1 # Maintainer: Mike Sampson <mike at sambodata dot com>
5 pkgdesc="Convert JSON to a UNIX-friendly line-based format."
7 url="https://github.com/dvxhouse/jsonpipe"
9 depends=('python2' 'python2-argparse' 'python-simplejson')
12 _gitroot="https://github.com/dvxhouse/jsonpipe.git"
17 msg "Connecting to GIT server...."
19 if [ -d $_gitname ] ; then
20 cd $_gitname && git pull origin
21 msg "The local files are updated."
23 git clone $_gitroot $_gitname
26 msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
27 msg "Starting make..."
29 rm -rf "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
30 git clone "$srcdir/$_gitname" "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
31 cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
33 # Remove versioned dependencies. These are cutting edge even for Arch!
34 # Arch's versions seem to work fine.
35 sed -i -e 's/>=2.1.3//' -e 's/>=1.2.1//' setup.py
39 cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
40 python2 setup.py install --root=$pkgdir/ --optimize=1
41 install -d $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/jsonpipe
42 install -m 644 -t $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/jsonpipe/ UNLICENSE