1 From: Sven Geggus (sven@geggus.net)
2 Subject: Re: Word attachments in Mutt
3 Newsgroups: comp.mail.mutt
4 Date: 2001-05-16 01:21:11 PST
6 Bob Zimmerman <bobzim@no.spam.org> wrote:
8 > I receive MS Word attachments in Mutt reguarly. Is there a way to
9 > read these via Mutt in a Linux/Solaris environment? (e.g. Lynx or
10 > some type of viewer)?
12 The best M$-word to ASCII converter has to be antiword!
14 Just put the following line into .mailcap:
16 application/msword; antiword %s; copiousoutput
22 (Stephen Lambrigh, Director of Server Product Marketing at Informix
23 about porting their Database to Linux)
24 /me is giggls@ircnet, http://geggus.net/sven/ on the Web