1 function post_install() {
2 printf " \033[1;34;40m-> \033[1;37;40mTo actually load the apache module, add the following line to your httpd.conf:\033[0;0m\n"
3 printf " \033[1;34;40m-> \033[1;37;40mLoadModule qos_module modules/mod_qos.so\033[0;0m\n"
4 printf " \033[1;34;40m-> \033[1;37;40mMake sure to restart the webserver afterwards.\033[0;0m\n"
5 printf " \033[1;34;40m-> \033[1;37;40mIn this package, there is NO example configuration included. So you have to come up with a configuration to suit your needs yourself.\033[0;0m\n"
8 function post_upgrade() {