1 # Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase <sh@lutzhaase.com>
2 # Contributor: Jaroslaw Rosiek (jaroslaw.rosiek@interia.pl)
3 # Contributor: kevin <kevin@archlinux.org>
4 # Contributor: Luca Roccia <little_rock@users.sourceforge.net>
5 # Based on mingw32-boost
7 pkgname=mingw32-boost-static
9 _boostver=${pkgver//./_}
11 pkgdesc="Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (mingw32)"
13 url="http://www.boost.org/"
15 provides=('mingw32-boost')
16 conflicts=('mingw32-boost')
17 depends=('mingw32-bzlib-static' 'mingw32-zlib-static' 'mingw32-gcc')
19 #optdepends=('python: for python bindings')
21 source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/boost/boost_${_boostver}.tar.gz
23 boost_thread_win32.patch)
24 md5sums=('313a11e97eb56eb7efd18325354631be'
25 '930ff541235abd3c62095e29395c22ca'
26 '5506dcd1ab03b9dd1fc21cbfaef18969')
29 # need this file for telling bjam to build for mingw32
30 echo "using python : 2.7 : /usr/bin/python2 ;" >> ${srcdir}/usr-config.jam
31 cp ${srcdir}/user-config.jam ${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}/
33 cd ${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}
34 patch -p1 < ../boost_thread_win32.patch
37 cd ${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}/tools/build/v2/engine
40 _bindir="bin.linuxx86"
41 [ "${CARCH}" = "x86_64" ] && _bindir="bin.linuxx86_64"
43 install -m755 -d ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
44 install -m755 ${_bindir}/bjam ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/bjam
47 cd ${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}/tools/bcp
48 ../build/v2/engine/${_bindir}/bjam --toolset=gcc
49 install -m755 ${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}/dist/bin/bcp \
53 cd ${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}
54 # default "minimal" install: "release link=shared,static
55 # runtime-link=shared threading=multi"
56 # --layout=tagged will add the "-mt" suffix for multithreaded libraries
57 # and installs includes in /usr/include/boost.
58 # --layout=system no longer adds the -mt suffix for multi-threaded libs.
60 cp ${srcdir}/user-config.jam ${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}/
61 ./tools/build/v2/engine/${_bindir}/bjam \
62 --user-config=user-config.jam \
63 release debug-symbols=off threading=single,multi \
64 runtime-link=static link=static threadapi=win32 target-os=windows \
65 cflags=-fno-strict-aliasing \
67 --prefix=${pkgdir}/usr/i486-mingw32 \
77 #--with-graph_parallel \
81 #--with-program_options \
84 #--with-serialization \
93 find ${pkgdir}/usr/i486-mingw32 -name *.a | xargs i486-mingw32-ranlib
95 # build pyste (won't work yet)
96 #cd ${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}/libs/python/pyste/install
97 #python2 setup.py install --root=${pkgdir}/i486-minw32 || return 1
99 # clean up stuff we don't need
100 rm -rf ${pkgdir}/usr/bin