day 2 golfed, sort of; 451 bytes
[aoc_eblake.git] / 2015 /
1 final=false
2 count=0
3 declare -A elements
4 longest=0
5 while read line; do
6 if $final; then
7 target=$line
8 elif [[ ! $line ]]; then
9 final=:
10 else
11 regex='([A-Z][a-z]*) => +([A-Za-z ]*)'
12 [[ $line =~ $regex ]] || { echo "failed to parse"; exit 1; }
13 elements[${BASH_REMATCH[1]}]=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
14 set ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}
15 [[ $longest -gt $# ]] || longest=$#
16 eval "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}+=('"$*"')"
17 : $((count++))
19 # cheat: after pre-reading the input, all elements start with capital
20 # except 'e', but 'e' does not occur in target or any substitution.
21 # Break input into per-element chunks
22 done < <(sed 's/e/E/g; s/\([A-Z]\)/ \1/g')
23 echo "read $count rules for ${elements[*]}, longest expansion $longest"
24 exec 3>&1
25 debug() {
26 [[ ! ${DEBUG+set} ]] && return
27 echo "$*" >&3
29 # contract n list... # output all contractions of the nth element of list
30 contract() {
31 debug " contract: $@"
32 local n=$1
33 shift
34 prefix=${@:1:$n}
35 debug " prefix: $prefix"
36 shift $n
37 local el i tail=$*
38 for el in ${elements[*]}; do
39 [[ $el == E && ( $prefix || $# -gt 2) ]] && continue # trivial prune
40 declare -n arr=$el
41 for i in ${!arr[*]}; do
42 case $tail" " in
43 ${arr[i]}" "*)
44 debug " matched $el[$i] (${arr[i]})"
45 echo $prefix $el ${tail#${arr[i]}}
46 esac
47 done
48 done
50 list=$target
51 gen=0
52 nl=$'\n'
53 while case "$nl$list$nl" in *"${nl}E$nl"*) false;; *) : ;; esac; do
54 echo " generation $gen, list has $(echo "$list" | wc -l) lines"
55 while read start; do
56 set $start
57 i=0
58 while [[ $i -lt $# && $i -lt $longest ]]; do
59 contract $i $start
60 : $((i++))
61 done
62 done <<< "$list" > tmp
63 list=$(sed '/^ /d' < tmp | sort -u)
64 debug "list is:"$'\n'"$list"
65 : $((gen++))
66 done
67 rm tmp
68 echo "found target in $gen steps"