1 # Maintainer: Diego Martin Nieto Cid <dnietoc at gmail dot com>
3 pkgname=eclipse-luaeclipse
6 pkgdesc="Eclipse plugin for the development of applications in the Lua programming language."
8 url="http://luaeclipse.luaforge.net/"
12 'http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3193/luaeclipse-1.2.0.zip'
15 md5sums=('f735a47b31186aac90aca30e485d00f5'
16 '84e13cfae8aac2d34107f67fbec06ca7')
19 _dest=${pkgdir}/usr/share/eclipse/dropins/${pkgname/eclipse-}/eclipse
24 find features -type f | while read _feature ; do
25 if [[ ${_feature} =~ (.*\.jar$) ]] ; then
26 install -dm755 ${_dest}/${_feature%*.jar}
27 cd ${_dest}/${_feature/.jar}
28 jar xf ${srcdir}/${_feature} || return 1
30 install -Dm644 ${_feature} ${_dest}/${_feature}
35 find plugins -type f | while read _plugin ; do
36 install -Dm644 ${_plugin} ${_dest}/${_plugin}
39 install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/LICENSE ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE