1 # Contributor: Prurigro
6 pkgdesc="Gdatafs is a FUSE implemtation that mount picassa web and youtube to your filesystem"
7 url="http://gdatafs.sourceforge.net"
10 source=(http://sourceforge.net/projects/gdatafs/files/gdatafs%20$pkgver.tar.gz)
11 md5sums=('77e5207f1b2cfb72307087ebceb7b801')
12 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
14 pushd "$srcdir"/gdatafs || return 1
15 find . -type f | sed -e 's/\.\///g' | while read file; do
16 if [ $(echo "$file" | grep ".svn" -i -c) = 0 -a $(echo "$file" | grep ".project" -i -c) = 0 -a $(echo "$file" | grep ".classpath" -i -c) = 0 -a $(echo "$file" | grep "src" -i -c) = 0 ]; then
17 install -D "$file" "$pkgdir"/opt/gdatafs/"$file" || return 1
20 install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/bin || return 1
21 echo -e "#! /bin/sh\n\npushd /opt/gdatafs > /dev/null\n\t/opt/gdatafs/gdatafs \"\$1\" \"\$2\" \"\$3\"\npopd > /dev/null" > "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/gdatafs || return 1
22 chmod 755 "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/gdatafs || return 1