1 # Maintainer: Mike Shutlar (iFSS) <mike at epinux(dot)co(dot)uk>
2 # Python File Format Interface (PyFFI)
6 pkgdesc="Library and editor (QSkope) for block structured binaries (nif,kfm,cgf,egm,dds,tga)"
8 url="http://pyffi.sourceforge.net/"
10 groups=('niftools-git')
11 depends=('pyqt' 'wine<=1.3.28')
15 _gitroot="git://github.com/amorilia/pyffi.git"
21 msg "Connecting to the GIT repository..."
22 if [ -d "${srcdir}/${_gitname}" ] ; then
23 cd ${_gitname} && git pull origin
25 git clone --depth=1 --recursive ${_gitroot}
27 msg "GIT checkout done (who invented that stupid 'server timeout' message? :)"
32 cd "${srcdir}/${_gitname}"
33 python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1
34 chmod +x "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/python3.2/site-packages/pyffi/utils/mopper.exe"
35 install -D -m644 LICENSE.rst "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${_gitname}/LICENSE.rst"