1 # Maintainer: Daniel Isenmann <daniel@archlinux.org>
2 # Contributor: Brice Carpentier <brice@dlfp.org>
4 # The mono-tool package now calls make-search-index by post_install().
5 # Whenever a package is installed which places doc-sources into:
6 # /usr/lib/monodoc/sources it should call --make-search-index with
7 # post_install() and with post remove. mond-tools itself deletes the index
8 # file pre_remove(), so pacman finds the directory empty an removes it
14 pkgdesc="collection of testing and development tools for use with mono (including monodoc browser)"
17 url="http://www.mono-project.com/"
18 depends=('gtk-sharp-2')
19 makedepends=('git' 'zip')
20 install=$pkgname.install
21 options=('!makeflags')
22 source=($pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/mono/mono-tools/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz
24 sha256sums=('104f7a7e98202c44cd4f025ab8a922bd193e83ce874a48e50ffb401128ca73a8'
25 '80de1af405556addbb481d9ac123e5f94b08ad7869c90fb469d71eb08c941480')
29 mv configure.in configure.ac
31 sed -e 's/-warnaserror+//' -i gendarme/options.make # Fix build with newer mono
36 glib-gettextize --force
38 GMCS=/usr/bin/dmcs ./configure --prefix=/usr
44 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
45 install -D -m644 "${srcdir}"/monodoc.xml "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/monodoc/monodoc.xml