2 Checker for NEERC'2009 Problem G: Garbling Game
15 Output = array of integer;
17 function NextOutput(var strm: InStream): Output;
19 SetLength(Result, 0);
20 while not strm.SeekEof do begin
21 SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1);
22 Result[Length(Result) - 1] := strm.ReadInteger();
31 ja := NextOutput(ans);
32 pa := NextOutput(ouf);
34 if not ouf.SeekEof then
35 Quit(_PE, 'Extra data in output');
37 if Length(pa) <> Length(ja) then
38 Quit(_WA, Format('%d numbers instead of %d', [Length(pa), Length(ja)]));
40 for i := 1 to Length(pa) do
41 if pa[i - 1] <> ja[i - 1] then
42 Quit(_WA, Format('%d instead of %d on line %d', [pa[i - 1], ja[i - 1], i]));
44 Quit(_OK, Format('%d numbers', [Length(pa)]));