archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64
[arch-packages.git] / tevent / repos / extra-x86_64 / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <>
2 # Contributor: Christian Hesse <>
3 # Contributor: Marco A Rojas <marquicus at gmail dot com>
4 # Contributor: Ng Oon-Ee <>
5 # Contributor: Thomas Burdick <>
7 pkgname=tevent
8 pkgver=0.14.1
9 pkgrel=1
10 epoch=1
11 pkgdesc='Event system based on the talloc memory management library'
12 url=""
13 arch=('x86_64')
14 source=(${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar{.gz,.asc})
15 license=('GPL3')
16 depends=('talloc')
17 makedepends=('python' 'cmocka')
18 optdepends=('python: for python bindings')
19 provides=(
20 validpgpkeys=('9147A339719518EE9011BCB54793916113084025') # Samba Library Distribution Key <>
21 sha512sums=('0bcc87c10f84e947edad8f8c31f3923253c599b7a69a1db1c21ab292e02937ccb8bad9f0f70e27420ead687aaed1a9b3830b6daa903b8a9bd48cc035a6e5f4ec'
22             'SKIP')
24 build() {
25   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
26   ./configure \
27     --prefix=/usr \
28     --bundled-libraries=NONE \
29     --builtin-libraries=replace
30   make
33 package() {
34   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
35   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
38 # vim: ts=2 sw=2 et: