1 # AUR packages should not be built from binaries. This is a workaround.
2 # If you manage to built this lib32 package from source, let the maintainer know
3 # and you will be helping the AUR community.
9 pkgdesc="Userspace virtual filesystem implemented as a pluggable module for gio (32 bit)"
10 url="http://www.gnome.org/"
13 depends=('lib32-avahi' 'lib32-libjpeg' 'lib32-libtiff' 'lib32-libltdl'
14 'lib32-libusb-compat' 'lib32-v4l-utils' 'lib32-libieee1284' 'sane')
15 source=(ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/extra/os/i686/sane-${pkgver}-${_pkgrel32}-i686.pkg.tar.xz)
16 md5sums=('8992628c912660516a81338f3f5e13e0')
19 install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32"
20 cp -rPf "${srcdir}/usr/lib"/* "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32"