Angband 3.0.9b.
[angband.git] / src / angband.h
1 /* File: angband.h */
3 /*
4 * Copyright (c) 1997 Ben Harrison, James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
6 * This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research,
7 * and not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement
8 * are included in all such copies. Other copyrights may also apply.
9 */
15 * Include the low-level includes.
17 #include "h-basic.h"
20 * Include the mid-level includes.
22 #include "z-file.h"
23 #include "z-form.h"
24 #include "z-util.h"
25 #include "z-virt.h"
26 #include "z-rand.h"
27 #include "z-term.h"
30 * Include the high-level includes.
32 #include "config.h"
33 #include "defines.h"
34 #include "types.h"
35 #include "ui.h"
36 #include "z-type.h"
37 #include "externs.h"
41 /***** Some older copyright messages follow below *****/
45 * Note that these copyright messages apply to an ancient version
46 * of Angband, as in, from pre-2.4.frog-knows days, and thus the
47 * references to version numbers may be rather misleading...
51 * UNIX ANGBAND Version 5.0
54 /* Original copyright message follows. */
57 * ANGBAND Version 4.8 COPYRIGHT (c) Robert Alan Koeneke
59 * I lovingly dedicate this game to hackers and adventurers
60 * everywhere...
62 * Designer and Programmer:
63 * Robert Alan Koeneke
64 * University of Oklahoma
66 * Assistant Programmer:
67 * Jimmey Wayne Todd
68 * University of Oklahoma
70 * Assistant Programmer:
71 * Gary D. McAdoo
72 * University of Oklahoma
74 * UNIX Port:
75 * James E. Wilson
76 * UC Berkeley
77 * wilson@ernie.Berkeley.EDU
78 * ucbvax!ucbernie!wilson
82 * ANGBAND may be copied and modified freely as long as the above
83 * credits are retained. No one who-so-ever may sell or market
84 * this software in any form without the expressed written consent
85 * of the author Robert Alan Koeneke.
89 #endif