OCaml 4.14.0 rebuild
[arch-packages.git] / dbus / trunk / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <heftig@archlinux.org>
2 # Contributor: Jan de Groot <jgc@archlinux.org>
3 # Contributor: Tom Gundersen <teg@jklm.no>
4 # Contributor: Link Dupont <link@subpop.net>
6 pkgbase=dbus
7 pkgname=(dbus dbus-docs)
8 pkgver=1.14.0
9 pkgrel=1
10 pkgdesc="Freedesktop.org message bus system"
11 url="https://wiki.freedesktop.org/www/Software/dbus/"
12 arch=(x86_64)
13 license=(GPL custom)
14 depends=(systemd-libs expat audit)
15 makedepends=(systemd xmlto docbook-xsl python yelp-tools doxygen git autoconf-archive)
16 source=("git+https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/dbus/dbus.git?signed#tag=dbus-$pkgver"
17         dbus-reload.hook no-fatal-warnings.diff)
18 sha256sums=('SKIP'
19             'd636205622d0ee3b0734360225739ef0c7ad2468a09489e6ef773d88252960f3'
20             'c10395be67e1127a58d7173b587fbbf16f8a8b271c41293558fcf9e27c185478')
21 validpgpkeys=('DA98F25C0871C49A59EAFF2C4DE8FF2A63C7CC90') # Simon McVittie <simon.mcvittie@collabora.co.uk>
23 prepare() {
24   cd dbus
26   # Allow us to enable checks without them being fatal
27   patch -Np1 -i ../no-fatal-warnings.diff
29   NOCONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh
32 build() {
33   cd dbus
34   ./configure \
35     --prefix=/usr \
36     --sysconfdir=/etc \
37     --localstatedir=/var \
38     --libexecdir=/usr/lib/dbus-1.0 \
39     --runstatedir=/run \
40     --with-console-auth-dir=/run/console/ \
41     --with-dbus-user=dbus \
42     --with-system-pid-file=/run/dbus/pid \
43     --with-system-socket=/run/dbus/system_bus_socket \
44     --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/usr/lib/systemd/system \
45     --enable-inotify \
46     --enable-libaudit \
47     --enable-systemd \
48     --enable-user-session \
49     --enable-xml-docs \
50     --enable-doxygen-docs \
51     --enable-ducktype-docs \
52     --disable-static \
53     --without-x
54   make
57 check() {
58   make -C dbus -j1 check
61 package_dbus() {
62   depends+=(libsystemd.so libaudit.so)
63   provides=(libdbus libdbus-1.so)
64   conflicts=(libdbus)
65   replaces=(libdbus)
67   DESTDIR="$pkgdir" make -C dbus install
69   rm -r "$pkgdir"/{etc,var}
71   # We have a pre-assigned uid (81)
72   echo 'u dbus 81 "System Message Bus"' |
73     install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/lib/sysusers.d/dbus.conf"
75   install -Dt "$pkgdir/usr/share/libalpm/hooks" -m644 *.hook
77   # Split docs
78   mkdir -p doc/usr/share
79   mv {"$pkgdir",doc}/usr/share/doc
81   install -Dt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" -m644 dbus/COPYING
84 package_dbus-docs() {
85   pkgdesc+=" (documentation)"
86   depends=()
88   mv doc/* "$pkgdir"
90   install -Dt "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname" -m644 dbus/COPYING
93 # vim:set sw=2 et: