day 13 optimize
[aoc_eblake.git] / 2015 /
1 read _ _ boss_hit
2 read _ boss_damage
3 echo "input: $boss_hit $boss_damage"
4 exec 3>&1
5 debug() {
6 [[ ! ${DEBUG+set} ]] && return
7 echo "$*" >&3
9 spells=(missile drain shield poison recharge)
10 cost=(53 73 113 173 229)
11 minspent=99999
12 # battle spell hit mana spent shield poison recharge boss_hit
13 # return 0 (and sets $spent) for win, 1 for loss/not possible, 2 + output
14 # to continue, 3 to prune path as non-maximal
15 battle() {
16 debug " battle $@" >&3
17 if [[ $# != 8 ]]; then
18 echo " invalid input" >&3
19 return 1
21 spent=$4
22 if [[ $spent -gt $minspent ]]; then
23 debug " not a minimal path, pruning rather than following"
24 return 3
26 local spell=$1 hit=$2 mana=$3 shield=$5 poison=$6 recharge=$7 boss=$8
27 debug "player turn"
28 debug " player has $hit hit points, $((7*!!shield)) armor, $mana mana"
29 debug " boss has $boss hit points"
30 if [[ ! $part1 && $((--hit)) == 0 ]]; then
31 debug " hard mode, hit points ran out"
32 return 1
34 if [[ $shield -gt 0 ]]; then
35 : $((shield--))
36 debug " shield effect down to $shield"
38 if [[ $shield -gt 0 && $spell == 2 ]]; then
39 debug " shield effect still active"
40 return 1
42 if [[ $poison -gt 0 ]]; then
43 boss=$((boss-3))
44 : $((poison--))
45 debug " poison effect down to $poison"
47 if [[ $poison -gt 0 && $spell = 3 ]]; then
48 debug " poison effect still active"
49 return 1
51 if [[ $recharge -gt 0 ]]; then
52 mana=$((mana+101))
53 : $((recharge--))
54 debug " recharge effect down to $recharge, mana up to $mana"
56 if [[ $recharge -gt 0 && $spell = 4 ]]; then
57 debug " recharge effect still active"
58 return 1
60 if [[ ${cost[$spell]} -gt $mana ]]; then
61 debug " not enough mana left"
62 return 1
64 debug " casting ${spells[$spell]}"
65 mana=$((mana - cost[spell]))
66 spent=$((spent + cost[spell]))
67 case $spell in
68 0) boss=$((boss-4)) ;;
69 1) boss=$((boss-2)) hit=$((hit+2)) ;;
70 2) shield=6 ;;
71 3) poison=6 ;;
72 4) recharge=5 ;;
73 esac
74 if [[ $boss -le 0 ]]; then
75 debug " boss defeated"
76 return 0
79 debug "boss turn"
80 debug " player has $hit hit points, $((7*!!shield)) armor, $mana mana"
81 debug " boss has $boss hit points"
82 if [[ $shield -gt 0 ]]; then
83 : $((shield--))
84 debug " shield effect down to $shield"
86 if [[ $poison -gt 0 ]]; then
87 boss=$((boss-3))
88 : $((poison--))
89 debug " poison effect down to $poison"
91 if [[ $recharge -gt 0 ]]; then
92 mana=$((mana+101))
93 : $((recharge--))
94 debug " recharge effect down to $recharge, mana up to $mana"
96 if [[ $boss -le 0 ]]; then
97 debug " boss defeated"
98 return 0
100 hit=$((hit - boss_damage + 7*!!shield))
101 if [[ $hit -le 0 ]]; then
102 debug " player defeated"
103 return 1
105 echo $hit $mana $spent $shield $poison $recharge $boss
106 return 2
108 hit=${1-50} mana=${2-500}
109 echo $hit $mana 0 0 0 0 $boss_hit > tmp
110 gen=0
111 wins=0
112 scenarios=0
113 while [[ -s tmp ]]; do
114 echo "computing generation $((++gen)) from $(wc -l < tmp) scenarios"
115 while read line; do
116 : $((scenarios++))
117 for i in {0..4}; do
118 battle $i $line
119 if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
120 : $((wins++))
121 (( spent < minspent )) && minspent=$spent
123 done
124 done < tmp > tmp2
125 sort -k4,4n -k8,8rn < tmp2 | uniq > tmp
126 done
127 rm tmp tmp2
128 echo "traced $scenarios possible sequences over $gen generations"
129 echo "computed $wins different win paths; cheapest cost $minspent mana"