4 pkgdesc="The purpose of pygccxml is to read a generated file and provide a simple framework to navigate C++ declarations, using Python classes."
6 url="http://www.language-binding.net/pygccxml/pygccxml.html"
7 depends=('gccxml-cvs' 'python2')
8 makedepends=('subversion')
10 conflicts=('pygccxml')
13 _svntrunk="http://pygccxml.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pygccxml/pygccxml_dev"
19 msg "Connecting to pygccxml SVN server......."
20 svn co "$_svntrunk" "$_svnmod"
21 msg "Starting make..."
23 python2 setup.py install --prefix=../root/
27 cp -r "$srcdir"/root/ "$pkgdir"/usr/