1 ## arg 1: the new package version
4 chgrp -R ufo2000 /opt/ufo2000
5 find /opt/ufo2000 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 775
6 find /opt/ufo2000 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 664
7 chmod 775 /opt/ufo2000/ufo2000
9 echo 'Only users in group ufo2000 have full access to /opt/ufo2000 which is required to play.'
10 echo 'add your user to ufo2000 group with gpasswd -a <username> ufo2000 and then relogin.'
11 echo 'ufo2000 is playable with the default set-up. However, you may wish to add X-COM and/or Terror From The Deep legacy game files to ufo2000/XCOM and ufo2000/TFTD respectively.'
14 ## arg 1: the new package version
15 ## arg 2: the old package version
20 ## arg 1: the old package version
22 echo 'removing group ufo2000'
26 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: