archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64
[arch-packages.git] / lablgtk2 / repos / extra-x86_64 / PKGBUILD
1 #Maintainer: Juergen Hoetzel <>
3 pkgname=lablgtk2
4 pkgver=2.18.11
5 pkgrel=8
6 pkgdesc="An Objective Caml interface to gtk2"
7 arch=(x86_64)
8 license=('LGPL')
9 url=""
10 depends=('gtk2' 'librsvg')
11 makedepends=('ocaml-compiler-libs>=4.12.0' 'camlp5>=7.12')
12 optdepends=('ocaml: for using the tools')
13 source=("${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz::${pkgver}.tar.gz" gcc10.patch)
14 sha512sums=('adc840df68aa5f9541db44f888f344b313e40c7d8f5cd35f2a45f1bc84e7136dde4b39f873de011db5d5fdfd904c0a097cd9d105458ea9f483cdab3954a2ee05'
15             '0fcb9f333101c5ab04dde1729a9c9805e422f100f79ad8014a3cd8c5cb78d19344292e334d4cc70d3614a41a4e143a30cd707b67a8443fa8b6f8c8fc9d7f27d9')
16 options=(!makeflags staticlibs)
18 prepare() {
19   cd "${srcdir}/lablgtk-${pkgver}/src"
20   patch -p0 -i "${srcdir}/gcc10.patch"
23 build() {
24   cd "${srcdir}/lablgtk-${pkgver}"
25   ./configure --prefix=/usr \
26     --without-gnomeui \
27     --without-gnomecanvas \
28     --without-panel \
29     --without-gtkspell \
30     --without-gtksourceview \
31     --without-gtksourceview2 \
32     --without-glade
33   sed -e "s|-O|$CFLAGS|" \
34       -e "s|-shared|& -ccopt \"$LDFLAGS\"|" \
35       -e "s|(CAMLMKLIB)|& -ldopt \"$LDFLAGS\"|" \
36       -i src/Makefile
37   make world
38   make opt
41 package() {
42   cd "${srcdir}/lablgtk-${pkgver}"
43   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" old-install
44   install -m644 META "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk2/"