composite "2 11")))
469 (5 1))
471 (deftest multiple-value-compose.3
472 (let ((compose-form (funcall (compiler-macro-function 'multiple-value-compose)
473 '(multiple-value-compose
474 #'truncate
475 (lambda (x y)
476 (values y x))
477 (lambda (x)
478 (with-input-from-string (s x)
479 (values (read s) (read s)))))
480 nil)))
481 (let ((fun (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,compose-form)))))
482 (multiple-value-list (funcall fun "2 9"))))
483 (4 1))
485 (deftest multiple-value-compose.4
486 (let ((composite (multiple-value-compose #'truncate)))
487 (multiple-value-list (funcall composite 9 2)))
488 (4 1))
490 (deftest curry.1
491 (let ((curried (curry '+ 3)))
492 (funcall curried 1 5))
495 (deftest curry.2
496 (let ((curried (locally (declare (notinline curry))
497 (curry '* 2 3))))
498 (funcall curried 7))
501 (deftest curry.3
502 (let ((curried-form (funcall (compiler-macro-function 'curry)
503 '(curry '/ 8)
504 nil)))
505 (let ((fun (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,curried-form)))))
506 (funcall fun 2)))
509 (deftest curry.4
510 (let* ((x 1)
511 (curried (curry (progn
512 (incf x)
513 (lambda (y z) (* x y z)))
514 3)))
515 (list (funcall curried 7)
516 (funcall curried 7)
518 (42 42 2))
520 (deftest rcurry.1
521 (let ((r (rcurry '/ 2)))
522 (funcall r 8))
525 (deftest rcurry.2
526 (let* ((x 1)
527 (curried (rcurry (progn
528 (incf x)
529 (lambda (y z) (* x y z)))
530 3)))
531 (list (funcall curried 7)
532 (funcall curried 7)
534 (42 42 2))
536 (deftest named-lambda.1
537 (let ((fac (named-lambda fac (x)
538 (if (> x 1)
539 (* x (fac (- x 1)))
540 x))))
541 (funcall fac 5))
542 120)
544 (deftest named-lambda.2
545 (let ((fac (named-lambda fac (&key x)
546 (if (> x 1)
547 (* x (fac :x (- x 1)))
548 x))))
549 (funcall fac :x 5))
550 120)
552 ;;;; Lists
554 (deftest alist-plist.1
555 (alist-plist '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)))
556 (a 1 b 2 c 3))
558 (deftest plist-alist.1
559 (plist-alist '(a 1 b 2 c 3))
560 ((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)))
562 (deftest unionf.1
563 (let* ((list (list 1 2 3))
564 (orig list))
565 (unionf list (list 1 2 4))
566 (values (equal orig (list 1 2 3))
567 (eql (length list) 4)
568 (set-difference list (list 1 2 3 4))
569 (set-difference (list 1 2 3 4) list)))
573 nil)
575 (deftest nunionf.1
576 (let ((list (list 1 2 3)))
577 (nunionf list (list 1 2 4))
578 (values (eql (length list) 4)
579 (set-difference (list 1 2 3 4) list)
580 (set-difference list (list 1 2 3 4))))
583 nil)
585 (deftest appendf.1
586 (let* ((list (list 1 2 3))
587 (orig list))
588 (appendf list '(4 5 6) '(7 8))
589 (list list (eq list orig)))
590 ((1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) nil))
592 (deftest nconcf.1
593 (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3))
594 (list2 (list 4 5 6)))
595 (nconcf list1 list2 (list 7 8 9))
596 list1)
597 (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
599 (deftest circular-list.1
600 (let ((circle (circular-list 1 2 3)))
601 (list (first circle)
602 (second circle)
603 (third circle)
604 (fourth circle)
605 (eq circle (nthcdr 3 circle))))
606 (1 2 3 1 t))
608 (deftest circular-list-p.1
609 (let* ((circle (circular-list 1 2 3 4))
610 (tree (list circle circle))
611 (dotted (cons circle t))
612 (proper (list 1 2 3 circle))
613 (tailcirc (list* 1 2 3 circle)))
614 (list (circular-list-p circle)
615 (circular-list-p tree)
616 (circular-list-p dotted)
617 (circular-list-p proper)
618 (circular-list-p tailcirc)))
619 (t nil nil nil t))
621 (deftest circular-list-p.2
622 (circular-list-p 'foo)
623 nil)
625 (deftest circular-tree-p.1
626 (let* ((circle (circular-list 1 2 3 4))
627 (tree1 (list circle circle))
628 (tree2 (let* ((level2 (list 1 nil 2))
629 (level1 (list level2)))
630 (setf (second level2) level1)
631 level1))
632 (dotted (cons circle t))
633 (proper (list 1 2 3 circle))
634 (tailcirc (list* 1 2 3 circle))
635 (quite-proper (list 1 2 3))
636 (quite-dotted (list 1 (cons 2 3))))
637 (list (circular-tree-p circle)
638 (circular-tree-p tree1)
639 (circular-tree-p tree2)
640 (circular-tree-p dotted)
641 (circular-tree-p proper)
642 (circular-tree-p tailcirc)
643 (circular-tree-p quite-proper)
644 (circular-tree-p quite-dotted)))
645 (t t t t t t nil nil))
647 (deftest circular-tree-p.2
648 (alexandria:circular-tree-p '#1=(#1#))
651 (deftest proper-list-p.1
652 (let ((l1 (list 1))
653 (l2 (list 1 2))
654 (l3 (cons 1 2))
655 (l4 (list (cons 1 2) 3))
656 (l5 (circular-list 1 2)))
657 (list (proper-list-p l1)
658 (proper-list-p l2)
659 (proper-list-p l3)
660 (proper-list-p l4)
661 (proper-list-p l5)))
662 (t t nil t nil))
664 (deftest proper-list-p.2
665 (proper-list-p '(1 2 . 3))
666 nil)
668 (deftest proper-list.type.1
669 (let ((l1 (list 1))
670 (l2 (list 1 2))
671 (l3 (cons 1 2))
672 (l4 (list (cons 1 2) 3))
673 (l5 (circular-list 1 2)))
674 (list (typep l1 'proper-list)
675 (typep l2 'proper-list)
676 (typep l3 'proper-list)
677 (typep l4 'proper-list)
678 (typep l5 'proper-list)))
679 (t t nil t nil))
681 (deftest proper-list-length.1
682 (values
683 (proper-list-length nil)
684 (proper-list-length (list 1))
685 (proper-list-length (list 2 2))
686 (proper-list-length (list 3 3 3))
687 (proper-list-length (list 4 4 4 4))
688 (proper-list-length (list 5 5 5 5 5))
689 (proper-list-length (list 6 6 6 6 6 6))
690 (proper-list-length (list 7 7 7 7 7 7 7))
691 (proper-list-length (list 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8))
692 (proper-list-length (list 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9)))
693 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
695 (deftest proper-list-length.2
696 (flet ((plength (x)
697 (handler-case
698 (proper-list-length x)
699 (type-error ()
700 :ok))))
701 (values
702 (plength (list* 1))
703 (plength (list* 2 2))
704 (plength (list* 3 3 3))
705 (plength (list* 4 4 4 4))
706 (plength (list* 5 5 5 5 5))
707 (plength (list* 6 6 6 6 6 6))
708 (plength (list* 7 7 7 7 7 7 7))
709 (plength (list* 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8))
710 (plength (list* 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9))))
711 :ok :ok :ok
712 :ok :ok :ok
713 :ok :ok :ok)
715 (deftest lastcar.1
716 (let ((l1 (list 1))
717 (l2 (list 1 2)))
718 (list (lastcar l1)
719 (lastcar l2)))
720 (1 2))
722 (deftest lastcar.error.2
723 (handler-case
724 (progn
725 (lastcar (circular-list 1 2 3))
726 nil)
727 (error ()
731 (deftest setf-lastcar.1
732 (let ((l (list 1 2 3 4)))
733 (values (lastcar l)
734 (progn
735 (setf (lastcar l) 42)
736 (lastcar l))))
740 (deftest setf-lastcar.2
741 (let ((l (circular-list 1 2 3)))
742 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
743 (ignore-errors (setf (lastcar l) 4))
744 (typep err 'type-error)))
747 (deftest make-circular-list.1
748 (let ((l (make-circular-list 3 :initial-element :x)))
749 (setf (car l) :y)
750 (list (eq l (nthcdr 3 l))
751 (first l)
752 (second l)
753 (third l)
754 (fourth l)))
755 (t :y :x :x :y))
757 (deftest circular-list.type.1
758 (let* ((l1 (list 1 2 3))
759 (l2 (circular-list 1 2 3))
760 (l3 (list* 1 2 3 l2)))
761 (list (typep l1 'circular-list)
762 (typep l2 'circular-list)
763 (typep l3 'circular-list)))
764 (nil t t))
766 (deftest ensure-list.1
767 (let ((x (list 1))
768 (y 2))
769 (list (ensure-list x)
770 (ensure-list y)))
771 ((1) (2)))
773 (deftest ensure-cons.1
774 (let ((x (cons 1 2))
775 (y nil)
776 (z "foo"))
777 (values (ensure-cons x)
778 (ensure-cons y)
779 (ensure-cons z)))
780 (1 . 2)
781 (nil)
782 ("foo"))
784 (deftest setp.1
785 (setp '(1))
788 (deftest setp.2
789 (setp nil)
792 (deftest setp.3
793 (setp "foo")
794 nil)
796 (deftest setp.4
797 (setp '(1 2 3 1))
798 nil)
800 (deftest setp.5
801 (setp '(1 2 3))
804 (deftest setp.6
805 (setp '(a :a))
808 (deftest setp.7
809 (setp '(a :a) :key 'character)
810 nil)
812 (deftest setp.8
813 (setp '(a :a) :key 'character :test (constantly nil))
816 (deftest set-equal.1
817 (set-equal '(1 2 3) '(3 1 2))
820 (deftest set-equal.2
821 (set-equal '("Xa") '("Xb")
822 :test (lambda (a b) (eql (char a 0) (char b 0))))
825 (deftest set-equal.3
826 (set-equal '(1 2) '(4 2))
827 nil)
829 (deftest set-equal.4
830 (set-equal '(a b c) '(:a :b :c) :key 'string :test 'equal)
833 (deftest set-equal.5
834 (set-equal '(a d c) '(:a :b :c) :key 'string :test 'equal)
835 nil)
837 (deftest set-equal.6
838 (set-equal '(a b c) '(a b c d))
839 nil)
841 (deftest map-product.1
842 (map-product 'cons '(2 3) '(1 4))
843 ((2 . 1) (2 . 4) (3 . 1) (3 . 4)))
845 (deftest map-product.2
846 (map-product #'cons '(2 3) '(1 4))
847 ((2 . 1) (2 . 4) (3 . 1) (3 . 4)))
849 (deftest flatten.1
850 (flatten '((1) 2 (((3 4))) ((((5)) 6)) 7))
851 (1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
853 (deftest remove-from-plist.1
854 (let ((orig '(a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4)))
855 (list (remove-from-plist orig 'a 'c)
856 (remove-from-plist orig 'b 'd)
857 (remove-from-plist orig 'b)
858 (remove-from-plist orig 'a)
859 (remove-from-plist orig 'd 42 "zot")
860 (remove-from-plist orig 'a 'b 'c 'd)
861 (remove-from-plist orig 'a 'b 'c 'd 'x)
862 (equal orig '(a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4))))
863 ((b 2 d 4)
864 (a 1 c 3)
865 (a 1 c 3 d 4)
866 (b 2 c 3 d 4)
867 (a 1 b 2 c 3)
872 (deftest delete-from-plist.1
873 (let ((orig '(a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4)))
874 (list (delete-from-plist (copy-list orig) 'a 'c)
875 (delete-from-plist (copy-list orig) 'b 'd)
876 (delete-from-plist (copy-list orig) 'b)
877 (delete-from-plist (copy-list orig) 'a)
878 (delete-from-plist (copy-list orig) 'd 42 "zot")
879 (delete-from-plist (copy-list orig) 'a 'b 'c 'd)
880 (delete-from-plist (copy-list orig) 'a 'b 'c 'd 'x)
881 (equal orig (delete-from-plist orig))
882 (eq orig (delete-from-plist orig))))
883 ((b 2 d 4)
884 (a 1 c 3)
885 (a 1 c 3 d 4)
886 (b 2 c 3 d 4)
887 (a 1 b 2 c 3)
893 (deftest mappend.1
894 (mappend (compose 'list '*) '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
895 (1 4 9))
897 (deftest assoc-value.1
898 (let ((key1 '(complex key))
899 (key2 'simple-key)
900 (alist '())
901 (result '()))
902 (push 1 (assoc-value alist key1 :test #'equal))
903 (push 2 (assoc-value alist key1 :test 'equal))
904 (push 42 (assoc-value alist key2))
905 (push 43 (assoc-value alist key2 :test 'eq))
906 (push (assoc-value alist key1 :test #'equal) result)
907 (push (assoc-value alist key2) result)
909 (push 'very (rassoc-value alist (list 2 1) :test #'equal))
910 (push (cdr (assoc '(very complex key) alist :test #'equal)) result)
911 result)
912 ((2 1) (43 42) (2 1)))
914 ;;;; Numbers
916 (deftest clamp.1
917 (list (clamp 1.5 1 2)
918 (clamp 2.0 1 2)
919 (clamp 1.0 1 2)
920 (clamp 3 1 2)
921 (clamp 0 1 2))
922 (1.5 2.0 1.0 2 1))
924 (deftest gaussian-random.1
925 (let ((min -0.2)
926 (max +0.2))
927 (multiple-value-bind (g1 g2)
928 (gaussian-random min max)
929 (values (<= min g1 max)
930 (<= min g2 max)
931 (/= g1 g2) ;uh
937 #+sbcl
938 (deftest gaussian-random.2
939 (handler-case
940 (sb-ext:with-timeout 2
941 (progn
942 (loop
943 :repeat 10000
944 :do (gaussian-random 0 nil))
945 'done))
946 (sb-ext:timeout ()
947 'timed-out))
948 done)
950 (deftest iota.1
951 (iota 3)
952 (0 1 2))
954 (deftest iota.2
955 (iota 3 :start 0.0d0)
956 (0.0d0 1.0d0 2.0d0))
958 (deftest iota.3
959 (iota 3 :start 2 :step 3.0)
960 (2.0 5.0 8.0))
962 (deftest map-iota.1
963 (let (all)
964 (declare (notinline map-iota))
965 (values (map-iota (lambda (x) (push x all))
967 :start 2
968 :step 1.1d0)
969 all))
971 (4.2d0 3.1d0 2.0d0))
973 (deftest lerp.1
974 (lerp 0.5 1 2)
975 1.5)
977 (deftest lerp.2
978 (lerp 0.1 1 2)
979 1.1)
981 (deftest mean.1
982 (mean '(1 2 3))
985 (deftest mean.2
986 (mean '(1 2 3 4))
987 5/2)
989 (deftest mean.3
990 (mean '(1 2 10))
991 13/3)
993 (deftest median.1
994 (median '(100 0 99 1 98 2 97))
997 (deftest median.2
998 (median '(100 0 99 1 98 2 97 96))
999 193/2)
1001 (deftest variance.1
1002 (variance (list 1 2 3))
1003 2/3)
1005 (deftest standard-deviation.1
1006 (< 0 (standard-deviation (list 1 2 3)) 1)
1009 (deftest maxf.1
1010 (let ((x 1))
1011 (maxf x 2)
1015 (deftest maxf.2
1016 (let ((x 1))
1017 (maxf x 0)
1021 (deftest maxf.3
1022 (let ((x 1)
1023 (c 0))
1024 (maxf x (incf c))
1025 (list x c))
1026 (1 1))
1028 (deftest maxf.4
1029 (let ((xv (vector 0 0 0))
1030 (p 0))
1031 (maxf (svref xv (incf p)) (incf p))
1032 (list p xv))
1033 (2 #(0 2 0)))
1035 (deftest minf.1
1036 (let ((y 1))
1037 (minf y 0)
1041 (deftest minf.2
1042 (let ((xv (vector 10 10 10))
1043 (p 0))
1044 (minf (svref xv (incf p)) (incf p))
1045 (list p xv))
1046 (2 #(10 2 10)))
1048 (deftest subfactorial.1
1049 (mapcar #'subfactorial (iota 22))
1057 1854
1058 14833
1059 133496
1060 1334961
1061 14684570
1062 176214841
1063 2290792932
1064 32071101049
1065 481066515734
1066 7697064251745
1067 130850092279664
1068 2355301661033953
1069 44750731559645106
1070 895014631192902121
1071 18795307255050944540))
1073 ;;;; Arrays
1075 #+nil
1076 (deftest array-index.type)
1078 #+nil
1079 (deftest copy-array)
1081 ;;;; Sequences
1083 (deftest rotate.1
1084 (list (rotate (list 1 2 3) 0)
1085 (rotate (list 1 2 3) 1)
1086 (rotate (list 1 2 3) 2)
1087 (rotate (list 1 2 3) 3)
1088 (rotate (list 1 2 3) 4))
1089 ((1 2 3)
1090 (3 1 2)
1091 (2 3 1)
1092 (1 2 3)
1093 (3 1 2)))
1095 (deftest rotate.2
1096 (list (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4) 0)
1097 (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4))
1098 (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4) 2)
1099 (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4) 3)
1100 (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4) 4)
1101 (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4) 5))
1102 (#(1 2 3 4)
1103 #(4 1 2 3)
1104 #(3 4 1 2)
1105 #(2 3 4 1)
1106 #(1 2 3 4)
1107 #(4 1 2 3)))
1109 (deftest rotate.3
1110 (list (rotate (list 1 2 3) 0)
1111 (rotate (list 1 2 3) -1)
1112 (rotate (list 1 2 3) -2)
1113 (rotate (list 1 2 3) -3)
1114 (rotate (list 1 2 3) -4))
1115 ((1 2 3)
1116 (2 3 1)
1117 (3 1 2)
1118 (1 2 3)
1119 (2 3 1)))
1121 (deftest rotate.4
1122 (list (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4) 0)
1123 (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4) -1)
1124 (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4) -2)
1125 (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4) -3)
1126 (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4) -4)
1127 (rotate (vector 1 2 3 4) -5))
1128 (#(1 2 3 4)
1129 #(2 3 4 1)
1130 #(3 4 1 2)
1131 #(4 1 2 3)
1132 #(1 2 3 4)
1133 #(2 3 4 1)))
1135 (deftest rotate.5
1136 (values (rotate (list 1) 17)
1137 (rotate (list 1) -5))
1139 (1))
1141 (deftest shuffle.1
1142 (let ((s (shuffle (iota 100))))
1143 (list (equal s (iota 100))
1144 (every (lambda (x)
1145 (member x s))
1146 (iota 100))
1147 (every (lambda (x)
1148 (typep x '(integer 0 99)))
1149 s)))
1150 (nil t t))
1152 (deftest shuffle.2
1153 (let ((s (shuffle (coerce (iota 100) 'vector))))
1154 (list (equal s (coerce (iota 100) 'vector))
1155 (every (lambda (x)
1156 (find x s))
1157 (iota 100))
1158 (every (lambda (x)
1159 (typep x '(integer 0 99)))
1160 s)))
1161 (nil t t))
1163 (deftest shuffle.3
1164 (let* ((orig (coerce (iota 21) 'vector))
1165 (copy (copy-seq orig)))
1166 (shuffle copy :start 10 :end 15)
1167 (list (every #'eql (subseq copy 0 10) (subseq orig 0 10))
1168 (every #'eql (subseq copy 15) (subseq orig 15))))
1169 (t t))
1171 (deftest random-elt.1
1172 (let ((s1 #(1 2 3 4))
1173 (s2 '(1 2 3 4)))
1174 (list (dotimes (i 1000 nil)
1175 (unless (member (random-elt s1) s2)
1176 (return nil))
1177 (when (/= (random-elt s1) (random-elt s1))
1178 (return t)))
1179 (dotimes (i 1000 nil)
1180 (unless (member (random-elt s2) s2)
1181 (return nil))
1182 (when (/= (random-elt s2) (random-elt s2))
1183 (return t)))))
1184 (t t))
1186 (deftest removef.1
1187 (let* ((x '(1 2 3))
1188 (x* x)
1189 (y #(1 2 3))
1190 (y* y))
1191 (removef x 1)
1192 (removef y 3)
1193 (list x x* y y*))
1194 ((2 3)
1195 (1 2 3)
1196 #(1 2)
1197 #(1 2 3)))
1199 (deftest deletef.1
1200 (let* ((x (list 1 2 3))
1201 (x* x)
1202 (y (vector 1 2 3)))
1203 (deletef x 2)
1204 (deletef y 1)
1205 (list x x* y))
1206 ((1 3)
1207 (1 3)
1208 #(2 3)))
1210 (deftest map-permutations.1
1211 (let ((seq (list 1 2 3))
1212 (seen nil)
1213 (ok t))
1214 (map-permutations (lambda (s)
1215 (unless (set-equal s seq)
1216 (setf ok nil))
1217 (when (member s seen :test 'equal)
1218 (setf ok nil))
1219 (push s seen))
1221 :copy t)
1222 (values ok (length seen)))
1226 (deftest proper-sequence.type.1
1227 (mapcar (lambda (x)
1228 (typep x 'proper-sequence))
1229 (list (list 1 2 3)
1230 (vector 1 2 3)
1231 #2a((1 2) (3 4))
1232 (circular-list 1 2 3 4)))
1233 (t t nil nil))
1235 (deftest emptyp.1
1236 (mapcar #'emptyp
1237 (list (list 1)
1238 (circular-list 1)
1240 (vector)
1241 (vector 1)))
1242 (nil nil t t nil))
1244 (deftest sequence-of-length-p.1
1245 (mapcar #'sequence-of-length-p
1246 (list nil
1248 (list 1)
1249 (vector 1)
1250 (list 1 2)
1251 (vector 1 2)
1252 (list 1 2)
1253 (vector 1 2)
1254 (list 1 2)
1255 (vector 1 2))
1256 (list 0
1266 (t t t t t t nil nil nil nil))
1268 (deftest length=.1
1269 (mapcar #'length=
1270 (list nil
1272 (list 1)
1273 (vector 1)
1274 (list 1 2)
1275 (vector 1 2)
1276 (list 1 2)
1277 (vector 1 2)
1278 (list 1 2)
1279 (vector 1 2))
1280 (list 0
1290 (t t t t t t nil nil nil nil))
1292 (deftest length=.2
1293 ;; test the compiler macro
1294 (macrolet ((x (&rest args)
1295 (funcall
1296 (compile nil
1297 `(lambda ()
1298 (length= ,@args))))))
1299 (list (x 2 '(1 2))
1300 (x '(1 2) '(3 4))
1301 (x '(1 2) 2)
1302 (x '(1 2) 2 '(3 4))
1303 (x 1 2 3)))
1304 (t t t t nil))
1306 (deftest copy-sequence.1
1307 (let ((l (list 1 2 3))
1308 (v (vector #\a #\b #\c)))
1309 (declare (notinline copy-sequence))
1310 (let ((l.list (copy-sequence 'list l))
1311 (l.vector (copy-sequence 'vector l))
1312 (l.spec-v (copy-sequence '(vector fixnum) l))
1313 (v.vector (copy-sequence 'vector v))
1314 (v.list (copy-sequence 'list v))
1315 (v.string (copy-sequence 'string v)))
1316 (list (member l (list l.list l.vector l.spec-v))
1317 (member v (list v.vector v.list v.string))
1318 (equal l.list l)
1319 (equalp l.vector #(1 2 3))
1320 (type= (upgraded-array-element-type 'fixnum)
1321 (array-element-type l.spec-v))
1322 (equalp v.vector v)
1323 (equal v.list '(#\a #\b #\c))
1324 (equal "abc" v.string))))
1325 (nil nil t t t t t t))
1327 (deftest first-elt.1
1328 (mapcar #'first-elt
1329 (list (list 1 2 3)
1330 "abc"
1331 (vector :a :b :c)))
1332 (1 #\a :a))
1334 (deftest first-elt.error.1
1335 (mapcar (lambda (x)
1336 (handler-case
1337 (first-elt x)
1338 (type-error ()
1339 :type-error)))
1340 (list nil
1343 :zot))
1344 (:type-error
1345 :type-error
1346 :type-error
1347 :type-error))
1349 (deftest setf-first-elt.1
1350 (let ((l (list 1 2 3))
1351 (s (copy-seq "foobar"))
1352 (v (vector :a :b :c)))
1353 (setf (first-elt l) -1
1354 (first-elt s) #\x
1355 (first-elt v) 'zot)
1356 (values l s v))
1357 (-1 2 3)
1358 "xoobar"
1359 #(zot :b :c))
1361 (deftest setf-first-elt.error.1
1362 (let ((l 'foo))
1363 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
1364 (ignore-errors (setf (first-elt l) 4))
1365 (typep err 'type-error)))
1368 (deftest last-elt.1
1369 (mapcar #'last-elt
1370 (list (list 1 2 3)
1371 (vector :a :b :c)
1372 "FOOBAR"
1373 #*001
1374 #*010))
1375 (3 :c #\R 1 0))
1377 (deftest last-elt.error.1
1378 (mapcar (lambda (x)
1379 (handler-case
1380 (last-elt x)
1381 (type-error ()
1382 :type-error)))
1383 (list nil
1386 :zot
1387 (circular-list 1 2 3)
1388 (list* 1 2 3 (circular-list 4 5))))
1389 (:type-error
1390 :type-error
1391 :type-error
1392 :type-error
1393 :type-error
1394 :type-error))
1396 (deftest setf-last-elt.1
1397 (let ((l (list 1 2 3))
1398 (s (copy-seq "foobar"))
1399 (b (copy-seq #*010101001)))
1400 (setf (last-elt l) '???
1401 (last-elt s) #\?
1402 (last-elt b) 0)
1403 (values l s b))
1404 (1 2 ???)
1405 "fooba?"
1406 #*010101000)
1408 (deftest setf-last-elt.error.1
1409 (handler-case
1410 (setf (last-elt 'foo) 13)
1411 (type-error ()
1412 :type-error))
1413 :type-error)
1415 (deftest starts-with.1
1416 (list (starts-with 1 '(1 2 3))
1417 (starts-with 1 #(1 2 3))
1418 (starts-with #\x "xyz")
1419 (starts-with 2 '(1 2 3))
1420 (starts-with 3 #(1 2 3))
1421 (starts-with 1 1)
1422 (starts-with nil nil))
1423 (t t t nil nil nil nil))
1425 (deftest starts-with.2
1426 (values (starts-with 1 '(-1 2 3) :key '-)
1427 (starts-with "foo" '("foo" "bar") :test 'equal)
1428 (starts-with "f" '(#\f) :key 'string :test 'equal)
1429 (starts-with -1 '(0 1 2) :key #'1+)
1430 (starts-with "zot" '("ZOT") :test 'equal))
1435 nil)
1437 (deftest ends-with.1
1438 (list (ends-with 3 '(1 2 3))
1439 (ends-with 3 #(1 2 3))
1440 (ends-with #\z "xyz")
1441 (ends-with 2 '(1 2 3))
1442 (ends-with 1 #(1 2 3))
1443 (ends-with 1 1)
1444 (ends-with nil nil))
1445 (t t t nil nil nil nil))
1447 (deftest ends-with.2
1448 (values (ends-with 2 '(0 13 1) :key '1+)
1449 (ends-with "foo" (vector "bar" "foo") :test 'equal)
1450 (ends-with "X" (vector 1 2 #\X) :key 'string :test 'equal)
1451 (ends-with "foo" "foo" :test 'equal))
1455 nil)
1457 (deftest ends-with.error.1
1458 (handler-case
1459 (ends-with 3 (circular-list 3 3 3 1 3 3))
1460 (type-error ()
1461 :type-error))
1462 :type-error)
1464 (deftest sequences.passing-improper-lists
1465 (macrolet ((signals-error-p (form)
1466 `(handler-case
1467 (progn ,form nil)
1468 (type-error (e)
1469 t)))
1470 (cut (fn &rest args)
1471 (with-gensyms (arg)
1472 (print`(lambda (,arg)
1473 (apply ,fn (list ,@(substitute arg '_ args))))))))
1474 (let ((circular-list (make-circular-list 5 :initial-element :foo))
1475 (dotted-list (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
1476 (loop for nth from 0
1477 for fn in (list
1478 (cut #'lastcar _)
1479 (cut #'rotate _ 3)
1480 (cut #'rotate _ -3)
1481 (cut #'shuffle _)
1482 (cut #'random-elt _)
1483 (cut #'last-elt _)
1484 (cut #'ends-with :foo _))
1485 nconcing
1486 (let ((on-circular-p (signals-error-p (funcall fn circular-list)))
1487 (on-dotted-p (signals-error-p (funcall fn dotted-list))))
1488 (when (or (not on-circular-p) (not on-dotted-p))
1489 (append
1490 (unless on-circular-p
1491 (let ((*print-circle* t))
1492 (list
1493 (format nil
1494 "No appropriate error signalled when passing ~S to ~Ath entry."
1495 circular-list nth))))
1496 (unless on-dotted-p
1497 (list
1498 (format nil
1499 "No appropriate error signalled when passing ~S to ~Ath entry."
1500 dotted-list nth)))))))))
1501 nil)
1503 (deftest with-unique-names.1
1504 (let ((*gensym-counter* 0))
1505 (let ((syms (with-unique-names (foo bar quux)
1506 (list foo bar quux))))
1507 (list (find-if #'symbol-package syms)
1508 (equal '("FOO0" "BAR1" "QUUX2")
1509 (mapcar #'symbol-name syms)))))
1510 (nil t))
1512 (deftest with-unique-names.2
1513 (let ((*gensym-counter* 0))
1514 (let ((syms (with-unique-names ((foo "_foo_") (bar -bar-) (quux #\q))
1515 (list foo bar quux))))
1516 (list (find-if #'symbol-package syms)
1517 (equal '("_foo_0" "-BAR-1" "q2")
1518 (mapcar #'symbol-name syms)))))
1519 (nil t))
1521 (deftest with-unique-names.3
1522 (let ((*gensym-counter* 0))
1523 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
1524 (ignore-errors
1525 (eval
1526 '(let ((syms
1527 (with-unique-names ((foo "_foo_") (bar -bar-) (quux 42))
1528 (list foo bar quux))))
1529 (list (find-if #'symbol-package syms)
1530 (equal '("_foo_0" "-BAR-1" "q2")
1531 (mapcar #'symbol-name syms))))))
1532 (errorp err)))
1535 (deftest once-only.1
1536 (macrolet ((cons1.good (x)
1537 (once-only (x)
1538 `(cons ,x ,x)))
1539 (cons1.bad (x)
1540 `(cons ,x ,x)))
1541 (let ((y 0))
1542 (list (cons1.good (incf y))
1544 (cons1.bad (incf y))
1545 y)))
1546 ((1 . 1) 1 (2 . 3) 3))
1548 (deftest once-only.2
1549 (macrolet ((cons1 (x)
1550 (once-only ((y x))
1551 `(cons ,y ,y))))
1552 (let ((z 0))
1553 (list (cons1 (incf z))
1555 (cons1 (incf z)))))
1556 ((1 . 1) 1 (2 . 2)))
1558 (deftest parse-body.1
1559 (parse-body '("doc" "body") :documentation t)
1560 ("body")
1562 "doc")
1564 (deftest parse-body.2
1565 (parse-body '("body") :documentation t)
1566 ("body")
1568 nil)
1570 (deftest parse-body.3
1571 (parse-body '("doc" "body"))
1572 ("doc" "body")
1574 nil)
1576 (deftest parse-body.4
1577 (parse-body '((declare (foo)) "doc" (declare (bar)) body) :documentation t)
1578 (body)
1579 ((declare (foo)) (declare (bar)))
1580 "doc")
1582 (deftest parse-body.5
1583 (parse-body '((declare (foo)) "doc" (declare (bar)) body))
1584 ("doc" (declare (bar)) body)
1585 ((declare (foo)))
1586 nil)
1588 (deftest parse-body.6
1589 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
1590 (ignore-errors
1591 (parse-body '("foo" "bar" "quux")
1592 :documentation t))
1593 (errorp err))
1596 ;;;; Symbols
1598 (deftest ensure-symbol.1
1599 (ensure-symbol :cons :cl)
1600 cons
1601 :external)
1603 (deftest ensure-symbol.2
1604 (ensure-symbol "CONS" :alexandria)
1605 cons
1606 :inherited)
1608 (deftest ensure-symbol.3
1609 (ensure-symbol 'foo :keyword)
1610 :foo
1611 :external)
1613 (deftest ensure-symbol.4
1614 (ensure-symbol #\* :alexandria)
1616 :inherited)
1618 (deftest format-symbol.1
1619 (let ((s (format-symbol nil '#:x-~d 13)))
1620 (list (symbol-package s)
1621 (string= (string '#:x-13) (symbol-name s))))
1622 (nil t))
1624 (deftest format-symbol.2
1625 (format-symbol :keyword '#:sym-~a (string :bolic))
1626 :sym-bolic)
1628 (deftest format-symbol.3
1629 (let ((*package* (find-package :cl)))
1630 (format-symbol t '#:find-~a (string 'package)))
1631 find-package)
1633 (deftest make-keyword.1
1634 (list (make-keyword 'zot)
1635 (make-keyword "FOO")
1636 (make-keyword #\Q))
1637 (:zot :foo :q))
1639 (deftest make-gensym-list.1
1640 (let ((*gensym-counter* 0))
1641 (let ((syms (make-gensym-list 3 "FOO")))
1642 (list (find-if 'symbol-package syms)
1643 (equal '("FOO0" "FOO1" "FOO2")
1644 (mapcar 'symbol-name syms)))))
1645 (nil t))
1647 (deftest make-gensym-list.2
1648 (let ((*gensym-counter* 0))
1649 (let ((syms (make-gensym-list 3)))
1650 (list (find-if 'symbol-package syms)
1651 (equal '("G0" "G1" "G2")
1652 (mapcar 'symbol-name syms)))))
1653 (nil t))
1655 ;;;; Type-system
1657 (deftest of-type.1
1658 (locally
1659 (declare (notinline of-type))
1660 (let ((f (of-type 'string)))
1661 (list (funcall f "foo")
1662 (funcall f 'bar))))
1663 (t nil))
1665 (deftest type=.1
1666 (type= 'string 'string)
1670 (deftest type=.2
1671 (type= 'list '(or null cons))
1675 (deftest type=.3
1676 (type= 'null '(and symbol list))
1680 (deftest type=.4
1681 (type= 'string '(satisfies emptyp))
1683 nil)
1685 (deftest type=.5
1686 (type= 'string 'list)
1690 (macrolet
1691 ((test (type numbers)
1692 `(deftest ,(format-symbol t '#:cdr5.~a (string type))
1693 (let ((numbers ,numbers))
1694 (values (mapcar (of-type ',(format-symbol t '#:negative-~a (string type))) numbers)
1695 (mapcar (of-type ',(format-symbol t '#:non-positive-~a (string type))) numbers)
1696 (mapcar (of-type ',(format-symbol t '#:non-negative-~a (string type))) numbers)
1697 (mapcar (of-type ',(format-symbol t '#:positive-~a (string type))) numbers)))
1698 (t t t nil nil nil nil)
1699 (t t t t nil nil nil)
1700 (nil nil nil t t t t)
1701 (nil nil nil nil t t t))))
1702 (test fixnum (list most-negative-fixnum -42 -1 0 1 42 most-positive-fixnum))
1703 (test integer (list (1- most-negative-fixnum) -42 -1 0 1 42 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
1704 (test rational (list (1- most-negative-fixnum) -42/13 -1 0 1 42/13 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
1705 (test real (list most-negative-long-float -42/13 -1 0 1 42/13 most-positive-long-float))
1706 (test float (list most-negative-short-float -42.02 -1.0 0.0 1.0 42.02 most-positive-short-float))
1707 (test short-float (list most-negative-short-float -42.02s0 -1.0s0 0.0s0 1.0s0 42.02s0 most-positive-short-float))
1708 (test single-float (list most-negative-single-float -42.02f0 -1.0f0 0.0f0 1.0f0 42.02f0 most-positive-single-float))
1709 (test double-float (list most-negative-double-float -42.02d0 -1.0d0 0.0d0 1.0d0 42.02d0 most-positive-double-float))
1710 (test long-float (list most-negative-long-float -42.02l0 -1.0l0 0.0l0 1.0l0 42.02l0 most-positive-long-float)))
1712 ;;;; Bindings
1714 (declaim (notinline opaque))
1715 (defun opaque (x)
1718 (deftest if-let.1
1719 (if-let (x (opaque :ok))
1721 :bad)
1722 :ok)
1724 (deftest if-let.2
1725 (if-let (x (opaque nil))
1726 :bad
1727 (and (not x) :ok))
1728 :ok)
1730 (deftest if-let.3
1731 (let ((x 1))
1732 (if-let ((x 2)
1733 (y x))
1734 (+ x y)
1735 :oops))
1738 (deftest if-let.4
1739 (if-let ((x 1)
1740 (y nil))
1741 :oops
1742 (and (not y) x))
1745 (deftest if-let.5
1746 (if-let (x)
1747 :oops
1748 (not x))
1751 (deftest if-let.error.1
1752 (handler-case
1753 (eval '(if-let x
1754 :oops
1755 :oops))
1756 (type-error ()
1757 :type-error))
1758 :type-error)
1760 (deftest when-let.1
1761 (when-let (x (opaque :ok))
1762 (setf x (cons x x))
1764 (:ok . :ok))
1766 (deftest when-let.2
1767 (when-let ((x 1)
1768 (y nil)
1769 (z 3))
1770 :oops)
1771 nil)
1773 (deftest when-let.3
1774 (let ((x 1))
1775 (when-let ((x 2)
1776 (y x))
1777 (+ x y)))
1780 (deftest when-let.error.1
1781 (handler-case
1782 (eval '(when-let x :oops))
1783 (type-error ()
1784 :type-error))
1785 :type-error)
1787 (deftest when-let*.1
1788 (let ((x 1))
1789 (when-let* ((x 2)
1790 (y x))
1791 (+ x y)))
1794 (deftest when-let*.2
1795 (let ((y 1))
1796 (when-let* (x y)
1797 (1+ x)))
1800 (deftest when-let*.3
1801 (when-let* ((x t)
1802 (y (consp x))
1803 (z (error "OOPS")))
1805 nil)
1807 (deftest when-let*.error.1
1808 (handler-case
1809 (eval '(when-let* x :oops))
1810 (type-error ()
1811 :type-error))
1812 :type-error)
1814 (deftest doplist.1
1815 (let (keys values)
1816 (doplist (k v '(a 1 b 2 c 3) (values t (reverse keys) (reverse values) k v))
1817 (push k keys)
1818 (push v values)))
1820 (a b c)
1821 (1 2 3)
1823 nil)
1825 (deftest count-permutations.1
1826 (values (count-permutations 31 7)
1827 (count-permutations 1 1)
1828 (count-permutations 2 1)
1829 (count-permutations 2 2)
1830 (count-permutations 3 2)
1831 (count-permutations 3 1))
1832 13253058000
1839 (deftest binomial-coefficient.1
1840 (alexandria:binomial-coefficient 1239 139)
1841 28794902202288970200771694600561826718847179309929858835480006683522184441358211423695124921058123706380656375919763349913245306834194782172712255592710204598527867804110129489943080460154)
1843 (deftest copy-stream.1
1844 (let ((data "sdkfjhsakfh weior763495ewofhsdfk sdfadlkfjhsadf woif sdlkjfhslkdfh sdklfjh"))
1845 (values (equal data
1846 (with-input-from-string (in data)
1847 (with-output-to-string (out)
1848 (alexandria:copy-stream in out))))
1849 (equal (subseq data 10 20)
1850 (with-input-from-string (in data)
1851 (with-output-to-string (out)
1852 (alexandria:copy-stream in out :start 10 :end 20))))
1853 (equal (subseq data 10)
1854 (with-input-from-string (in data)
1855 (with-output-to-string (out)
1856 (alexandria:copy-stream in out :start 10))))
1857 (equal (subseq data 0 20)
1858 (with-input-from-string (in data)
1859 (with-output-to-string (out)
1860 (alexandria:copy-stream in out :end 20))))))
1866 (deftest extremum.1
1867 (let ((n 0))
1868 (dotimes (i 10)
1869 (let ((data (shuffle (coerce (iota 10000 :start i) 'vector)))
1870 (ok t))
1871 (unless (eql i (extremum data #'<))
1872 (setf ok nil))
1873 (unless (eql i (extremum (coerce data 'list) #'<))
1874 (setf ok nil))
1875 (unless (eql (+ 9999 i) (extremum data #'>))
1876 (setf ok nil))
1877 (unless (eql (+ 9999 i) (extremum (coerce data 'list) #'>))
1878 (setf ok nil))
1879 (when ok
1880 (incf n))))
1881 (when (eql 10 (extremum #(100 1 10 1000) #'> :start 1 :end 3))
1882 (incf n))
1883 (when (eql -1000 (extremum #(100 1 10 -1000) #'> :key 'abs))
1884 (incf n))
1885 (when (eq nil (extremum "" (lambda (a b) (error "wtf? ~S, ~S" a b))))
1886 (incf n))
1890 (deftest starts-with-subseq.start1
1891 (starts-with-subseq "foo" "oop" :start1 1)
1893 nil)
1895 (deftest starts-with-subseq.start2
1896 (starts-with-subseq "foo" "xfoop" :start2 1)
1898 nil)
1900 (deftest format-symbol.print-case-bound
1901 (let ((upper (intern "FOO-BAR"))
1902 (lower (intern "foo-bar"))
1903 (*print-escape* nil))
1904 (values
1905 (let ((*print-case* :downcase))
1906 (and (eq upper (format-symbol t "~A" upper))
1907 (eq lower (format-symbol t "~A" lower))))
1908 (let ((*print-case* :upcase))
1909 (and (eq upper (format-symbol t "~A" upper))
1910 (eq lower (format-symbol t "~A" lower))))
1911 (let ((*print-case* :capitalize))
1912 (and (eq upper (format-symbol t "~A" upper))
1913 (eq lower (format-symbol t "~A" lower))))))
1918 (deftest iota.fp-start-and-complex-integer-step
1919 (equal '(#C(0.0 0.0) #C(0.0 2.0) #C(0.0 4.0))
1920 (iota 3 :start 0.0 :step #C(0 2)))
1923 (deftest parse-ordinary-lambda-list.1
1924 (multiple-value-bind (req opt rest keys allowp aux keyp)
1925 (parse-ordinary-lambda-list '(a b c &optional d &key))
1926 (and (equal '(a b c) req)
1927 (equal '((d nil nil)) opt)
1928 (equal '() keys)
1929 (not allowp)
1930 (not aux)
1931 (eq t keyp)))