1 # Contributor: Ido Kanner <idokan@gmail.com>
3 pkgname=firebird-superclassic
5 pkgdesc="Firebird RDBMS (Super classic)"
8 url="http://www.firebirdsql.org/"
10 depends=("libfbclient=$pkgver" "icu" "gcc-libs")
11 makedepends=("gcc" "autoconf" "automake")
12 conflicts=("firebird-cs" "firebird-classic" "firebird-ss")
14 source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/firebird/Firebird-$pkgver-0.tar.bz2
18 md5sums=('780f162ee71f087fc277adf09f966529'
19 '7d1fa8f2be60d678852c2ad1b302f7aa'
20 'de79c09c72eaa5bf006bdaa7b35620b9'
21 '0d61798861e159c85dbdf0f30fe2f2ce')
24 _fbroot="$pkgdir/opt/firebird"
25 cd "$srcdir/Firebird-$pkgver-0"
27 msg "Configuring to use superserver, compiling, making and instaling."
28 msg "Don't worry about the errors below."
29 ./configure --prefix=/opt/firebird --with-system-icu --with-system-editline
30 make -j1 # bug in firebird makefiles (can't parallel build)
32 msg "Now moving to the right place."
33 mkdir -p $_fbroot "$pkgdir"/etc/{rc,profile}.d "$pkgdir"/usr/bin
34 cp -R gen/firebird/* $_fbroot
35 install -m755 "$srcdir/firebird.sh" "$pkgdir/etc/profile.d"
36 install -m755 "$srcdir/firebird" "$pkgdir/etc/rc.d"
37 install -m755 "gen/firebird/bin/fb_smp_server" "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
39 rm -rf $_fbroot/{lib,include,*.msg} # provided by libfbclient
40 mv gen/install/misc/firebird.conf $_fbroot
41 mv gen/install/misc/fbintl.conf $_fbroot/intl
42 mv $_fbroot/intl/{libfbintl.so,fbintl}
44 mv $_fbroot/bin/{isql,fb_isql} # rename to avoid conflicts with unixodbc
46 # # fb_config must be provided by libfbclient
47 # # all scripts needed updating to Arch
48 # # static and boot binaries needed only during build
49 rm $_fbroot/bin/{*.sh,fb_config,*_static,*_boot,gpre_current,create_db,codes,build_file,blrtable}
51 msg "Installing the LICENSE"
52 install -D -m644 "$srcdir/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"