archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64
[arch-packages.git] / libsasl / repos / core-x86_64 / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: David Runge <>
2 # Contributor: Jan de Groot <>
4 # NOTE: upgrade libsasl in tandem with extra/cyrus-sasl
5 # As one PKGBUILD can (currently) not provide packages for several
6 # repositories, libsasl and the rest of cyrus-sasl are provided separately
7 # (else this would require mariadb and postgresql in [core])
9 _name=cyrus-sasl
10 pkgname=libsasl
11 pkgver=2.1.28
12 pkgrel=4
13 pkgdesc="Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL) library"
14 arch=(x86_64)
15 url=""
16 license=(custom)
17 depends=(gdbm glibc openssl)
18 makedepends=(krb5 libldap mariadb-libs postgresql-libs sqlite)
19 provides=(
20 source=($_name/releases/download/$_name-$pkgver/$_name-$pkgver.tar.gz{,.sig}
21         openssl3.patch::
22         openssl3-legacy-provider.patch::
23         openssl3-remove-rc4-custom-code.patch::
24 sha512sums=('db15af9079758a9f385457a79390c8a7cd7ea666573dace8bf4fb01bb4b49037538d67285727d6a70ad799d2e2318f265c9372e2427de9371d626a1959dd6f78'
25             'SKIP'
26             '5c573e9a6e39a6012b1ef93a37b0083b3936a9955e9403810697fd6bf553adcbd30ec3d610f21488165ed8c6556030ac17558afcb3705979bb9f7710031caa28'
27             'c124e407fe5eeace728b22fe107daba7581005312a6ddeeaa5f869d6f1b1ff8b5ba0ff7b1862a5238b7100ffc53ed6b7bb57f21b4e68b5433396f3cf914598d4'
28             '83b8795ade33399dded6d4dbcf1a7b5bc91145f1ffbe6ab2b7cf86f375a4729b7fa5c7ad7af5e60e4ff88067393d08c5e76c81f7c59ba3f13c6e8fc1fe7b6a7d')
29 b2sums=('6cca8c26cebb9c2ee5d539c43797d30b6309a476ec4233225789978e1d7315c4ea5d2abbc7f5464be0f3c0de5fd9212706b43fbc92f40b76cd0b1013cc00f823'
30         'SKIP'
31         'ceaf3e4cbddfd9d1e7512ed24123d40f69f9d8a831c758f36d0eabb1734c41c37afcad8ef9749f39984c0e79e8e586f54c0c86d45c68b50689474e52a5df1779'
32         '145c83ece1f6bd3691cb3a58d1f6398092ad57cd2bc8c5abf44127cf5593bf5029ace442edb64b5eedf93c3d42c4caf243b89dce549b14cb9d5563710e397623'
33         '940e26037575f03d62267662c3961bc9caf8639c2bfa8d19a00e2ada606ea7f9020a6de2b2557b432a1534764447f0ebf4c77a9a42b329bdb81159b336b0780f')
34 validpgpkeys=(
35   '829F339F8C296FE80F409D93E3D7C118C7B9F46A'  # Partha Susarla <>
36   'DEA1999F0CDB1AAEBA001E0DBEE3E3B4D2F06546'  # Quanah Gibson-Mount <>
39 prepare() {
40   cd $_name-$pkgver
41   patch -Np1 < ../openssl3.patch
42   patch -Np1 < ../openssl3-legacy-provider.patch
43   patch -Np1 < ../openssl3-remove-rc4-custom-code.patch
44   autoreconf -fiv
47 build() {
48   cd $_name-$pkgver
50   ./configure --prefix=/usr \
51       --disable-krb4 \
52       --disable-macos-framework \
53       --disable-otp \
54       --disable-passdss \
55       --disable-srp \
56       --disable-srp-setpass \
57       --disable-static \
58       --enable-alwaystrue \
59       --enable-anon \
60       --enable-auth-sasldb \
61       --enable-checkapop \
62       --enable-cram \
63       --enable-digest \
64       --enable-gssapi \
65       --enable-ldapdb \
66       --enable-login \
67       --enable-ntlm \
68       --enable-plain \
69       --enable-shared \
70       --enable-sql \
71       --infodir=/usr/share/info \
72       --mandir=/usr/share/man \
73       --sbin=/usr/bin \
74       --sysconfdir=/etc \
75       --with-dblib=gdbm \
76       --with-devrandom=/dev/urandom \
77       --with-configdir=/etc/sasl2:/etc/sasl:/usr/lib/sasl2 \
78       --with-ldap \
79       --with-mysql=/usr \
80       --with-pam \
81       --with-pgsql=/usr/lib \
82       --with-saslauthd=/var/run/saslauthd \
83       --with-sqlite3=/usr/lib
85   # prevent excessive overlinking by libtool
86   sed -i -e 's/ -shared / -Wl,-O1,--as-needed\0/g' libtool
87   make
90 check() {
91   make -k check -C $_name-$pkgver
94 package() {
95   local _target
96   make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install-pkgconfigDATA -C $_name-$pkgver
97   for _target in include lib sasldb plugins utils; do
98     make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install -C $_name-$pkgver/$_target
99   done
100   install -vDm 644 $_name-$pkgver/COPYING -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/"
101   # remove files provided by extra/cyrus-sasl
102   rm -fv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/sasl2/lib{gs2,gssapiv2,ldapdb,sql}.so*