1 # Contributor: p2k <patrick.schneider@uni-ulm.de>
2 pkgname=python-couchdbkit
6 pkgdesc="A framework to allow python applications to use CouchDB"
8 url="http://couchdbkit.org"
10 depends=('python2' 'python-anyjson' 'python-restkit')
11 optdepends=('couchdb: for setting up a local couchdb server'
12 "django: for couchdbkit's django extension")
13 makedepends=('setuptools')
14 source=(https://download.github.com/benoitc-couchdbkit-$pkgver-0-g$_githash.tar.gz)
15 md5sums=('461d30c502880fb75831f1b6a6fb2db5')
18 cd "$srcdir"/benoitc-couchdbkit-$_githash
20 python2 setup.py build || return 1
24 cd "$srcdir"/benoitc-couchdbkit-$_githash
26 python2 setup.py install --root=$pkgdir || return 1
27 install -m 644 -D LICENSE $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/python-couchdbkit/LICENSE