1 # Contributor: Andreas Wagner <Andreas dot Wagner at em dot uni-frankfurt dot de>
6 pkgdesc="The little brother's database for the mutt mail reader"
8 url="http://www.spinnaker.de/lbdb/"
10 depends=('glibc' 'perl')
11 optdepends=('libvformat: for reading vcard files (needed at compile time)' \
12 'inetutils: provides the hostname binary')
13 backup=('etc/lbdb.rc' 'etc/lbdb_ldap.rc')
14 source=(http://www.spinnaker.de/debian/${pkgname}_${pkgver}.tar.gz)
17 cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
18 ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
20 make install_prefix=$pkgdir install
23 md5sums=('a8e65f1400c90818ff324dc4fd67eba2')