1 # Maintainer: C Anthony Risinger
2 pkgname=pywebkitgtk-pythonwebkit
5 pkgdesc="Python bindings to the [python]WebKit GTK+ port"
7 url="http://code.google.com/p/pywebkitgtk/"
9 depends=('libpythonwebkit-python2' 'pygtk')
10 options=('!libtool' '!makeflags')
14 _gitroot='git://github.com/lkcl/pywebkitgtk.git'
15 _gitname='pythonwebkitgtk_1_1_8'
19 local g=${startdir}/${pkgname}.git w=${srcdir}
20 if ! [ -d "${g}" ]; then
21 git --git-dir=${g} --work-tree=${w} init
24 msg2 "Syncing with ${_gitroot}..."
25 git --git-dir=${g} --work-tree=${w} fetch -fu ${_gitroot} +${_gitname}:${_gitname}
26 msg2 "Initializing src tree..."
27 git --git-dir=${g} --work-tree=${w} read-tree --reset -u ${_gitspec:-${_gitname}}
29 export PYTHON=/usr/bin/python2
30 [ -d build ] && rm -rf build
34 msg2 "Building branch: origin/${_gitname}..."
35 ../autogen.sh --prefix=/usr
44 make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install