Reintroduced systemd udev symlinking.
[archnosh.git] / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer:  taca <>
3 pkgbase=nosh
4 pkgname=(
5     'nosh-common'
6     'nosh-guide'
7     'nosh-zsh-completion'
8     'nosh-exec'
9     'nosh-execline-shims'
10     'nosh-core-shims'
11     'nosh-service-management'
12     'nosh-terminal-management'
13     'nosh-run-system-manager'
14     'nosh-ucspi-tcp-shims'
15     'nosh-terminal-extras'
16     'nosh-systemd-shims'
17     'nosh-systemv-shims'
18     'nosh-upstart-shims'
19     'nosh-debian-shims'
20     'nosh-openbsd-shims'
21     'nosh-bsd-shims'
22     'nosh-kbd-shims'
23     'nosh-bundles'
24     'nosh-run-via-systemd'
25     'nosh-run-kernel-vt'
26     'nosh-run-udev'
27     'nosh-run-busybox-mdev'
28     'nosh-run-suckless-mdev'
29     'nosh-run-vdev'
30     'nosh-run-user-vt'
31     'nosh-run-freedesktop-system-bus'
32     'nosh-run-freedesktop-kits'
33     'nosh-run-virtualbox-guest'
34     'nosh-run-klog'
35     'nosh-run-local-syslog'
36     'nosh-run-debian-server-base'
37     'nosh-run-debian-desktop-base'
38     'nosh-run-openssh-server'
39     )               
40 pkgver=1.33
41 pkgrel=1
42 pkgdesc="A suite of system-level utilities for initializing and running a BSD or Linux system, for managing daemons, for managing terminals, and for managing logging."
43 arch=('x86_64')
44 url=""
45 license=('custom:MIT Expat' 'custom:FreeBSD' 'custom:ISC' 'custom:Simplified BSD')
46 groups=()
47 depends=()
48 makedepends=('pax' 'docbook-xml' 'docbook-xsl' 'xmlto' 'libtinfo' 'redo-jdebp')
49 checkdepends=()
50 optdepends=()
51 provides=()
52 conflicts=()
53 replaces=()
54 backup=()
55 options=()
56 install=""
57 changelog=""
59 # packages with maintenance scripts
60 _pkginstalls=( 
61         "nosh-bundles"
62         "nosh-run-klog"
63         "nosh-run-user-vt"
64         "nosh-run-local-syslog"
65         "nosh-run-via-systemd"
66         "nosh-run-busybox-mdev"
67         "nosh-run-openssh-server"
68         "nosh-run-via-systemd"
69         "nosh-run-freedesktop-kits"
70         "nosh-run-suckless-mdev"
71         "nosh-run-freedesktop-system-bus"
72         "nosh-run-system-manager"
73         "nosh-run-virtualbox-guest"
74         "nosh-run-kernel-vt"
75         "nosh-run-udev"
76         "nosh-run-debian-server-base"
77         "nosh-run-debian-desktop-base"
78         "nosh-run-openssh-server"
79         )
81 # no point in distributing empty files, create them now, they are filled in later
82 for i in ${_pkginstalls[@]}
84         touch $i.install
85 done
87 source=("$pkgver.tar.gz"
88         "staging.patch"
89         "maintenance-scripts.patch"
90         ""
91         ""
92         "services-dbus.patch"
93         "nosh-run-udev.post_install.extra"
95         "nosh-bundles.install"
96         "nosh-run-klog.install"
97         "nosh-run-user-vt.install"
98         "nosh-run-local-syslog.install"
99         "nosh-run-via-systemd.install"
100         "nosh-run-busybox-mdev.install"
101         "nosh-run-openssh-server.install"
102         "nosh-run-via-systemd.install"
103         "nosh-run-freedesktop-kits.install"
104         "nosh-run-suckless-mdev.install"
105         "nosh-run-freedesktop-system-bus.install"
106         "nosh-run-system-manager.install"
107         "nosh-run-virtualbox-guest.install"
108         "nosh-run-kernel-vt.install"
109         "nosh-run-udev.install"
110         "nosh-run-debian-server-base.install"
111         "nosh-run-debian-desktop-base.install"
112         "nosh-run-openssh-server.install"
113         )
114 noextract=()
115 sha256sums=('dc5e5e7f55322758a039f33016110573af3b9c539db1a40d5a36d1bc747f1360'
116             'ceab03a0b164c16b1189e46e1db45e71e83c5612ea01c639d750437cbeb6ff58'
117             'bc4fff63166d6347cfc9e160c1882c91ed9551577da563aafa12e32375420887'
118             'a196ede02e8ba88708ab111d25b1c1d60e163ac09fc9be3c1783daea2cfc102e'
119             'd2ee01d6d41caa8015eb74eb37525de3d45c5bb071c8785fe245884aa19f20ac'
120             '429755272a87b062d97dbaa9c146d551d8b20b6ea3670c5803ddb5b789b829b2'
121             '01e51befba50cb101d79f196cb839f6cbf6811ee3b621dc351d556e15cec7bc6'
123             'SKIP'
124             'SKIP'
125             'SKIP'
126             'SKIP'
127             'SKIP'
128             'SKIP'
129             'SKIP'
130             'SKIP'
131             'SKIP'
132             'SKIP'
133             'SKIP'
134             'SKIP'
135             'SKIP'
136             'SKIP'
137             'SKIP'
138             'SKIP'
139             'SKIP'
140             'SKIP'
141             )
142 validpgpkeys=()
144 prepare() {
146         # ncurses headers different to Debian layout, patch out the ncursesw directory in cpp Includes
147     # taken from
148         msg2 "Fix ncurses header import issues"
149     cd "${srcdir}"/source
150     find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's@ncursesw/curses\.h@curses.h@g'
152     # patch package/stage for Archlinux filesystem layout
153     msg2 "Align staging with Arch FS hierarchy guidelines"
154     cd "${srcdir}"
155     patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}"/staging.patch
157     # patch debian maintenance scripts
158     msg2 "Adapting maintenance scripts"
159     cd "${srcdir}"/package/debian
160     sed -i 's@usr/local/lib@usr/lib@g' nosh-run-via-systemd.postinst.extra
161     cd "${srcdir}"
162     patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}"/maintenance-scripts.patch
164     # rename debian maintenance scripts to Archlinux nomenclature
165     msg2 "Renaming maintenance scripts"
166     cd "${srcdir}"/package/debian
167     source "${srcdir}"/
169     # add extra install script
170     msg2 "Adding extra install scripts"
171     cp -v "${srcdir}"/nosh-run-udev.post_install.extra "${srcdir}"/package/debian/
173     # patch service files
174     msg2 "Modifying service files"
175     cd "${srcdir}"
176     patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}"/services-dbus.patch
179 build() {
181     msg2 "Building main source"
182     "${srcdir}"/package/compile
184     msg2 "Generating .install files"
185     source "${srcdir}"/
186     for i in ${_pkginstalls[@]}
187     do
188         echo "Bulding $i.install"
189         _buildinstall $i > $i.install
190     done
192     msg2 "Staging packages"
193     # stage packages to 'staging' directory
194     "${srcdir}"/package/stage "${srcdir}" "${srcdir}"/staging
197 check() {
198         # no test available for the moment
199     msg "Checking skipped..."
202 package_nosh-common() {
204     # provide license (can't be done in each package, it creates file conflicts on install)
205     install -Dm 644 "${srcdir}"/source/COPYING "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/nosh/COPYING
209 # refactor the packaging, need special case for non-conforming package
210 for _pkg in ${pkgname[@]}
212     if test "$_pkg" != "nosh-common"
213     then
214     eval "package_${_pkg}() { _package $_pkg; }"
215     fi
216 done
218 _package() {
220     case "$1" in
221         nosh-zsh-completion)
222             pkgdesc="Z Shell completion functions for the nosh toolset"
223             depends+=( 'nosh-common')
224             optdepends=( 'zsh: for actual ZSH support' )
225             ;;
226         nosh-guide)
227             pkgdesc="User guide for the various nosh-* packages"
228             depends+=( 'nosh-common')
229             ;;
230         nosh-exec)
231             pkgdesc="Minimal non-shell script processor and various chain-load utilities useful for services"
232             depends+=( 'nosh-common')
233             ;;
234         nosh-execline-shims)
235             pkgdesc="Execline utility shims"
236             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec')
237             conflicts+=( 'execline' )
238             ;;
239         nosh-core-shims)
240             pkgdesc="Core utility shims"
241             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec')
242             conflicts+=( 'coreutils' 'util-linux' )
243             ;;
244         nosh-service-management)
245             pkgdesc="Service and system management utilities"
246             depends+=( 'nosh-common')
247             conflicts+=( 'nosh-bundles<=1.30')
248             ;;
249         nosh-terminal-management)
250             pkgdesc="Virtual terminal, pseudo-terminal, and TUI login tools"
251             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-service-management>=1.14' )
252             conflicts+=( 'nosh-bundles<=1.20')
253             ;;
254         nosh-run-system-manager)
255             pkgdesc="Run the nosh system manager"
256             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-bundles' 'redo-jdebp')
257             conflicts+=( 'nosh-run-via-systemd' 'upstart' 'sysvinit' 'systemd-sysvcompat') #'systemd' 
258             install="nosh-run-system-manager.install"
259             ;;
260         nosh-ucspi-tcp-shims)
261             pkgdesc="Bernstein UCSPI-TCP shim service utilities"
262             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' )
263             conflicts+=( 'ucspi-tcp' 'nosh-exec<=1.32')
264             ;;
265         nosh-terminal-extras)
266             pkgdesc="Extra terminal utilities"
267             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-terminal-management' )
268             ;;
269         nosh-systemd-shims)
270             pkgdesc="Systemd shim service and system management utilities"
271             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-service-management' )
272             conflicts+=( 'systemd' )
273             ;;
274         nosh-systemv-shims)
275             pkgdesc="BSD and System 5 shim service and system management utilities"
276             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-service-management' )
277             conflicts+=( 'systemd-sysvcompat')
278             ;;
279         nosh-upstart-shims)
280             pkgdesc="Upstart shim service and system management utilities"
281             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-service-management' )
282             ;;
283         nosh-debian-shims)
284             pkgdesc="Debian shim service and system management utilities"
285             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-service-management' )
286             conflicts+=( 'nosh-run-via-systemd' 'upstart' 'sysvinit' 'systemd' )
287             ;;
288         nosh-openbsd-shims)
289             pkgdesc="OpenBSD shim service and system management utilities"
290             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-service-management' 'nosh-systemv-shims<=1.28' )
291             conflicts+=( 'nosh-systemv-shims<=1.27')
292             ;;
293         nosh-bsd-shims)
294             pkgdesc="BSD shim service and system management utilities"
295             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-service-management' )
296             conflicts+=( 'android-tools' )
297             ;;
298         nosh-kbd-shims)
299             pkgdesc="shim kbd utilities"
300             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-terminal-management' )
301             conflicts+=( 'kbd')
302             ;;
303         nosh-bundles)
304             pkgdesc="Service bundles"
305             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-exec>=1.32' 'nosh-terminal-management>=1.22' 'shadow' )
306             install="nosh-bundles.install"
307             ;;
308         nosh-run-via-systemd)
309             pkgdesc="Run the nosh service manager and daemontools service scanner via systemd"
310             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'systemd' 'nosh-bundles' )
311             install="nosh-run-via-systemd.install"
312             ;;
313         nosh-run-kernel-vt)
314             pkgdesc="Run old-style kernel virtual terminals"
315             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-terminal-management' 'nosh-bundles' )
316             install="nosh-run-kernel-vt.install"
317             ;;
318         nosh-run-udev)
319             pkgdesc="Run udev as the device manager"
320             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.16' 'nosh-bundles' )
321             optdepends+=( 'systemd: the systemd implementation currently does not work with nosh' 'eudev: for an alternative udev implementation' )
322             conflicts+=('nosh-run-busybox-mdev' 'nosh-run-suckless-mdev' 'nosh-run-vdev')
323             install="nosh-run-udev.install"
324             ;;
325         nosh-run-busybox-mdev)
326             pkgdesc="Run BusyBox mdev as the device manager"
327             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.16' 'nosh-bundles' 'busybox')
328             conflicts+=('nosh-run-udev' 'nosh-run-suckless-mdev' 'nosh-run-vdev')
329             install="nosh-run-busybox-mdev.install"
330             ;;
331         nosh-run-suckless-mdev)
332             pkgdesc="Run SuckLess mdev as the device manager"
333             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.16' 'nosh-bundles' 'smdev')
334             conflicts+=('nosh-run-udev' 'nosh-run-busybox-mdev' 'nosh-run-vdev')
335             install="nosh-run-suckless-mdev.install"
336             ;;
337         nosh-run-vdev)
338             pkgdesc="Run vdev as the device manager"
339             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management' 'nosh-bundles' 'vdev-git')
340             conflicts+=('nosh-run-busybox-mdev' 'nosh-run-suckless-mdev' 'nosh-run-udev')
341             # no run script so far
342             # install="nosh-run-vdev.install"
343             ;;
344         nosh-run-user-vt)
345             pkgdesc="Run new-style application-mode virtual terminals"
346             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-terminal-management' 'nosh-bundles' )
347             install="nosh-run-user-vt.install"
348             ;;
349         nosh-run-freedesktop-system-bus)
350             pkgdesc="Run the system-wide message bus from"
351             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-bundles' )
352             install="nosh-run-freedesktop-system-bus.install"
353             ;;
354         nosh-run-freedesktop-kits)
355             pkgdesc="Run the various "kit" programs from"
356             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-bundles' )
357             install="nosh-run-freedesktop-kits.install"
358             ;;
359         nosh-run-virtualbox-guest)
360             pkgdesc="Run VirtualBox guest additions"
361             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-bundles' )
362             install="nosh-run-virtualbox-guest.install"
363             ;;
364         nosh-run-klog)
365             pkgdesc="Run the klog service"
366             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-bundles' )
367             #conflicts+=( 'systemd' )
368             install="nosh-run-klog.install"
369             ;;
370         nosh-run-local-syslog)
371             pkgdesc="Run the local syslog service"
372             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-bundles' )
373             #conflicts+=( 'systemd' )
374             install="nosh-run-local-syslog.install"
375             ;;
376         nosh-run-debian-server-base)
377             pkgdesc="Run the local syslog service"
378             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-bundles>=1.33' 'nosh-terminal-management' )
379             conflicts+=( 'nosh-run-desktop-base' 'nosh-bundles<=1.32')
380             install="nosh-run-debian-server-base.install"
381             ;;  
382         nosh-run-debian-desktop-base)
383             pkgdesc="Run the local syslog service"
384             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-bundles>=1.33' 'nosh-terminal-management' )
385             conflicts+=( 'nosh-run-server-base' 'nosh-bundles<=1.32')
386             install="nosh-run-debian-desktop-base.install"
387             ;;  
388         nosh-run-openssh-server)
389             pkgdesc="Run the OpenSSH server"
390             depends+=( 'nosh-common' 'nosh-exec' 'nosh-service-management>=1.33' 'nosh-bundles' )
391             install="nosh-run-openssh-server.install"
392             ;;  
393     esac
395     # copy over the staging files
396     (cd "${srcdir}"/staging/"${1}"/ && pax -r -w -l -- * "${pkgdir}"/)