1 # $Id: PKGBUILD 55643 2011-09-17 00:50:52Z ebelanger $
2 # Maintainer: Daniel J Griffiths <ghost1227@archlinux.us>
3 # Contributor: Evangelos Foutras <foutrelis@gmail.com>
4 # Contributor: Hugo Doria <hugodoria@gmail.com>
9 pkgdesc="Music player and management for GNOME"
10 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
11 url="http://www.listen-project.org/"
13 depends=('python2-egg' 'python2-libgnome' 'mutagen' 'desktop-file-utils'
14 'gnome-icon-theme' 'gstreamer0.10-python' 'notification-daemon' 'pyxdg'
15 'pywebkitgtk' 'python2-pyinotify' 'gstreamer0.10-good-plugins' 'dbus-python')
16 makedepends=('intltool' 'docbook2x' 'docbook-xml')
17 optdepends=('python-musicbrainz2: musicbrainz & cd support'
18 'libgpod: iPod support'
19 'python-daap: DAAP support'
20 'tunepimp: tagging support')
21 install=listen.install
22 source=("http://download.listen-project.org/0.6/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz")
23 md5sums=('76cd9ad2fc9c600dbdf4808c15aeccf1')
26 cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
28 chmod +x mmkeys/setup.py
31 sed -i 's/docbook2x-man/docbook2man/' Makefile
33 # Point Python scripts to the python2 binary
34 sed -i -e 's/python -/python2 -/' \
35 -e 's/PYTHON = python$/\02/' \
37 sed -i 's/env python$/env python2/' mmkeys/setup.py
38 sed -i 's|/usr/bin/python|/usr/bin/python2|' src/listen
44 cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
46 make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" PREFIX=/usr install
49 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: