1 # Contributor: Ray Rashif <schivmeister@gmail.com>
2 # Contributor: Alexandr Grigorcea <cahr.gr@gmail.com>
7 pkgdesc="Integrated Google Music, Grooveshark, 8tracks and Hype Machine player."
9 url="https://launchpad.net/nuvola-player"
11 depends=('intltool' 'gtk2' 'libwebkit' 'python2' 'libnotify' 'libx11' 'libunique' 'libgee' 'libsoup')
12 makedepends=('bzr' 'vala' )
14 conflicts=('google-musc-frame-bzr')
15 optdepends=('gnome-shell-extension-mediaplayer-git: Gnome Shell integration')
16 replaces=('google-music-frame-bzr')
20 install=nuvola-bzr.install
22 _bzrtrunk=lp:nuvola-player
27 msg "Connecting to the server...."
29 if [ -d ${_bzrmod} ] ; then
30 bzr pull -d ${_bzrmod}
31 msg "The local files are updated."
33 bzr branch ${_bzrtrunk}
36 msg "BZR checkout done or server timeout"
37 msg "Starting make..."
39 rm -rf "${_bzrmod}-build"
40 cp -r "${_bzrmod}" "${_bzrmod}-build"
45 python2 ./waf configure --prefix=/usr
46 python2 ./waf build $MAKEFLAGS || return 1
50 cd "${srcdir}/${_bzrmod}-build"
52 python2 ./waf install --destdir="${pkgdir}"