day 15 avoid macro collisions
[aoc_eblake.git] / 2015 /
1 count=0
2 sum=0
3 while read line; do
4 size[count++]=$line
5 sum=$((sum+line))
6 done
7 if [[ $part1 ]]; then
8 target=$((sum/3))
9 else
10 target=$((sum/4))
12 echo "read $count lines, summing to $sum; target $target"
13 # sum n... # set $sum, return 0 for exact, 1 for too high, 2 for too low
14 sum() {
15 sum=0
16 for i; do
17 sum=$((sum+i))
18 done
19 if [[ $sum -gt $target ]]; then
20 return 1
21 elif [[ $sum -lt $target ]]; then
22 return 2
24 return 0
26 # product n... # set $product, possibly $min
27 product() {
28 product=1
29 for i; do
30 product=$((product*i))
31 done
32 ((product < min)) && min=$product
34 min=$((1<<50))
35 calls=0
36 # pick n prefix sum list... # choose n more items from list, add to prefix/sum
37 # output the list on success, return 1 if no output issued
38 pick() {
39 # echo " pick $@"
40 local n=$1 p=$2 s=$3 i l r=1
41 shift 3
42 if [[ $n == 1 ]]; then
43 : $((calls++))
44 ((calls % 10000)) || echo " $calls"
45 case " $* " in
46 *" $((target-s)) "*)
47 echo $p $((target-s))
48 product $p $((target-s))
49 return 0 ;;
50 esac
51 return 1
53 i=$(($#-n+1))
54 while (( i-- )); do
55 l=$1
56 shift
57 pick $((n-1)) "$l $p" $((s+l)) $* && r=0
58 done
59 return $r
61 # shave off early rounds
62 tail=1
63 while { sum ${size[*]: -$tail}; [[ $? == 2 ]]; }; do
64 : $((tail++))
65 done
66 echo "last $tail items give sum of $sum, skipping to combinations of $tail"
67 # iterate until we find a winner
68 while ! pick $tail '' 0 ${size[*]}; do
69 : $((tail++))
70 done
71 echo "made $calls calls, lowest quantum in group of $tail is $min"