1 # Maintainer: Thomas Jost <schnouki@schnouki.net>
2 # Contributor: Carson Reynolds <carson@k2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
4 # A x86_64 binary version of this package is available from my custom
5 # repository. If you wish to use it, just add the following lines to your
8 # Server = http://repo.schnouki.net/archlinux/$arch
9 # Then run "pacman -Sy cuda3-toolkit" as root.
11 pkgname=cuda3.1-toolkit
17 pkgdesc="NVIDIA's CUDA architecture can be programmed in the only C language environment that unlocks the processing power of GPUs to solve the most complex compute-intensive challenges."
18 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
20 url="http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_home.html"
23 depends=('gcc-libs' 'ncurses' 'zlib')
24 optdepends=('libpng12: for the Compute Visual Profiler'
25 'libxext: for the Compute Visual Profiler'
26 'qt: for the Compute Visual Profiler'
27 'qt-assistant-compat: for the Compute Visual Profiler')
29 provides=('opencl-headers' "cuda-toolkit=$pkgver")
30 conflicts=('opencl-headers' 'cuda-toolkit')
32 if [ "$CARCH" = "i686" ]; then
34 md5sums=('da98863cf8d538a083dd8958133f76a9')
37 md5sums=('aa4a4e0dab68edca5dfae9babfecac5d')
40 source=(http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/${_shortver}/toolkit/cudatoolkit_${pkgver}_linux_${_bits}_fedora${_fedver}.run)
44 sh $srcdir/cudatoolkit_${pkgver}_linux_${_bits}_fedora${_fedver}.run --noexec --keep
47 #echo "Inspect srcdir"
52 # Installing by hand will be easier than using the stupid install script
53 # install -D "$srcdir/pkg" "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname"
55 mkdir -p usr/local/$pkgname
56 for x in $srcdir/pkg/*
58 mv "$x" "usr/local/$pkgname"
60 # mv "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname/pkg" "$pkgdir/usr/share/$pkgname"
64 # pkgbuild-update-sums-on-save: nil