1 //In order to apply the osgi stuff
4 modname = 'ariane-processor-message-parser'
7 //Information needed for OSGI
13 //instruction 'Private-Package',
14 // 'org.mycomp.package1',
15 // 'org.mycomp.package2'
16 instruction 'Bundle-Category', 'processor,implementation,message,parser,' +
18 instruction 'Bundle-Copyright', 'Copyright 2012 Fat Cat'
19 instruction 'Bundle-Description', ' Bundle that parses an client request ' +
20 'or server response and formats an client response or server request. '
21 instruction 'Bundle-DocURL', 'https://www.assembla' +
22 '.com/spaces/jellyfish_cache'
23 instruction 'Bundle-License',
24 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html; Description= Apache' +
26 instruction 'Bundle-ManifestVersion', '2'
27 instruction 'Bundle-Version', version