day 13 optimize
[aoc_eblake.git] / 2015 /
1 debug() {
2 [[ ! ${DEBUG+set} ]] && return
3 echo "$*"
5 indent=
6 #
7 # _permute size n # helper for permute, munges $arr
8 _permute() {
9 debug "$indent in _permute $@ ${arr[*]}"
10 indent+=" "
11 if [[ $1 == 1 ]]; then
12 shift 2
13 echo ${arr[*]}
14 indent=${indent%?}
15 return
17 local size=$1 n=$2 tmp i
18 i=0
19 while [[ $i -lt $size ]]; do
20 _permute $((size-1)) $n
21 if [[ $((size%2)) == 1 ]]; then
22 debug "$indent $size odd, swapping first and last"
23 tmp=${arr[0]}
24 arr[0]=${arr[$((size-1))]}
25 arr[$((size-1))]=$tmp
26 else
27 debug "$indent $size even, swapping $i and last"
28 tmp=${arr[$i]}
29 arr[$i]=${arr[$((size-1))]}
30 arr[$((size-1))]=$tmp
32 i=$((i+1))
33 done
34 debug "$indent leaving $size $n ${arr[*]}"
35 indent=${indent%?}
37 # permute n # outputs n! lines, for each possible permutation
38 permute() {
39 local arr=() i=0
40 while [[ $i -lt $1 ]]; do
41 arr+=($i)
42 i=$((i+1))
43 done
44 _permute $1 $1
47 unset people change
48 declare -A change
49 count=0 lines=0
50 while read a amt b; do
51 : $((lines++))
52 case " ${people[*]} " in
53 *" $a "*) ;;
54 *) people[$((count++))]=$a ;;
55 esac
56 change[$a.$b]=$amt
57 done < <(sed 's/would gain //; s/would lose /-/; s/happ.*next to //; s/.$//')
58 echo "read $lines lines, found ${#change[*]} rules among ${#people[*]} people:"
59 echo ${people[*]}
60 [[ ! $part1 ]] && people+=("you")
61 max=0
62 while read first rest; do
63 echo trying $first $rest
64 sum=0
65 set $rest $first
66 prev=$first
67 for next; do
68 sum=$((${change[${people[$prev]}.${people[$next]}]}+sum))
69 sum=$((${change[${people[$next]}.${people[$prev]}]}+sum))
70 prev=$next
71 done
72 echo $sum
73 [[ $sum -gt $max ]] && max=$sum
74 done < <(permute ${#people[*]})
75 echo "max happiness $max"