1 # Contributor: Leslie P. Polzer <polzer@gnu.org>
2 # Contributor: bender02 at archlinux dot us
7 pkgdesc="Small and quick-to-use web server; https/php/cgi support"
10 url="http://code.google.com/p/mongoose/"
11 optdepends=('php-cgi: for php support')
12 backup=('etc/mongoose/mongoose.conf')
13 source=(http://mongoose.googlecode.com/files/$pkgname-${pkgver}.tgz
16 md5sums=('98a8bdb7f955404ec7ef1996445411cc'
17 'd09f86f35f156393324ed4e9cdaa3246'
18 '2aea8278222400289576a626fd1ef33d')
29 # sample rc.d script and config file courtesy of
30 # Alexandr Leykin: al at instrument dot pl dot ua
31 install -D -m755 rc.d.mongoose $pkgdir/etc/rc.d/mongoose
32 install -D -m644 mongoose.conf $pkgdir/etc/mongoose/mongoose.conf
36 install -D -m755 mongoose $pkgdir/usr/bin/mongoose
37 install -D -m644 mongoose.1 $pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1/mongoose.1
39 # uncomment if you want to
40 # install the sources + examples to /usr/share/mongoose
41 #install -d $pkgdir/usr/share
42 #tar -x -f $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver.tgz -C $pkgdir/usr/share/