Added alternating row coloration to make it easier to relate left to right
[archweb_dev-nj.git] / templates / todolists / list.html
1 {% extends "base.html" %}
3 {% block content %}
4 <div class="greybox">
5 {% if perms.todolists.add_todolist %}
6 <div style="float:right">
7 <a href="/todo/add/">Add Todo List</a>
8 </div>
9 {% endif %}
10 <h2 class="title">Package ToDo lists</h2>
11 <table class="results" width="100%">
12 <tr>
13 <th>Name</th>
14 <th>Creation Date</th>
15 <th>Creator</th>
16 <th>Description</th>
17 <th>Status</th>
18 </tr>
19 {% for list in lists %}
20 <tr class="{% cycle pkgr2,pkgr1 %}">
21 <td style="white-space:nowrap"><a href="/todo/{{ }}/">{{ }}</a></td>
22 <td>{{ list.date_added }}</td>
23 <td>{{ list.creator.get_full_name }}</td>
24 <td>{{ list.description }}</td>
25 <td>{% if list.complete %}<span style="color:blue">Complete</span>{% else %}<span style="color:red">Incomplete</span>{% endif %}</td>
26 </tr>
27 {% endfor %}
28 </table>
29 </div>
30 {% endblock %}