2 pkgdesc = A suite of system-level utilities for initializing and running a BSD or Linux system, for managing daemons, for managing terminals, and for managing logging.
5 url = https://jdebp.eu/Softwares/nosh/index.html
7 license = custom:MIT Expat
8 license = custom:FreeBSD
10 license = custom:Simplified BSD
12 makedepends = docbook-xml
13 makedepends = docbook-xsl
15 makedepends = libtinfo
16 makedepends = redo-jdebp
17 source = https://jdebp.eu/Repository/freebsd/nosh-1.33.tar.gz
18 source = staging.patch
19 source = maintenance-scripts.patch
20 source = maintenance.sh
21 source = scriptletbuilder.sh
22 source = services-dbus.patch
23 source = nosh-run-udev.post_install.extra
24 source = nosh-bundles.install
25 source = nosh-run-klog.install
26 source = nosh-run-user-vt.install
27 source = nosh-run-local-syslog.install
28 source = nosh-run-via-systemd.install
29 source = nosh-run-busybox-mdev.install
30 source = nosh-run-openssh-server.install
31 source = nosh-run-via-systemd.install
32 source = nosh-run-freedesktop-kits.install
33 source = nosh-run-suckless-mdev.install
34 source = nosh-run-freedesktop-system-bus.install
35 source = nosh-run-system-manager.install
36 source = nosh-run-virtualbox-guest.install
37 source = nosh-run-kernel-vt.install
38 source = nosh-run-udev.install
39 source = nosh-run-debian-server-base.install
40 source = nosh-run-debian-desktop-base.install
41 source = nosh-run-openssh-server.install
42 sha256sums = da484e473a58c6c4e572c4d6f651f9dbf19b1beb41ebd52595d9fca8251c7027
43 sha256sums = ceab03a0b164c16b1189e46e1db45e71e83c5612ea01c639d750437cbeb6ff58
44 sha256sums = bc4fff63166d6347cfc9e160c1882c91ed9551577da563aafa12e32375420887
45 sha256sums = e23cc822956da263bd9bfc7bc37a4edc48bd92dcd452535afbf7ea9828cf8d19
46 sha256sums = d2ee01d6d41caa8015eb74eb37525de3d45c5bb071c8785fe245884aa19f20ac
47 sha256sums = 429755272a87b062d97dbaa9c146d551d8b20b6ea3670c5803ddb5b789b829b2
48 sha256sums = 01e51befba50cb101d79f196cb839f6cbf6811ee3b621dc351d556e15cec7bc6
72 pkgname = nosh-zsh-completion
76 pkgname = nosh-execline-shims
78 pkgname = nosh-core-shims
80 pkgname = nosh-service-management
82 pkgname = nosh-terminal-management
84 pkgname = nosh-run-system-manager
86 pkgname = nosh-ucspi-tcp-shims
88 pkgname = nosh-terminal-extras
90 pkgname = nosh-systemd-shims
92 pkgname = nosh-systemv-shims
94 pkgname = nosh-upstart-shims
96 pkgname = nosh-debian-shims
98 pkgname = nosh-openbsd-shims
100 pkgname = nosh-bsd-shims
102 pkgname = nosh-kbd-shims
104 pkgname = nosh-bundles
106 pkgname = nosh-run-via-systemd
108 pkgname = nosh-run-kernel-vt
110 pkgname = nosh-run-udev
112 pkgname = nosh-run-busybox-mdev
114 pkgname = nosh-run-suckless-mdev
116 pkgname = nosh-run-vdev
118 pkgname = nosh-run-user-vt
120 pkgname = nosh-run-freedesktop-system-bus
122 pkgname = nosh-run-freedesktop-kits
124 pkgname = nosh-run-virtualbox-guest
126 pkgname = nosh-run-klog
128 pkgname = nosh-run-local-syslog
130 pkgname = nosh-run-debian-server-base
132 pkgname = nosh-run-debian-desktop-base
134 pkgname = nosh-run-openssh-server