1 # Maintainer: Eduardo Sánchez Muñoz <eduardosanchezmunoz@gmail.com>
3 pkgname=libu4string-svn
6 pkgdesc="A library to handle strings which does not end with null character."
8 url="http://code.google.com/p/libu4string/"
11 makedepends=('gcc' 'subversion' 'cmake')
13 conflicts=('libu4string')
14 provides=('libu4string')
18 _svntrunk=https://libu4string.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
24 if [ -d "$_svnmod/.svn" ]; then
25 (cd $_svnmod && svn up -r $pkgver)
27 svn co $_svntrunk -r $pkgver $_svnmod
30 msg "SVN checkout done or server timeout"
31 msg "Starting make..."
33 rm -rf "$srcdir/$_svnmod-build"
34 mkdir -p "$srcdir/$_svnmod-build"
35 cd "$srcdir/$_svnmod-build"
37 cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr "$srcdir/$_svnmod/libu4string"
42 cd "$srcdir/$_svnmod-build"
43 make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install