1 # Contributor : Michel Brabants <michel.brabants@euphonynet.be>
6 pkgdesc="osmeditor2 is a standalone live OSM editor, designed to be a 'one-pot' program to read data from your GPS and perform live construction of OSM nodes, segments and ways from GPS-surveyed data. The user interface is geared towards mapping UK countryside areas but can potentially be used anywhere."
7 url="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Osmeditor#Obtaining"
9 depends=('qt>=3.0' 'curl')
10 makedepends=('subversion')
11 source=(Makefile.patch)
12 md5sums=('66085788e81a42268f5303ecb3c230c8')
14 _svnroot=http://svn.openstreetmap.org
15 _svnpath=editors/osm-editor/qt3
19 msg "Connecting to openstreetmap subversion-server...."
20 svn co $_svnroot/$_svnpath
21 msg "Subversion checkout done or server timeout"
24 msg "Patching Makefile"
25 patch -N Makefile $startdir/src/Makefile.patch
27 msg "Starting make..."
28 make QTPREFIX=/opt/qt prefix=/usr osmeditor2 || return 1
29 make prefix=/usr DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
32 find $startdir/pkg/ -iname *.la -exec rm -f {} \;