Little changes on Colombian Programming Contest solutions.
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1 <HTML>
2 <HEAD>
3 <TITLE>CSUS Personal Computer Programming Contest (PC^2)</TITLE>
4 </HEAD>
6 <BODY BACKGROUND="doc/images/marb18.jpg" TEXT="#400000" VLINK="#408080" BGCOLOR="C0C0C0">
8 <H1 ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC="doc/images/csuslogo.gif" WIDTH="56" HEIGHT="56" ALIGN="LEFT" ALT="[CSUS]" BORDER="0"><IMG
9 SRC="doc/images/logo99.jpg" WIDTH="129" HEIGHT="117" ALIGN="RIGHT" ALT="[ACMICPC]" BORDER="0"></H1>
12 <FONT SIZE="6">PC<SUP>2</SUP> Version 8.7 <BR>
13 Distribution Documentation</FONT></H1>
17 <FONT SIZE="4">PC</FONT><SUP> 2</SUP> is the
19 <B><EM> P</EM></B> rogramming <B><EM> C</EM></B> ontest
20 <B><EM> C</EM></B> ontrol System
21 developed at California State University, Sacramento
22 (<B><EM> CSUS</EM></B>)
24 in support of Computer Programming Contest activities of the
25 <A HREF=""> ACM</A> , and in particular the ACM
26 <A HREF="">
27 International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)</A>
28 and its Regional Contests
29 around the world.</FONT></P>
32 <A HREF="">
33 <FONT SIZE="3">Click here to go to the PC</A><SUP>
34 <A HREF="">
35 <FONT SIZE="3">2</FONT></A></SUP>
36 <A HREF=""> <FONT SIZE="3"> Home Page.<BR>
37 </FONT></A>
40 <B>
41 <FONT SIZE="5">*Important*<BR>Read
42 <A HREF="readme.txt">
43 readme.txt
44 </a>
45 and
46 <A HREF="doc/admin/WhatsNewInV86.pdf">What's New document</a>
47 before reading other docs
48 <br>(click here to view readme)</FONT>
49 </B>
50 <P>
52 For a detailed description of the recent changes in PC<sup>2</sup>
53 review the
54 <A HREF="doc/admin/WhatsNewInV86.pdf">What's new in PC<sup>2</sup>
55 document.
56 </A><BR>
58 <H1>
60 <! --------------------------------------------------- >
62 <FONT SIZE="5">User Documentation Links</FONT></H1>
64 <H1>
65 <A HREF="">
66 <FONT SIZE="4"> PC<sup>2</sup> Main documentation Web Page</FONT>
67 </A>
68 </H1>
70 <! --------------------------------------------------- >
71 <hr>
73 <H1>
74 <A HREF="">
75 <FONT SIZE="4">PC<sup>2</sup> FAQ Web Page</FONT></A>
76 </H1>
78 <! --------------------------------------------------- >
79 <HR>
81 <H1>
82 <A HREF="doc/admin/pc2v85AdminGuide.htm">
83 <FONT SIZE="4">Admin Guide (local)</FONT></A>
84 <FONT SIZE="4"></FONT></H1>
86 <H1>
87 <A HREF="doc/admin/pc2v85AdminGuide.pdf">
88 <FONT SIZE="4">Admin Users' Guide (local) PDF </FONT></A>
89 </H1>
91 <! --------------------------------------------------- >
92 <hr>
93 <H1>
94 <A HREF="doc/team/PC2TeamGuide.pdf">
95 <FONT SIZE="4">Team Users' Guide (local) PDF </FONT></A>
96 <P>
98 <A HREF="doc/team/PC2TeamGuide.htm">
99 <FONT SIZE="4">Team Users' Guide (local)</FONT></A>
101 <! --------------------------------------------------- >
103 <H1>
104 <FONT SIZE="4"></FONT></H1>
105 <CENTER>
109 <A HREF="">
110 <FONT SIZE="3">Click here to send the PC</FONT>
111 <SUP>2</FONT></SUP>
112 <FONT SIZE="3"> Support team e-mail.</FONT></A>
113 </P> </CENTER>
116 <FONT SIZE="1">Revised:
117 Mon May 9 23:13:52 PDT 2005
119 </BODY>
121 </HTML>