[askyou.git] / lib / tasks / migrate_from_trac.rake
1 # redMine - project management software
2 # Copyright (C) 2006-2007  Jean-Philippe Lang
4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
18 require 'active_record'
19 require 'iconv'
20 require 'pp'
22 namespace :redmine do
23   desc 'Trac migration script'
24   task :migrate_from_trac => :environment do
26     module TracMigrate
27         TICKET_MAP = []
29         DEFAULT_STATUS = IssueStatus.default
30         assigned_status = IssueStatus.find_by_position(2)
31         resolved_status = IssueStatus.find_by_position(3)
32         feedback_status = IssueStatus.find_by_position(4)
33         closed_status = IssueStatus.find :first, :conditions => { :is_closed => true }
34         STATUS_MAPPING = {'new' => DEFAULT_STATUS,
35                           'reopened' => feedback_status,
36                           'assigned' => assigned_status,
37                           'closed' => closed_status
38                           }
40         priorities = IssuePriority.all
41         DEFAULT_PRIORITY = priorities[0]
42         PRIORITY_MAPPING = {'lowest' => priorities[0],
43                             'low' => priorities[0],
44                             'normal' => priorities[1],
45                             'high' => priorities[2],
46                             'highest' => priorities[3],
47                             # ---
48                             'trivial' => priorities[0],
49                             'minor' => priorities[1],
50                             'major' => priorities[2],
51                             'critical' => priorities[3],
52                             'blocker' => priorities[4]
53                             }
55         TRACKER_BUG = Tracker.find_by_position(1)
56         TRACKER_FEATURE = Tracker.find_by_position(2)
58         TRACKER_MAPPING = {'defect' => TRACKER_BUG,
59                            'enhancement' => TRACKER_FEATURE,
60                            'task' => TRACKER_FEATURE,
61                            'patch' =>TRACKER_FEATURE
62                            }
64         roles = Role.find(:all, :conditions => {:builtin => 0}, :order => 'position ASC')
65         manager_role = roles[0]
66         developer_role = roles[1]
67         DEFAULT_ROLE = roles.last
68         ROLE_MAPPING = {'admin' => manager_role,
69                         'developer' => developer_role
70                         }
72       class ::Time
73         class << self
74           alias :real_now :now
75           def now
76             real_now - @fake_diff.to_i
77           end
78           def fake(time)
79             @fake_diff = real_now - time
80             res = yield
81             @fake_diff = 0
82            res
83           end
84         end
85       end
87       class TracComponent < ActiveRecord::Base
88         set_table_name :component
89       end
91       class TracMilestone < ActiveRecord::Base
92         set_table_name :milestone
93         # If this attribute is set a milestone has a defined target timepoint
94         def due
95           if read_attribute(:due) && read_attribute(:due) > 0
96             Time.at(read_attribute(:due)).to_date
97           else
98             nil
99           end
100         end
101         # This is the real timepoint at which the milestone has finished.
102         def completed
103           if read_attribute(:completed) && read_attribute(:completed) > 0
104             Time.at(read_attribute(:completed)).to_date
105           else
106             nil
107           end
108         end
110         def description
111           # Attribute is named descr in Trac v0.8.x
112           has_attribute?(:descr) ? read_attribute(:descr) : read_attribute(:description)
113         end
114       end
116       class TracTicketCustom < ActiveRecord::Base
117         set_table_name :ticket_custom
118       end
120       class TracAttachment < ActiveRecord::Base
121         set_table_name :attachment
122         set_inheritance_column :none
124         def time; Time.at(read_attribute(:time)) end
126         def original_filename
127           filename
128         end
130         def content_type
131           ''
132         end
134         def exist?
135           File.file? trac_fullpath
136         end
138         def open
139           File.open("#{trac_fullpath}", 'rb') {|f|
140             @file = f
141             yield self
142           }
143         end
145         def read(*args)
146           @file.read(*args)
147         end
149         def description
150           read_attribute(:description).to_s.slice(0,255)
151         end
153       private
154         def trac_fullpath
155           attachment_type = read_attribute(:type)
156           trac_file = filename.gsub( /[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.!~*']/n ) {|x| sprintf('%%%02x', x[0]) }
157           "#{TracMigrate.trac_attachments_directory}/#{attachment_type}/#{id}/#{trac_file}"
158         end
159       end
161       class TracTicket < ActiveRecord::Base
162         set_table_name :ticket
163         set_inheritance_column :none
165         # ticket changes: only migrate status changes and comments
166         has_many :changes, :class_name => "TracTicketChange", :foreign_key => :ticket
167         has_many :attachments, :class_name => "TracAttachment",
168                                :finder_sql => "SELECT DISTINCT attachment.* FROM #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}" +
169                                               " WHERE #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}.type = 'ticket'" +
170                                               ' AND #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}.id = \'#{id}\''
171         has_many :customs, :class_name => "TracTicketCustom", :foreign_key => :ticket
173         def ticket_type
174           read_attribute(:type)
175         end
177         def summary
178           read_attribute(:summary).blank? ? "(no subject)" : read_attribute(:summary)
179         end
181         def description
182           read_attribute(:description).blank? ? summary : read_attribute(:description)
183         end
185         def time; Time.at(read_attribute(:time)) end
186         def changetime; Time.at(read_attribute(:changetime)) end
187       end
189       class TracTicketChange < ActiveRecord::Base
190         set_table_name :ticket_change
192         def time; Time.at(read_attribute(:time)) end
193       end
195       TRAC_WIKI_PAGES = %w(InterMapTxt InterTrac InterWiki RecentChanges SandBox TracAccessibility TracAdmin TracBackup TracBrowser TracCgi TracChangeset \
196                            TracEnvironment TracFastCgi TracGuide TracImport TracIni TracInstall TracInterfaceCustomization \
197                            TracLinks TracLogging TracModPython TracNotification TracPermissions TracPlugins TracQuery \
198                            TracReports TracRevisionLog TracRoadmap TracRss TracSearch TracStandalone TracSupport TracSyntaxColoring TracTickets \
199                            TracTicketsCustomFields TracTimeline TracUnicode TracUpgrade TracWiki WikiDeletePage WikiFormatting \
200                            WikiHtml WikiMacros WikiNewPage WikiPageNames WikiProcessors WikiRestructuredText WikiRestructuredTextLinks \
201                            CamelCase TitleIndex)
203       class TracWikiPage < ActiveRecord::Base
204         set_table_name :wiki
205         set_primary_key :name
207         has_many :attachments, :class_name => "TracAttachment",
208                                :finder_sql => "SELECT DISTINCT attachment.* FROM #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}" +
209                                       " WHERE #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}.type = 'wiki'" +
210                                       ' AND #{TracMigrate::TracAttachment.table_name}.id = \'#{id}\''
212         def self.columns
213           # Hides readonly Trac field to prevent clash with AR readonly? method (Rails 2.0)
214           super.select {|column| column.name.to_s != 'readonly'}
215         end
217         def time; Time.at(read_attribute(:time)) end
218       end
220       class TracPermission < ActiveRecord::Base
221         set_table_name :permission
222       end
224       class TracSessionAttribute < ActiveRecord::Base
225         set_table_name :session_attribute
226       end
228       def self.find_or_create_user(username, project_member = false)
229         return User.anonymous if username.blank?
231         u = User.find_by_login(username)
232         if !u
233           # Create a new user if not found
234           mail = username[0,limit_for(User, 'mail')]
235           if mail_attr = TracSessionAttribute.find_by_sid_and_name(username, 'email')
236             mail = mail_attr.value
237           end
238           mail = "#{mail}@foo.bar" unless mail.include?("@")
240           name = username
241           if name_attr = TracSessionAttribute.find_by_sid_and_name(username, 'name')
242             name = name_attr.value
243           end
244           name =~ (/(.*)(\s+\w+)?/)
245           fn = $1.strip
246           ln = ($2 || '-').strip
248           u = User.new :mail => mail.gsub(/[^-@a-z0-9\.]/i, '-'),
249                        :firstname => fn[0, limit_for(User, 'firstname')].gsub(/[^\w\s\'\-]/i, '-'),
250                        :lastname => ln[0, limit_for(User, 'lastname')].gsub(/[^\w\s\'\-]/i, '-')
252           u.login = username[0,limit_for(User, 'login')].gsub(/[^a-z0-9_\-@\.]/i, '-')
253           u.password = 'trac'
254           u.admin = true if TracPermission.find_by_username_and_action(username, 'admin')
255           # finally, a default user is used if the new user is not valid
256           u = User.find(:first) unless u.save
257         end
258         # Make sure he is a member of the project
259         if project_member && !u.member_of?(@target_project)
260           role = DEFAULT_ROLE
261           if u.admin
262             role = ROLE_MAPPING['admin']
263           elsif TracPermission.find_by_username_and_action(username, 'developer')
264             role = ROLE_MAPPING['developer']
265           end
266           Member.create(:user => u, :project => @target_project, :roles => [role])
267           u.reload
268         end
269         u
270       end
272       # Basic wiki syntax conversion
273       def self.convert_wiki_text(text)
274         # Titles
275         text = text.gsub(/^(\=+)\s(.+)\s(\=+)/) {|s| "\nh#{$1.length}. #{$2}\n"}
276         # External Links
277         text = text.gsub(/\[(http[^\s]+)\s+([^\]]+)\]/) {|s| "\"#{$2}\":#{$1}"}
278         # Ticket links:
279         #      [ticket:234 Text],[ticket:234 This is a test]
280         text = text.gsub(/\[ticket\:([^\ ]+)\ (.+?)\]/, '"\2":/issues/show/\1')
281         #      ticket:1234
282         #      #1 is working cause Redmine uses the same syntax.
283         text = text.gsub(/ticket\:([^\ ]+)/, '#\1')
284         # Milestone links:
285         #      [milestone:"0.1.0 Mercury" Milestone 0.1.0 (Mercury)]
286         #      The text "Milestone 0.1.0 (Mercury)" is not converted,
287         #      cause Redmine's wiki does not support this.
288         text = text.gsub(/\[milestone\:\"([^\"]+)\"\ (.+?)\]/, 'version:"\1"')
289         #      [milestone:"0.1.0 Mercury"]
290         text = text.gsub(/\[milestone\:\"([^\"]+)\"\]/, 'version:"\1"')
291         text = text.gsub(/milestone\:\"([^\"]+)\"/, 'version:"\1"')
292         #      milestone:0.1.0
293         text = text.gsub(/\[milestone\:([^\ ]+)\]/, 'version:\1')
294         text = text.gsub(/milestone\:([^\ ]+)/, 'version:\1')
295         # Internal Links
296         text = text.gsub(/\[\[BR\]\]/, "\n") # This has to go before the rules below
297         text = text.gsub(/\[\"(.+)\".*\]/) {|s| "[[#{$1.delete(',./?;|:')}]]"}
298         text = text.gsub(/\[wiki:\"(.+)\".*\]/) {|s| "[[#{$1.delete(',./?;|:')}]]"}
299         text = text.gsub(/\[wiki:\"(.+)\".*\]/) {|s| "[[#{$1.delete(',./?;|:')}]]"}
300         text = text.gsub(/\[wiki:([^\s\]]+)\]/) {|s| "[[#{$1.delete(',./?;|:')}]]"}
301         text = text.gsub(/\[wiki:([^\s\]]+)\s(.*)\]/) {|s| "[[#{$1.delete(',./?;|:')}|#{$2.delete(',./?;|:')}]]"}
303   # Links to pages UsingJustWikiCaps
304   text = text.gsub(/([^!]|^)(^| )([A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+)/, '\\1\\2[[\3]]')
305   # Normalize things that were supposed to not be links
306   # like !NotALink
307   text = text.gsub(/(^| )!([A-Z][A-Za-z]+)/, '\1\2')
308         # Revisions links
309         text = text.gsub(/\[(\d+)\]/, 'r\1')
310         # Ticket number re-writing
311         text = text.gsub(/#(\d+)/) do |s|
312           if $1.length < 10
313 #            TICKET_MAP[$1.to_i] ||= $1
314             "\##{TICKET_MAP[$1.to_i] || $1}"
315           else
316             s
317           end
318         end
319         # We would like to convert the Code highlighting too
320         # This will go into the next line.
321         shebang_line = false
322         # Reguar expression for start of code
323         pre_re = /\{\{\{/
324         # Code hightlighing...
325         shebang_re = /^\#\!([a-z]+)/
326         # Regular expression for end of code
327         pre_end_re = /\}\}\}/
329         # Go through the whole text..extract it line by line
330         text = text.gsub(/^(.*)$/) do |line|
331           m_pre = pre_re.match(line)
332           if m_pre
333             line = '<pre>'
334           else
335             m_sl = shebang_re.match(line)
336             if m_sl
337               shebang_line = true
338               line = '<code class="' + m_sl[1] + '">'
339             end
340             m_pre_end = pre_end_re.match(line)
341             if m_pre_end
342               line = '</pre>'
343               if shebang_line
344                 line = '</code>' + line
345               end
346             end
347           end
348           line
349         end
351         # Highlighting
352         text = text.gsub(/'''''([^\s])/, '_*\1')
353         text = text.gsub(/([^\s])'''''/, '\1*_')
354         text = text.gsub(/'''/, '*')
355         text = text.gsub(/''/, '_')
356         text = text.gsub(/__/, '+')
357         text = text.gsub(/~~/, '-')
358         text = text.gsub(/`/, '@')
359         text = text.gsub(/,,/, '~')
360         # Lists
361         text = text.gsub(/^([ ]+)\* /) {|s| '*' * $1.length + " "}
363         text
364       end
366       def self.migrate
367         establish_connection
369         # Quick database test
370         TracComponent.count
372         migrated_components = 0
373         migrated_milestones = 0
374         migrated_tickets = 0
375         migrated_custom_values = 0
376         migrated_ticket_attachments = 0
377         migrated_wiki_edits = 0
378         migrated_wiki_attachments = 0
380         #Wiki system initializing...
381         @target_project.wiki.destroy if @target_project.wiki
382         @target_project.reload
383         wiki = Wiki.new(:project => @target_project, :start_page => 'WikiStart')
384         wiki_edit_count = 0
386         # Components
387         print "Migrating components"
388         issues_category_map = {}
389         TracComponent.find(:all).each do |component|
390         print '.'
391         STDOUT.flush
392           c = IssueCategory.new :project => @target_project,
393                                 :name => encode(component.name[0, limit_for(IssueCategory, 'name')])
394         next unless c.save
395         issues_category_map[component.name] = c
396         migrated_components += 1
397         end
398         puts
400         # Milestones
401         print "Migrating milestones"
402         version_map = {}
403         TracMilestone.find(:all).each do |milestone|
404           print '.'
405           STDOUT.flush
406           # First we try to find the wiki page...
407           p = wiki.find_or_new_page(milestone.name.to_s)
408           p.content = WikiContent.new(:page => p) if p.new_record?
409           p.content.text = milestone.description.to_s
410           p.content.author = find_or_create_user('trac')
411           p.content.comments = 'Milestone'
412           p.save
414           v = Version.new :project => @target_project,
415                           :name => encode(milestone.name[0, limit_for(Version, 'name')]),
416                           :description => nil,
417                           :wiki_page_title => milestone.name.to_s,
418                           :effective_date => milestone.completed
420           next unless v.save
421           version_map[milestone.name] = v
422           migrated_milestones += 1
423         end
424         puts
426         # Custom fields
427         # TODO: read trac.ini instead
428         print "Migrating custom fields"
429         custom_field_map = {}
430         TracTicketCustom.find_by_sql("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM #{TracTicketCustom.table_name}").each do |field|
431           print '.'
432           STDOUT.flush
433           # Redmine custom field name
434           field_name = encode(field.name[0, limit_for(IssueCustomField, 'name')]).humanize
435           # Find if the custom already exists in Redmine
436           f = IssueCustomField.find_by_name(field_name)
437           # Or create a new one
438           f ||= IssueCustomField.create(:name => encode(field.name[0, limit_for(IssueCustomField, 'name')]).humanize,
439                                         :field_format => 'string')
441           next if f.new_record?
442           f.trackers = Tracker.find(:all)
443           f.projects << @target_project
444           custom_field_map[field.name] = f
445         end
446         puts
448         # Trac 'resolution' field as a Redmine custom field
449         r = IssueCustomField.find(:first, :conditions => { :name => "Resolution" })
450         r = IssueCustomField.new(:name => 'Resolution',
451                                  :field_format => 'list',
452                                  :is_filter => true) if r.nil?
453         r.trackers = Tracker.find(:all)
454         r.projects << @target_project
455         r.possible_values = (r.possible_values + %w(fixed invalid wontfix duplicate worksforme)).flatten.compact.uniq
456         r.save!
457         custom_field_map['resolution'] = r
459         # Tickets
460         print "Migrating tickets"
461           TracTicket.find_each(:batch_size => 200) do |ticket|
462           print '.'
463           STDOUT.flush
464           i = Issue.new :project => @target_project,
465                           :subject => encode(ticket.summary[0, limit_for(Issue, 'subject')]),
466                           :description => convert_wiki_text(encode(ticket.description)),
467                           :priority => PRIORITY_MAPPING[ticket.priority] || DEFAULT_PRIORITY,
468                           :created_on => ticket.time
469           i.author = find_or_create_user(ticket.reporter)
470           i.category = issues_category_map[ticket.component] unless ticket.component.blank?
471           i.fixed_version = version_map[ticket.milestone] unless ticket.milestone.blank?
472           i.status = STATUS_MAPPING[ticket.status] || DEFAULT_STATUS
473           i.tracker = TRACKER_MAPPING[ticket.ticket_type] || DEFAULT_TRACKER
474           i.id = ticket.id unless Issue.exists?(ticket.id)
475           next unless Time.fake(ticket.changetime) { i.save }
476           TICKET_MAP[ticket.id] = i.id
477           migrated_tickets += 1
479           # Owner
480             unless ticket.owner.blank?
481               i.assigned_to = find_or_create_user(ticket.owner, true)
482               Time.fake(ticket.changetime) { i.save }
483             end
485           # Comments and status/resolution changes
486           ticket.changes.group_by(&:time).each do |time, changeset|
487               status_change = changeset.select {|change| change.field == 'status'}.first
488               resolution_change = changeset.select {|change| change.field == 'resolution'}.first
489               comment_change = changeset.select {|change| change.field == 'comment'}.first
491               n = Journal.new :notes => (comment_change ? convert_wiki_text(encode(comment_change.newvalue)) : ''),
492                               :created_on => time
493               n.user = find_or_create_user(changeset.first.author)
494               n.journalized = i
495               if status_change &&
496                    STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.oldvalue] &&
497                    STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.newvalue] &&
498                    (STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.oldvalue] != STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.newvalue])
499                 n.details << JournalDetail.new(:property => 'attr',
500                                                :prop_key => 'status_id',
501                                                :old_value => STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.oldvalue].id,
502                                                :value => STATUS_MAPPING[status_change.newvalue].id)
503               end
504               if resolution_change
505                 n.details << JournalDetail.new(:property => 'cf',
506                                                :prop_key => custom_field_map['resolution'].id,
507                                                :old_value => resolution_change.oldvalue,
508                                                :value => resolution_change.newvalue)
509               end
510               n.save unless n.details.empty? && n.notes.blank?
511           end
513           # Attachments
514           ticket.attachments.each do |attachment|
515             next unless attachment.exist?
516               attachment.open {
517                 a = Attachment.new :created_on => attachment.time
518                 a.file = attachment
519                 a.author = find_or_create_user(attachment.author)
520                 a.container = i
521                 a.description = attachment.description
522                 migrated_ticket_attachments += 1 if a.save
523               }
524           end
526           # Custom fields
527           custom_values = ticket.customs.inject({}) do |h, custom|
528             if custom_field = custom_field_map[custom.name]
529               h[custom_field.id] = custom.value
530               migrated_custom_values += 1
531             end
532             h
533           end
534           if custom_field_map['resolution'] && !ticket.resolution.blank?
535             custom_values[custom_field_map['resolution'].id] = ticket.resolution
536           end
537           i.custom_field_values = custom_values
538           i.save_custom_field_values
539         end
541         # update issue id sequence if needed (postgresql)
542         Issue.connection.reset_pk_sequence!(Issue.table_name) if Issue.connection.respond_to?('reset_pk_sequence!')
543         puts
545         # Wiki
546         print "Migrating wiki"
547         if wiki.save
548           TracWikiPage.find(:all, :order => 'name, version').each do |page|
549             # Do not migrate Trac manual wiki pages
550             next if TRAC_WIKI_PAGES.include?(page.name)
551             wiki_edit_count += 1
552             print '.'
553             STDOUT.flush
554             p = wiki.find_or_new_page(page.name)
555             p.content = WikiContent.new(:page => p) if p.new_record?
556             p.content.text = page.text
557             p.content.author = find_or_create_user(page.author) unless page.author.blank? || page.author == 'trac'
558             p.content.comments = page.comment
559             Time.fake(page.time) { p.new_record? ? p.save : p.content.save }
561             next if p.content.new_record?
562             migrated_wiki_edits += 1
564             # Attachments
565             page.attachments.each do |attachment|
566               next unless attachment.exist?
567               next if p.attachments.find_by_filename(attachment.filename.gsub(/^.*(\\|\/)/, '').gsub(/[^\w\.\-]/,'_')) #add only once per page
568               attachment.open {
569                 a = Attachment.new :created_on => attachment.time
570                 a.file = attachment
571                 a.author = find_or_create_user(attachment.author)
572                 a.description = attachment.description
573                 a.container = p
574                 migrated_wiki_attachments += 1 if a.save
575               }
576             end
577           end
579           wiki.reload
580           wiki.pages.each do |page|
581             page.content.text = convert_wiki_text(page.content.text)
582             Time.fake(page.content.updated_on) { page.content.save }
583           end
584         end
585         puts
587         puts
588         puts "Components:      #{migrated_components}/#{TracComponent.count}"
589         puts "Milestones:      #{migrated_milestones}/#{TracMilestone.count}"
590         puts "Tickets:         #{migrated_tickets}/#{TracTicket.count}"
591         puts "Ticket files:    #{migrated_ticket_attachments}/" + TracAttachment.count(:conditions => {:type => 'ticket'}).to_s
592         puts "Custom values:   #{migrated_custom_values}/#{TracTicketCustom.count}"
593         puts "Wiki edits:      #{migrated_wiki_edits}/#{wiki_edit_count}"
594         puts "Wiki files:      #{migrated_wiki_attachments}/" + TracAttachment.count(:conditions => {:type => 'wiki'}).to_s
595       end
597       def self.limit_for(klass, attribute)
598         klass.columns_hash[attribute.to_s].limit
599       end
601       def self.encoding(charset)
602         @ic = Iconv.new('UTF-8', charset)
603       rescue Iconv::InvalidEncoding
604         puts "Invalid encoding!"
605         return false
606       end
608       def self.set_trac_directory(path)
609         @@trac_directory = path
610         raise "This directory doesn't exist!" unless File.directory?(path)
611         raise "#{trac_attachments_directory} doesn't exist!" unless File.directory?(trac_attachments_directory)
612         @@trac_directory
613       rescue Exception => e
614         puts e
615         return false
616       end
618       def self.trac_directory
619         @@trac_directory
620       end
622       def self.set_trac_adapter(adapter)
623         return false if adapter.blank?
624         raise "Unknown adapter: #{adapter}!" unless %w(sqlite sqlite3 mysql postgresql).include?(adapter)
625         # If adapter is sqlite or sqlite3, make sure that trac.db exists
626         raise "#{trac_db_path} doesn't exist!" if %w(sqlite sqlite3).include?(adapter) && !File.exist?(trac_db_path)
627         @@trac_adapter = adapter
628       rescue Exception => e
629         puts e
630         return false
631       end
633       def self.set_trac_db_host(host)
634         return nil if host.blank?
635         @@trac_db_host = host
636       end
638       def self.set_trac_db_port(port)
639         return nil if port.to_i == 0
640         @@trac_db_port = port.to_i
641       end
643       def self.set_trac_db_name(name)
644         return nil if name.blank?
645         @@trac_db_name = name
646       end
648       def self.set_trac_db_username(username)
649         @@trac_db_username = username
650       end
652       def self.set_trac_db_password(password)
653         @@trac_db_password = password
654       end
656       def self.set_trac_db_schema(schema)
657         @@trac_db_schema = schema
658       end
660       mattr_reader :trac_directory, :trac_adapter, :trac_db_host, :trac_db_port, :trac_db_name, :trac_db_schema, :trac_db_username, :trac_db_password
662       def self.trac_db_path; "#{trac_directory}/db/trac.db" end
663       def self.trac_attachments_directory; "#{trac_directory}/attachments" end
665       def self.target_project_identifier(identifier)
666         project = Project.find_by_identifier(identifier)
667         if !project
668           # create the target project
669           project = Project.new :name => identifier.humanize,
670                                 :description => ''
671           project.identifier = identifier
672           puts "Unable to create a project with identifier '#{identifier}'!" unless project.save
673           # enable issues and wiki for the created project
674           project.enabled_module_names = ['issue_tracking', 'wiki']
675         else
676           puts
677           puts "This project already exists in your Redmine database."
678           print "Are you sure you want to append data to this project ? [Y/n] "
679           STDOUT.flush
680           exit if STDIN.gets.match(/^n$/i)
681         end
682         project.trackers << TRACKER_BUG unless project.trackers.include?(TRACKER_BUG)
683         project.trackers << TRACKER_FEATURE unless project.trackers.include?(TRACKER_FEATURE)
684         @target_project = project.new_record? ? nil : project
685         @target_project.reload
686       end
688       def self.connection_params
689         if %w(sqlite sqlite3).include?(trac_adapter)
690           {:adapter => trac_adapter,
691            :database => trac_db_path}
692         else
693           {:adapter => trac_adapter,
694            :database => trac_db_name,
695            :host => trac_db_host,
696            :port => trac_db_port,
697            :username => trac_db_username,
698            :password => trac_db_password,
699            :schema_search_path => trac_db_schema
700           }
701         end
702       end
704       def self.establish_connection
705         constants.each do |const|
706           klass = const_get(const)
707           next unless klass.respond_to? 'establish_connection'
708           klass.establish_connection connection_params
709         end
710       end
712     private
713       def self.encode(text)
714         @ic.iconv text
715       rescue
716         text
717       end
718     end
720     puts
721     if Redmine::DefaultData::Loader.no_data?
722       puts "Redmine configuration need to be loaded before importing data."
723       puts "Please, run this first:"
724       puts
725       puts "  rake redmine:load_default_data RAILS_ENV=\"#{ENV['RAILS_ENV']}\""
726       exit
727     end
729     puts "WARNING: a new project will be added to Redmine during this process."
730     print "Are you sure you want to continue ? [y/N] "
731     STDOUT.flush
732     break unless STDIN.gets.match(/^y$/i)
733     puts
735     def prompt(text, options = {}, &block)
736       default = options[:default] || ''
737       while true
738         print "#{text} [#{default}]: "
739         STDOUT.flush
740         value = STDIN.gets.chomp!
741         value = default if value.blank?
742         break if yield value
743       end
744     end
746     DEFAULT_PORTS = {'mysql' => 3306, 'postgresql' => 5432}
748     prompt('Trac directory') {|directory| TracMigrate.set_trac_directory directory.strip}
749     prompt('Trac database adapter (sqlite, sqlite3, mysql, postgresql)', :default => 'sqlite') {|adapter| TracMigrate.set_trac_adapter adapter}
750     unless %w(sqlite sqlite3).include?(TracMigrate.trac_adapter)
751       prompt('Trac database host', :default => 'localhost') {|host| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_host host}
752       prompt('Trac database port', :default => DEFAULT_PORTS[TracMigrate.trac_adapter]) {|port| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_port port}
753       prompt('Trac database name') {|name| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_name name}
754       prompt('Trac database schema', :default => 'public') {|schema| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_schema schema}
755       prompt('Trac database username') {|username| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_username username}
756       prompt('Trac database password') {|password| TracMigrate.set_trac_db_password password}
757     end
758     prompt('Trac database encoding', :default => 'UTF-8') {|encoding| TracMigrate.encoding encoding}
759     prompt('Target project identifier') {|identifier| TracMigrate.target_project_identifier identifier}
760     puts
762     # Turn off email notifications
763     Setting.notified_events = []
765     TracMigrate.migrate
766   end