1 # Maintainer: TryA <tryagainprod@gmail.com>
7 pkgdesc="Frontend for SDLMAME/SDLMESS based on MAME Plus!"
9 url="http://mameicons.free.fr/mame32p"
10 license=('custom:WTFPL')
12 optdepends=('sdlmame: port of MAME using SDL'
13 'sdlmess: port of MESS using SDL')
14 source=("http://mameicons.free.fr/mame32p/download/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.src-${_date}.zip"
16 md5sums=('70903903311130e6d110305bd24dfdea'
17 '389a9e29629d1f05e115f8f05c283df5')
22 # Edit mamepgui.pro to disable static compilation and SDL 1.3 linking
23 sed -e '1,2d' -i mamepgui.pro
25 # Edit gamelist.cpp to disable joystick detection, which is a SDL 1.3 feature
26 sed -e '42d' -i gamelist.cpp
28 # Patches to fix compilation with Qt 4.7
29 sed -e 's/ipspath(NULL)/ipspath()/' -i ips.cpp
30 sed -e 's/void setGuiStyle(QString = NULL);/void setGuiStyle(QString);/' \
31 -e 's/void setBgPixmap(QString = NULL);/void setBgPixmap(QString);/' -i mamepgui_main.h
40 install -Dm644 COPYING ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/COPYING
43 install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/mamepgui ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/mamepgui