archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64
[arch-packages.git] / source-highlight / repos / extra-x86_64 / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Giovanni Scafora <>
2 # Contributor: Douglas Soares de Andrade <>
4 pkgname=source-highlight
5 pkgver=3.1.9
6 pkgrel=8
7 pkgdesc="Convert source code to syntax highlighted document"
8 arch=('x86_64')
9 url=""
10 license=('GPL')
11 depends=('bash' 'boost-libs')
12 makedepends=('ctags' 'boost')
13 optdepends=('lesspipe:')
14 source=(${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz{,.sig}
15         source-highlight-gcc11.patch)
16 validpgpkeys=('E9FE8AE950CB07F5BEB2E805036A75309D33E5B5')
17 sha512sums=('d8e154e9a5d62c77807e4e5d36c0faed5ce2964291be5f8b83e2968a6de52229503689a4ca2109a717ae2632a14b63ec937ca0430c91684c72063f6bc0294195'
18             'SKIP'
19             '55f22121a2e7501c437f305790b34d330b9ad475a87ed4482527386c23424ed2eb8c1a563da41995573f0598e4a5c9096abbf414938f7e1305354bcc720944ec')
21 prepare() {
22   patch -d $pkgname-$pkgver -p1 < source-highlight-gcc11.patch # Fix build with GCC 11
24   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
25   sed -i 's/lesspipe/' src/
28 build() {
29   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
31   ./configure --prefix=/usr \
32               --sysconfdir=/etc \
33               --with-bash-completion=/usr/share/bash-completion/completions
34   make
37 package() {
38   cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
40   make prefix="${pkgdir}/usr" bash_completiondir="${pkgdir}/usr/share/bash-completion/completions" install
42   # PKGBUILD syntax highlighting
43   echo -e "\npkgbuild = sh.lang" >> "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/${pkgname}/