updated on Sun Jan 15 04:04:02 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / funguloids / mpak.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 """
3 MPAK package handling utility
4 Version 1.4 (Python-implementation)
5 Copyright (c) 2008, Mika Halttunen. <http://www.mhgames.co.nr>
7 This command line tool allows creation and extraction of MPAK (.mpk) packages used
8 in several of my games. MPAK is a simple WAD-like file format of mine, that allows storing
9 the game data in one single .mpk file. I originally had a very crude command line program
10 bit like this one (written in C++), and decided to write this Python-implementation as
11 an Python-programming excercise. So, it's my first Python program. :)
13 Version history:
14 v1.4: The first Python version
15 v1.0 -- v1.31: The original C++ implementation
16 """
17 import getopt, sys
18 import os
19 import traceback
20 import struct
21 import binascii
22 import fnmatch
23 import shutil
24 from ctypes import c_uint32
26 def usage():
27 """
28 Prints the program usage.
29 """
30 print "MPAK package handling utility"
31 print "Version 1.4 (Python-implementation)"
32 print "Copyright (c) 2008, Mika Halttunen."
33 print ""
34 print "Usage:", sys.argv[0],"[switch]","-f pakfile.mpk","[file1]","[file2]", "[...]", "[fileN]"
35 print "where [switch] is one of the following:"
36 print " -f, --file=FILE Use package FILE"
37 print " -c, --create Create a new package with files 'file1' to 'fileN'"
38 print " -l, --list List the files from given package"
39 print " -e, --extract Extract all files (by default) from given package. If you"
40 print " want to only extract some specific files, you can name"
41 print " them individually, and/or use wildcards (i.e. *.png)."
42 print " You can supply path where to extract with -p."
43 print " -p, --path=PATH Extract to PATH (created if doesn't exist)"
44 print " -h, --help Print this usage text"
45 print ""
48 def errorMsg(msg):
49 """
50 Prints an error message and exits.
51 """
52 try:
53 pos = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)
54 if pos:
55 print "ERROR: In %s:%s, line %d:" % (pos[0][0], pos[0][2], pos[0][1])
56 else: print "ERROR:"
57 print "\t",msg
58 except:
59 if __debug__:
60 traceback.print_exc()
61 pass
62 sys.exit(2)
65 def separator():
66 """
67 Prints the separator line.
68 """
69 print "-"*75
72 def computeCRC(file, offset):
73 """
74 Computes the CRC32 for the file, starting at given offset.
75 """
76 f = open(file, "rb")
77 f.seek(offset)
78 crc = 0
80 # Compute a running CRC32 for the file in 16kb chunks
81 while True:
82 buffer = f.read(16384)
83 if buffer == "": break # End of file
85 crc = binascii.crc32(buffer, crc)
87 f.close()
88 return crc
91 def createPackage(pakFile, files):
92 """
93 Creates a new MPAK package.
95 This copies the given files into the new package file, writes the file table
96 and closes the package. MPAK doesn't support adding new files to an existing
97 package.
98 """
99 print "Creating '%s'.." % pakFile
100 if len(files) < 1: errorMsg("No input files specified!")
101 separator()
103 # Open the package file for writing
104 out = open(pakFile, "wb")
106 # Write the header and reserve 4+4 bytes for CRC32 and file table offset
107 out.write("MPK1")
108 out.write("."*8)
110 # Write each file
111 package = { "fileNames": [], "fileOffsets": [] }
112 count = 0
113 for file in files:
114 # Get the basename
115 filename = os.path.basename(file)
116 print " <",filename,"...",
117 package["fileNames"].append(filename)
119 # Get the file size in bytes
120 stats = os.stat(file)
122 # Store the current offset
123 package["fileOffsets"].append(out.tell())
125 # Open the file and copy its contents
126 f = open(file, "rb")
127 shutil.copyfileobj(f, out, 16384)
128 f.close()
130 print "OK. (%.1f KB)" % (stats.st_size / 1024.0)
131 count = count + 1
133 separator()
135 # Grab the file table offset and write the table
136 ftOffset = out.tell()
138 # Write the number of files
139 out.write(struct.pack("<L", count))
141 # Write the file information
142 for i in range(count):
143 # File name length
144 length = len(package["fileNames"][i]) + 1
145 out.write(struct.pack("B", length))
146 # File name, plus one zero for the C++ implementation
147 out.write(package["fileNames"][i])
148 out.write(struct.pack("B", 0))
149 # File offset
150 out.write(struct.pack("<L", package["fileOffsets"][i]))
152 # Update the header to have the correct file table offset
153 out.seek(8)
154 out.write(struct.pack("<L", ftOffset))
156 # Compute the CRC32 and write it to the header
157 out.flush()
158 crc32 = c_uint32(0)
159 crc32.value = computeCRC(pakFile, 8)
160 out.seek(4)
161 out.write(struct.pack("<L", crc32.value))
163 print "Added %d files to %s" % (count, pakFile)
164 print "Package '%s' created successfully. CRC32 checksum is %s." % (pakFile, hex(crc32.value))
165 out.close()
168 def readPackage(pakFile):
170 Opens the given MPAK package, reads its information and stores it to a
171 package dictionary. Returns the dictionary.
173 packageInfo = { "filename": pakFile }
175 f = open(pakFile, 'rb')
176 if f.read(4) != "MPK1": errorMsg("Unsupported file format!")
178 # Read the CRC32 checksum and the file table header offset
179 buffer = f.read(8)
180 crc32, headerOffset = struct.unpack("<LL", buffer)
181 crc32 = int(crc32)
182 packageInfo["crc"] = crc32
184 # Check that the CRC32 matches
185 checksum = c_uint32(0)
186 checksum.value = computeCRC(pakFile, 8)
187 if checksum.value != crc32:
188 f.close()
189 errorMsg("Checksum doesn't match; perhaps a corrupted package?")
191 # Seek to the file table, and read the number of files
192 f.seek(headerOffset)
193 numFiles = struct.unpack("<L", f.read(4))[0]
194 packageInfo["numFiles"] = numFiles
196 # Read the file information
197 fileNames = []
198 fileOffsets = []
199 for i in range(numFiles):
200 namelen = struct.unpack("B", f.read(1))[0]
201 file = f.read(namelen)
202 offset = struct.unpack("<L", f.read(4))[0]
203 fileNames.append(file[:-1]) # Remove the trailing null character
204 fileOffsets.append(offset)
206 # Compute the file sizes from the offsets
207 fileSizes = []
208 for i in range(numFiles-1):
209 fileSizes.append(fileOffsets[i+1] - fileOffsets[i])
210 fileSizes.append(headerOffset - fileOffsets[numFiles-1])
212 # Store the information
213 packageInfo["fileNames"] = fileNames
214 packageInfo["fileOffsets"] = fileOffsets
215 packageInfo["fileSizes"] = fileSizes
216 f.close()
217 return packageInfo
220 def listPackage(pakFile):
222 Lists the contents of a MPAK package.
224 print "Listing '%s'.." % pakFile
225 package = readPackage(pakFile)
227 # Print the listing
228 numFiles = package["numFiles"]
229 print "'%s' (CRC32: %s) contains %d files:" % (pakFile, hex(package["crc"]), numFiles)
230 print ""
231 print " NUM : FILE : SIZE(KB) : OFFSET"
232 separator()
233 for i in range(numFiles):
234 print " %3d : %30s : %-10.1f : (at %s)" % (i+1, package["fileNames"][i], package["fileSizes"][i] / 1024.0, hex(package["fileOffsets"][i]))
236 separator()
237 print " NUM : FILE : SIZE(KB) : OFFSET"
240 def extractPackage(pakFile, path, filters):
242 Extracts files from a package to given path.
244 By default extracts all the files. Can be given list of wildcards (i.e. *.png) to
245 extract only the files that match given wildcards. Wildcards can also be file names
246 from the package.
248 The given path is created if it doesn't exist.
249 If the path is just a single directory name, it's assumed to exist in the current
250 working directory.
252 print "Extracting files from '%s' to %s.." % (pakFile, path)
253 package = readPackage(pakFile)
255 # Try to create the path if it doesn't exist
256 path = os.path.abspath(path)
257 if not os.path.exists(path):
258 print "Path",path,"doesn't exist, creating it.."
259 try:
260 os.makedirs(path)
261 except:
262 errorMsg("Unable to create directory " + path + "!");
264 separator()
266 # Open the file, and extract all the individual files from it
267 count = 0
268 f = open(pakFile, "rb")
269 for i in range(package["numFiles"]):
270 # Test if the file name matches the given wildcard
271 if len(filters) > 0:
272 for filter in filters:
273 if fnmatch.fnmatch(package["fileNames"][i], filter):
274 break
275 else: continue
277 print " >", package["fileNames"][i],"...",
278 # Seek to the correct offset
279 f.seek(package["fileOffsets"][i])
281 # Open a new file for writing, and write the file out in 16kb chunks
282 out = open(os.path.join(path, package["fileNames"][i]), "wb")
283 bytesWritten = 0
284 bytesTotal = package["fileSizes"][i];
285 while True:
286 # We have to watch not to write too much
287 bytesLeft = bytesTotal - bytesWritten
288 if bytesLeft > 16384: bytesLeft = 16384
290 buffer = f.read(bytesLeft)
291 out.write(buffer)
292 bytesWritten = bytesWritten + bytesLeft
294 if bytesWritten == bytesTotal:
295 break
297 out.close()
298 print "OK."
299 count = count + 1
301 f.close()
302 separator()
303 print "%d (of %d) files extracted to %s." % (count, package["numFiles"], path)
306 def main():
308 Main method.
310 try:
311 # Get the optiosn
312 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:clep:h", ["file=", "create", "list", "extract", "path=", "help"])
313 except getopt.GetoptError, err:
314 # Print the program usage and exit
315 print "ERROR:", str(err)
316 usage()
317 sys.exit(2)
319 extractPath = os.getcwd()
320 pakFile = None
321 action = None
323 # Handle the options
324 for o, a in opts:
325 if o in ("-f", "--file"):
326 pakFile = a # Grab the pakfile
327 elif o in ("-c", "--create"):
328 action = "create"
329 elif o in ("-l", "--list"):
330 action = "list"
331 elif o in ("-e", "--extract"):
332 action = "extract"
333 elif o in ("-p", "--path"):
334 extractPath = a # Grab the path
335 elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
336 usage()
337 sys.exit()
338 else:
339 assert False, "Unhandled option"
341 # Check that we got a pakfile
342 if pakFile == None:
343 usage()
344 sys.exit(2)
346 if action == "create": createPackage(pakFile, args)
347 elif action == "list": listPackage(pakFile)
348 elif action == "extract": extractPackage(pakFile, extractPath, args)
349 else: usage()
350 sys.exit()
352 if __name__ == "__main__":
353 main()