1 Requires C++11 and C99 capable compiler. Tested with GCC 4.7+ and CLANG 3.2+.
3 The Makefile should work under GNU/Linux and MinGW32 (in Windows).
4 Under MinGW32 is the program compiled statically, in other systems dynamically.
12 Extract source (or clone GIT repository), go to the extracted directory and type
15 make distro (this will strip binary)
18 - the 'mingw-to-string' patch is required (http://www.tehsausage.com/mingw-to-string)
23 (optionally) UNIX-like shell (under Windows e.g. MSYS from MinGW32)
24 You will also need following files:
28 jpn_indices.csv (from tatoeba.org)
29 sentences.csv (from tatoeba.org)
31 If you have UNIX-like shell:
32 - go to the directory /tools
33 - edit source file locations in build_db.sh
35 - run 'aoi -loaddb dbscript.sql.gz' and wait for a few minutes
37 - go to the directory /tools
38 - run 'aoi -parse jmdict'
39 - run 'aoi -parse kanjidic'
40 - run parse_kradfile.py
41 - run parse_tatoeba.py
42 - concatenate files script.jmdict.sql, script.kanjidic.sql, script.components.sql
43 and scripts.tatoeba.sql IN THIS ORDER
44 - place these 2 lines at the end of concatenated file (under 'end transaction'):
45 REPLACE INTO aoi (key,val) VALUES ('db_version','VERSION');
46 REPLACE INTO aoi (key,val) VALUES ('db_created','DATE');
47 - run 'aoi -loaddb CONCATENATED_FILE' and wait for a few minutes